Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Close the DowntownParcels attribute table.
  2. In the toolbar at the top of the document, click SaveAbove the ribbon, on the Quick Access toolbar, click the Save button.

Exporting Tabular Data

The joins that you have created are only stored in this particular map document. In other words, none of the original tables have been modified. If you were to add the DowntownParcels layer to another new map document, you would no longer see the joined tables at the back of the layer’s attribute table. In addition, if your joined data tables were ever moved or deleted, the joined data would no longer be visible in this map document. For this reason, it is often a good idea to export data containing successful tabular joins, so that you do not have to worry about losing the joined data in the future.

  1. Right-click the DowntownParcels layer and select Data > Export Features.
  2. For ‘Output Feature Class’, select the Browse icon button.
  3. Navigate to the Tutorial geodatabase (C:\Users\gistrain\Desktop\TabularTutorialData\TabularData.gdb).
  4. Rename the feature class “DowntownParcels_WithLandUse” and click Run.


  1. Right-click the DowntownParcels_WithLandUse layer and select Attribute Table.

Notice that all of the joined attributes are now a permanent part of this new feature class attribute table. Since this permanent feature class contains everything you need in one layer, you may now remove your original parcels layer and both joined tables.

  1. Close the attribute table.
  2. Right-click the DowntownParcels layer and select Remove.
  3. Right-click the Land table and select Remove.
  4. Right-click the LandUseCode_LookupTable table and selectRemove.
  5. In the toolbar at the top of the document, click SaveAbove the ribbon, on the Quick Access toolbar, click the Save button.

You have successfully joined tabular data in ArcGIS Pro!


  1. In the Contents pane, right-click the DowntownParcels_WithlandUse layer and select Symbology.
  2. In the Symbology pane that appears over the Catalog pane, under the Symbology drop-down menu, select Unique Values.
  3. In the ‘Value Field’ drop-down box, select the GROUP_DSCR field.
  4. At the top right of the list of values, click the More drop-down menu and uncheck Show all other values, since there are none in this case.

You will want to group “Commercial” and “Office” into one land use category.

  1. Click the Commercial value to select it.
  2. Hold down Ctrl and click the Office value to select it too.
  3. Right-click the Commercial value and select Group Values to combine the two categories into one.
  4. Click on each of the symbol patches to change the colors to those commonly used by planners to indicate the various land uses, as displayed below. Once the ‘Format Polygon Symbol’ pane appears, click on Properties and change each color. Click Apply to apply each symbol formatting.


  1. Above the ribbon, on the Quick Access toolbar, click the Save button.
  2. Minimize In the toolbar at the top of the document, click Save and minimize ArcGIS Pro.

Formatting Tabular Data in Excel for Joining


In this exercise, you will be mapping land cover by state. The original data table was obtained from The 2011 Statistical Abstract published by the U.S. Census Bureau at The particular table was accessed from the “Geography & Environment” section under the “Land, Land Use, and Earthquakes” category and was called table “265, Land Cover/Use by State: 2003”.  You will now format this table for import into ArcGIS.

  1. Double-click the TabularTutorialData folder Tabular folder on the desktop.
  2. Double-click LandCoverByState to open the file with Excel.


Notice that the first three rows contain title information for the table, but do not contain any data, so you will delete these rows. Notice also that row 1 is barely visible, because its height has been greatly reduced.

  1. Click and hold row 3 and drag the mouse up past the top of the spreadsheet to select rows 1 through 3.
  2. Right-click row 3 and select Delete.

Sometimes data tables contain a lot more information than you actually need. While it is okay to import large tables into ArcGIS Pro, it can make future tasks more difficult for you. Every time you have to select a particular field for symbology, labels, or queries, you will have to scroll through a long list of fields, rather than a targeted list containing only your selected variables of interest. For this reason, it is ideal to remove all unnecessary data columns in Excel before importing into ArcGIS.

For this particular exercise, you will map the percent of all land that is developed land and the percent of all nonfederal land that is forest land. Such a task will require keeping the columns titled “State,” “Total surface area,” “Forest land,” “Developed Land,” and “Water Areas.” You will remove all of the rest of the columns.

