package edu.rice.comp322; /* * This code is largely borrowed from an old version of COMP 215 that * was teaching Java (almost) exclusively using functional programming. * Big thanks to Dan Wallach for providing this code. */ import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.function.BiFunction; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.function.Predicate; /** Interface for a functional list over generic types. */ public interface GList { // Data definition: a GList is one of two things: // - Cons: an element of type T, and another GList // - Empty /** Create a new empty list of the given parameter type. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static GList empty() { return (GList) Empty.SINGLETON; } /** * Builder for making a list of elements. * *

Example: GList.of(1, 3, 5) is equivalent to * GList<Integer>.empty().prepend(5).prepend(3).prepend(1). */ @SafeVarargs @SuppressWarnings("varargs") static GList of(T... elems) { return of(elems, 0); } /** Helper method for of(). */ private static GList of(T[] elems, int offset) { if (elems.length <= offset) { return empty(); } else { return new Cons<>(elems[offset], of(elems, offset + 1)); } } /** Creates a list of n references to the value elem. */ static GList fill(int n, T elem) { if (n <= 0) { return empty(); } else { return new Cons<>(elem, fill(n - 1, elem)); } // throw new RuntimeException("fill not implemented yet"); } /** Returns the value of the first element in the list. */ T head(); /** * Returns a new list equal to the old list without its head() element. If the list is empty, this * will throw an exception. */ GList tail(); /** Returns a new list with the given value in the front. */ default GList prepend(T val) { return new Cons<>(val, this); } /** Computes the number of elements in the list. */ int length(); /** Returns whether the list is empty or not. */ boolean isEmpty(); /** Returns whether the value o is somewhere in the list. */ boolean contains(T o); /** Returns a new list equal to all the elements in the old list satisfying the predicate. */ GList filter(Predicate predicate); /** Returns a new list equal to the old list with the function applied to each value. */ GList map(Function f); /** * Returns a value of type U equal to the elements of the list applied in sequence to one another * with the given operator. This happens from left-to-right (i.e., from head() to tail()). The * "zero" value is used to the left of the list's head. If the list is empty, the "zero" value is * returned. */ U foldLeft(U zero, BiFunction operator); /** * Returns a value of type T equal to the elements of the list applied in sequence to one another * with the given operator. This happens from right-to-left (i.e., from tail() to head()). The * zero value is used to the right of the list's last non-empty value. If the list is empty, the * zero value is returned. */ U foldRight(U zero, BiFunction operator); /** * The default implementation of fold is foldLeft. */ default U fold(U zero, BiFunction operator) { return foldLeft(zero, operator); } /** * Returns a new list equal to the "other" list concatenated at the end of "this" list. * *

* {1,2,3}.appendAll({4,5}) returns {1,2,3,4,5}
* emptyList.appendAll({1,2}) returns {1,2}
* {1,2}.appendAll(emptyList) returns {1,2} */ GList appendAll(GList other); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // the methods below will be implemented as part of the week 3 project // Unit tests are in ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Returns a new list equal to at most the first n elements of "this" list. If n > length(), * then the returned list will be equal to "this" list. If n <= 0, an empty list will be * returned. */ GList take(int n); /** * Returns a list of integers, beginning at start and continuing by increment until the value * would be outside [start,end] (i.e., the inclusive range). * *

Example: rangeClosed(1,5) returns {1,2,3,4,5} */ static GList rangeClosed(int start, int end) { // throw new RuntimeException("rangeClosed not implemented yet"); return rangeClosedBy(start, end, 1); } /** * Returns a list of integers, beginning at start and continuing by increment until the value * would be outside [start,end] (i.e., the inclusive range). * *

* rangeClosedBy(1,5,1) returns {1,2,3,4,5}
* rangeClosedBy(1,5,2) returns {1,3,5}
* rangeClosedBy(5,1,-1) returns {5,4,3,2,1}
* rangeClosedBy(5,1,1) returns {} */ static GList rangeClosedBy(int start, int end, int increment) { // throw new RuntimeException("rangeClosedBy not implemented yet"); if (start < end) { return increment < 0 ? empty() : rangeClosedHelper(start, start, end, increment); } else { return increment > 0 ? empty() : rangeClosedHelper(start, end, start, increment); } } /** Helper method for rangeClosed. */ private static GList rangeClosedHelper(int current, int min, int max, int increment) { if (current < min || current > max) { return empty(); } else { return rangeClosedHelper(current + increment, min, max, increment).prepend(current); } } /** * For lists of comparable types, it's useful to compute their "minimum" based on the comparison * function. This is a static method rather than a member method because not all lists are lists * over comparable types. If the input is an empty list, the defaultValue should be * returned. * *

