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  • Write the most general (parametric) contract for the following function:
    Code Block
    ; compose : ?
    ; Purpose: (compose f g) returns the result of composing functions f and g: x |-> f(g(x))
      (define (compose f g)
        (lambda (x) (f (g x))))
  • Write the same merge-sort mergesort function as described in exercise 26.1.2, except decompose the problem "top-down" rather than "bottom-up". You will need to define a function split: (listOf list-of number) -> (listOf listof (listOf number)) that partitions its input into two lists of approximately (+/- 1) the same length in O(thumbs down) time where n is the length of the input list. (split l) returns a list containing two lists of numbers. After splitting the list in half, mergesort recursively sorts each half and then merges them together.