  1. Click column C to highlight the entire column.
  2. Hold down Ctrl and click columns D, E, F, H, I, L, M, N, O, P.

Ensure that you are left with the five necessary columns previously mentioned.

  1. Right-click column P and select Delete.

The selected columns should disappear and you should be left with the columns labeled “State,” “Total surface area,” “Forest land,” “Developed Land,” and “Water Areas.”

When you bring an Excel table into ArcGIS, it assumes that the first row contains the field name and then it assumes the data begins in the second row. Whatever data type it sees in that second row, it assumes is the data type for the entire column. If there is ever more than one row containing title information, ArcGIS will see that title text in the entire second row and assume that all the data contained in the entire table is text, when, in fact, the majority of the data is numerical. In short, all but one field name row must be removed, but, first, you must create an appropriate field name row.

  1. Right-click row 4 and select Insert.

This newly inserted row will contain your field names. For field names, you should not use any spaces or special characters and should not start with a numeral or use more than 13 characters. You may use underscores, mixed case letters, and numerals (in the middle or end of the field name only).

  1. In row 4, type the following field names: “State” “Total” “Forest” “Developed” “Water”State” “Total” “Forest” “Developed” “Water. After typing each word, press Delete (rather than Enter or the right arrow), so that the unwanted remainder of each phrase is not copied from the row above. Ensure that there is not an extra space after the word “State”.

Since you have created a row with appropriate field names, you may now delete all rows above it.

  1. Click row 1.
  2. Hold down Shift and click row 3.
  3. Right-click row 3 and select Delete.

Because you are mapping data for each state, you do not need the total data for the entire United States contained in row 2 or the accidental repeat of the Alabama data in row 3.

  1. Click row 2.
  2. Hold down Shift and click row 3.
  3. Right-click row 3 and select Delete.

Scroll to the bottom of the table and notice there are extra rows that do not contain data here, as well.

  1. Click row 50 (FOOTNOTE:).
  2. Hold down Shift and click row 56 (Internet release date:).
  3. Right-click row 56 and select Delete.

Using Formulas in Excel

At this point, the table is mostly cleaned up, so you will add two new columns to calculate the percent of the total land area that is developed and forest.


  1. Click column A.
  2. Click the Data tab at the top of the Excel window.
  3. Under the Data Tools section, click the Text to Columns button.
  4. In the ‘Convert Text to Columns Wizard’, click Next >.
  5. In the Delimiters box, uncheck Tab and check Space and click Next >.
  6. Click Finish.
  7. When asked if you want to replace the contents of the destination cells, click OK.


  1. Click the File tab and select Save As.
  2. Navigate to the TabularTutorialData folder on the Desktop.
  3. For ‘File name:’, type “US_LandCover”.
  4. For ‘Save as type:’, use the drop-down box to select Excel 97-2003 Workbook.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Close Excel.

Setting Up a Map Document from an Existing Map Document


  1. In the Catalog pane, expand the Databases folder.
  2. In the TabularData geodatabase, drag the US_States feature class into the Map view.
  3. In the Contents pane, right-click the US_States layer and select Attribute Table.

Examine the attribute table for the US_States layer and notice that the field containing the state names is “NAME10”.

  1. Close the attribute table.
  2. In the Analysis tab, click the Tools icon.
  3. In the Geoprocessing pane on the right, click within the Find Tools search bar and type ‘Excel to Table’ "excel".
  4. Select ‘Excel ClickExcel to Table (Conversion Tools).
  5. For the Input Excel file, click the Browse icon  button to the right and navigate to the TabularTutorialData. Select USLandCover.

Note that the Sheet drop-down menu has appeared, and the default sheet selected is 11s0365. Because a single Excel file can have multiple worksheets and each worksheet is treated in ArcGIS as a separate table, you must always specify which specific worksheet you want to use.

  1. Rename the Output Table ‘US"US_LandCover".
  2. Make sure the Geoprocessing pane looks like the picture below and then select ‘Run’ click Run at the bottom right corner of the pane.


  1. In the Catalog pane, double-click the Folders folder to show the TabularTutorialData folder.
  2. In the Contents pane, right-click the US_LandCover standalone table and select Open.

Examine the US_LandCover table and notice that the field containing the state names is “State”.