Examples: GList.minimum(0, {5,2,9,3,7}) returns 2
* GList.minimum(0, emptyList) returns 0
* GList.minimum("", {"Charlie", "Alice", "Bob"}) returns "Alice" */ static > T minimum(T defaultValue, GList list) { if (list.isEmpty()) { return defaultValue; } else { return list.tail().foldLeft(list.head(), (a, b) -> (a.compareTo(b) < 0) ? a : b); } // throw new RuntimeException("minimum not implemented yet"); } /** * For lists of comparable types, it's useful to compute their "maximum" based on the comparison * function. This is a static method rather than a member method because not all lists are lists * over comparable types. If the input is an empty list, the defaultValue should be * returned. * *

Examples: GList.maximum(0, {5,2,9,3,7}) returns 9
* GList.maximum(0, emptyList) returns 0
* GList.maximum("", {"Charlie", "Alice", "Bob"}) returns "Charlie" */ static > T maximum(T defaultValue, GList list) { if (list.isEmpty()) { return defaultValue; } else { return list.tail().foldLeft(list.head(), (a, b) -> (a.compareTo(b) > 0) ? a : b); } // throw new RuntimeException("maximum not implemented yet"); } /** Helper method for toString. */ private static String toStringHelper(GList list, String prefix) { if (list.isEmpty()) { return "GList(" + prefix + ")"; } else if (prefix.isEmpty()) { return toStringHelper(list.tail(), list.head().toString()); } else { return toStringHelper(list.tail(), prefix + ", " + list.head().toString()); } } class Cons implements GList { private final T headVal; private final GList tailVal; private Cons(T value, GList tailList) { this.headVal = value; this.tailVal = tailList; } @Override public T head() { return headVal; } @Override public GList tail() { return tailVal; } @Override public int length() { return 1 + tailVal.length(); } @Override public boolean isEmpty() { return false; } @Override public boolean contains(T o) { if (o == headVal) { return true; // if they're pointing to the exact same object } else if (o.equals(headVal)) { return true; // we found it } // we didn't find it, so let's look recursively return tail().contains(o); } @Override public GList filter(Predicate predicate) { if (predicate.test(headVal)) { return tailVal.filter(predicate).prepend(headVal); } else { return tailVal.filter(predicate); } } @Override public GList map(Function f) { return; } @Override public U foldLeft(U zero, BiFunction operator) { // Engineering note: foldLeft() can be written recursively, as // with foldRight(), but we're instead writing it here with a // traditional Java loop. This means that foldLeft() won't run // out of memory when you're running it on very long lists. It's // not possible to do the same transformation to foldRight(). // We'll discuss this in lecture. // Also: try replacing GList with var. The inferred // type of currentList will be GList.Cons, which will then // cause an error when we overwrite currentList inside the while // loop. Sometimes Java var type inference is what we want, // and other times it's too specific, so we need to explicitly // declare out types! GList currentList = this; while (!currentList.isEmpty()) { zero = operator.apply(zero, currentList.head()); currentList = currentList.tail(); } return zero; } @Override public U foldRight(U zero, BiFunction operator) { return operator.apply(headVal, tailVal.foldRight(zero, operator)); } @Override public String toString() { return toStringHelper(this, ""); } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (this == other) { return true; } if (!(other instanceof Cons)) { return false; } var otherList = (Cons) other; return headVal.equals(otherList.headVal) && tailVal.equals(otherList.tailVal); } @Override public int hashCode() { return headVal.hashCode() + tailVal.hashCode() * 31; // a hack, but better than nothing } @Override public GList appendAll(GList other) { return tailVal.appendAll(other).prepend(headVal); // throw new RuntimeException("appendAll not implemented yet"); } @Override public GList take(int n) { if (n < 1) { return empty(); } else { return tailVal.take(n - 1).prepend(headVal); } // throw new RuntimeException("take not implemented yet"); } } class Empty implements GList { private Empty() {} private static final GList SINGLETON = new Empty<>(); @Override public T head() { throw new NoSuchElementException("can't take head() of an empty list"); } @Override public GList tail() { throw new NoSuchElementException("can't take tail() of an empty list"); } @Override public int length() { return 0; } @Override public boolean isEmpty() { return true; } @Override public boolean contains(T t) { return false; } @Override public GList filter(Predicate predicate) { return empty(); } @Override public GList appendAll(GList other) { return other; // throw new RuntimeException("appendAll not implemented yet"); } @Override public GList take(int n) { return this; // throw new RuntimeException("take not implemented yet"); } @Override public GList map(Function f) { return empty(); } @Override public U foldLeft(U zero, BiFunction operator) { return zero; } @Override public U foldRight(U zero, BiFunction operator) { return zero; } @Override public String toString() { return toStringHelper(this, ""); } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { return other instanceof Empty ; } @Override public int hashCode() { return 1; // a hack, but better than nothing } } }