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The PCB Mill is located in the OEDK Room #131 (Solder Lab) along with the [electronic components], Stereo Microscope, and Solder Oven


The parts for the PCB MIll can be checkout from [Carlos Amaro]. They include:


Exporting From OrCad/Cadence/Allegro PCB



Setup Checklist

  • Do you have at least an hour to kill?
  • Is there a decently fresh aluminum sacrificial board in place
  • Is your copper clad sufficiently large
  • Does your copper clad have the alignment/holding holes drilled
  • Do you have the required tools (drills, end mills, router bits)
  • Is the drill usable
  • Is the endmill usable
  • Are the table vacuum holes drilled into the sacrificial board
  • Are you feeling lucky enough to use windows XP?

Drill Depth

Always drill FIRST then mill. Doing it the other way around may result in the drill pulling up an etched trace and destroying the work of the milling process (especially for thin traces)


If your drill does not have a collar (AKA you got it from ELEC 342 or the likes...grrr....) then you will have to re-adjust the drill depth for every drill that you use or insert all the drills all the way to bottom of the drill collet (or get the bits from the OEDK).

Mill Depth

The easiest way to set or verify the correct mill depth is to insert the mill all the way into the collet. Be careful with the end mill as jogging the head while the end mill is too low, will result in snapping the end mill on the edge of the copper clad. The end mills are extremely delicate. Jog the head to a spare area on the copper clad and gently lower the head with your hand onto the copper clad. Make sure both the tip of the end mill and the foot of the head are on the copper clad. If the end mill touches the top of the copper clad before the head bottoms out, adjust the limit screw so that the head bottoms out before the end mill touches the top of the copper clad. Spin up the drill head from the Jog window interface. Toggle the "head down" to engage the endmill. The end mill should not yet be touching the top of the copper clad. One the foot has struck the top of the copper clad, begin lowering the limit screw until the end mill engages the copper layer. The pressure from the machine should keep the drill head at the lowest position allowed by the limit screw. Once the end mill engages the copper you can jog the end mill around in a single direction with the arrow keys on the keyboard. NEVER engage copper clad or jog the end mill across the copper clad without the head being spun up. This will immediately and permanently break the end mill. They are very expensive...don't break them...please! 
