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Code Block
;; Auxiliary function

;; Signature and purposePurpose
;; insert: number list-of-numbers -> list-of-numbers
;; Purpose: (insert n alon), where alon is in increasing order, returns a list containing n and the elts of alon in ascending order

;; Examples and Tests:

(check-expect (insert 17 empty) '(17))
(check-expect (insert 17 '(17)) '(17 17))
(check-expect (insert 4 '(1 2 3)) '(1 2 3 4))
(check-expect (insert 0 '(1 2 3)) '(0 1 2 3))
(check-expect (insert 2 '(1 1 3 4)) '(1 1 2 3 4))

#| Template instantiation
   (define (insert n a-lon)
       [(empty? a-lon) ...]
       [(cons? a-lon) ... (first a-lon) ...
                      ... (insert n (rest a-lon)) ... ]))

;; Code
   (define (insert n a-lon)
       [(empty? a-lon) (cons n empty)]
       [(cons? a-lon)
        (if (<= n (first a-lon)) (cons n a-lon)
            (cons (first a-lon) (insert n (rest a-lon))))]))


Code Block
;; COMP 311 HW #Sample
;; Corky Cartwright <>
;; A list-of-numbers is either:
;;   empty, or
;;   (cons n alon) where n is a number and alon is a list-of-numbers
;; Examples (some written as binding of variable names to values)
;;   empty
;;   (cons 10 (cons -1 (cons 5 empty))) = '(10 -1 5)
(define l0    (cons 0 empty))                    ;;  '(0)
(define l123  (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 empty))))  ;;  '(1 2 3)
(define l321  (list 3 2 1))                      ;;  '(3 2 1)
#| Template for the data type list-of-numbers (enclosed in block comment brackets):
   (define (lon-f ... a-lon ...)
       [(empty? a-lon) ...]
       [(cons? a-lon) ... (first a-lon) ...
                      ... (lon-f ... (rest a-lon) ...) ... ]))
;; Main function: _sort_  (the name sort is already defined in the library)
;; ContractSignature and purposePurpose:
;; _sort_: list-of-numbers -> list-of-numbers
;; Purpose: (_sort_ alon) returns the a list with same elements (including duplicates) as alon but in ascending order.
;; Examples (written as executable tests)
;; Named values which make the executable tests more concise

;; Executable tests (most using named values define as list-of-numbers examples)
(check-expect (_sort_ empty) empty)
(check-expect (_sort_ l0) l0)
(check-expect (_sort_ l123) l123)
(check-expect (_sort_ l321) l123)
(check-expect (_sort_ '(10 -1 10 -20 5)) '(-20 -1 5 10 10))

;; Note: the preceding ests are already set up as executable examples
#| Template Instantiation for _sort_ function:
   (define (_sort_ a-lont)
       [(empty? a-lon) ...]
       [(cons? a-lon) ... (first a-lon) ...
                      ... (_sort_ (rest a-lon)) ... ]))
;; Code (using not yet defined auxiliary function insert)
   (define (_sort_ a-lon)
       [(empty? a-lon) empty]
       [(cons? a-lon) (insert (first a-lon) (_sort_ (rest a-lon)))]))

;; Auxiliary function
;; ContractSignature and purposePurpose
;; insert: number list-of-numbers -> list-of-numbers
;; Purpose: (insert n alon), where alon is in increasing order, returns a list containing n and the elts of alon in ascending order
;; Examples:
(check-expect (insert 17 empty)  '(17))
(check-expect (insert 17 '(17))  '(17 17))
(check-expect (insert 4 l123) '(1 2 3 4))
(check-expect (insert 0 l123) '(0 1 2 3))
(check-expect (insert 2 '(1 1 3 4)) '(1 1 2 3 4))
#| Template instantiation
   (define (insert n a-lon)
       [(empty? a-lon) ...]
       [(cons? a-lon) ... (first a-lon) ...
                      ... (insert n (rest a-lon)) ... ]))
;; Code
   (define (insert n a-lon)
       [(empty? a-lon) (cons n empty)]
       [(cons? a-lon)
        (if (<= n (first a-lon)) (cons n a-lon)
            (cons (first a-lon) (insert n (rest a-lon))))]))
;; Tests already set up as executable examples
