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Students We will use 'turnin' to submit their homeworksfor homework submissions. The 'turnin' program is a generic script that uses the subversion to maintain copies of the homeworksSubversion to enable homework submission and storage. It is available only in the CLEAR cluster.


One time Setup in CLEAR

  1. Login to CLEAR:
    ssh <your netid>@sshnetid>
    <your password>

  2. Make sure you DO NOT have a folder named 'comp311' in your home.
  3. Initialize turnin for COMP311-FALL15
    turnin init COMP311-FALL15
  4. a new empty directory comp311 in your home directory and enter that directory:
    mkdir comp311 
    cd comp311
  5. Use Subversion to check out your submission directory:
    svn checkout<your netid>
  6. You might be asked This will ask if you wish to store your password unencrypted, twice. Say 'no' to themAlways say no when asked this.
  7. Now you should have a folder named 'comp311' in your home <your netid> in the comp311 directory you created.

Submitting your Homeworks


  1. Go to the folder (in your machine) that contains all (and only) the files you are submitting for your homework.
  2. Zip the files you want to submit. Here ’n’ refers to the homework number.
    zip -r *
    zip -r <files/folders> // If you want to select some files/folders only
  3. Use sftp to copy the zip file to CLEAR.
    sftp <your-netid>
  4. You should have the sftp prompt ’sftp>’ now.
    cd comp311
  5. Create a new folder with the name ’hwhw_n’ for n for this homework number n
  6. cd hw_n
    This should show that the zip file has been copied into the folder hw_n.
  7. Login to CLEAR.
    ssh <your-netid>
  8. Go the folder hw_n
    cd hw_n
  9. Unzip the file
  10. Delete the zip file
  11. Go one level up, to the ’comp311’ folder.
    cd ..
  12. Turnin the folder hw_n
    turnin commit hw_n
    This should show all your files being added to the subversion.
  13. Your submission is complete.