Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. In the Contents pane, right-click the Sheet1$_Layer layer and select Data > Export Features.
  2. For ‘Output Feature Class:’, rename the feature class from “Sheet1Sheet1_Features_CopyFeatures” to CopyFeatures to Rainfall”.
  3. Ensure your ‘Copy Features’ window appears as shown below and click Run.


  1. At the top of the Geoprocessing pane, click the Back arrow button.
  2. At the top of the Geoprocessing pane, click the Toolboxes tab.
  3. Click the Spatial Analyst Tools toolbox > Interpolation toolset > IDW (Inverse Distance Weighted) tool.
  4. For ‘Input point features’, use the drop-down menu to select the Rainfall layer, which contains your rain gauge point locations.
  5. For ‘Z value field’, use the drop-down menu to select the Rainfall field that contains the rainfall measurements you wish to interpolate.
  6. For ‘Output raster’, rename the exported raster from “IdwIdw_Rainfall1” to Rainfall1 to IDW_Rain”.
  7.  Ensure that your 'IDW' tool Parameters tab appears as shown below and click Run.


  1. At the top of the Geoprocessing pane, click the Back arrow button.
  2. Within the 3D Analyst Tools toolbox, collapse the Data Management toolset.
  3. Within the 3D Analyst Tools toolbox, click the Conversion toolset > From TIN toolset > TIN To Raster tool.
  4. For ‘Input TIN’, use the drop-down box to select the TIN_Rain TIN.
  5. For ‘Output raster’, rename the exported raster from “tintin_rain_tin” to tin to TINRast_Rain”.
  6.  Ensure that your 'TIN To Raster' tool Parameters tab appears as shown below and click Run.

  7. In the Contents pane, uncheck the TIN_Rain layer.
  8. Repeat the steps within the 'Inverse Distance Weighted Interpolation Method' section above to symbolize the TINRast_Rain layer as you did the other raster layers.


Again, you need to convert the TIN to a raster, so that it is comparable to the other interpolation layers.

  1. Repeat steps 9-16 above 1-8 regarding TIN to raster conversion in the 'TIN Interpolation Method' section above, but select TIN_Wind for the input TIN and name the output raster “TINRast_Wind”and uncheck the TIN_Wind layer.
  2. In the Contents pane, click the arrow next to all of the raster and TIN layers to collapse their symbologies.


All of the raster interpolations you have created for wind and rain provide continuous value estimates over the entire hurricane area, but you are only interested in the data values at the particular locations of the individual houses filing insurance claims. You will extract point data for each of the house locations from each of the five raster layers you just created in a database-compatible format for the insurance company to use. Extracting data is one of the most important aspects of data manipulation, since interpolation is often useless if the results cannot be taken out of GIS and used for other procedures.

Extracting Multi Values to Points

  1. At the top of the Geoprocessing pane, click the Back arrow button.
  2. CollapseIn the Toolboxes tab, collapse the 3D Analyst Tools toolbox.
  3. Click the Spatial Analyst Tools toolbox > Extraction toolset > Extract Multi Values to PointsPoints tool.
  4. Use the For ‘Input point features’, use the drop-down box to select the Houses layer.
  5. Use the For ‘Input rasters’, use the drop-down box to select all five interpolation rasters you created earlier one at a time: IDW_Rain, Spline_Rain, NN_Rain, TINRast_Rain and TINRast_Wind.

The order in which the rasters are listed is the same order in which the extracted value columns will appear in the output feature class attribute table.

  1. Check Bilinear interpolation of values at point locations to further interpolate the value, if the house point does not lie exactly at the center of a raster cell.
  2.  Ensure that your 'Extract Multi Values to Points' tool Parameters tab appears as shown below and click Run.


Notice the five new fields added to the end of the existing attribute table which contain the values of each of the five rasters at each house location. Notice also the differences in rainfall estimates resulting from the four different interpolation techniques. At many house locations, the value of the Spline spline interpolation is the most different from the other interpolation method values.

You are now ready to export the data table into a format that can be used by the insurance company, without having to use ArcGIS software.

  1. At the top of the Geoprocessing pane, click the Back arrow button.
  2. Click the Conversion Tools toolbox > Excel toolset > Table To ExcelExcel tool.
  3. For ‘Input Table’, use the drop-down menu to select the Houses attribute table.


  1. For ‘Output Excel File’, rename the Excel file from “HousesHouses_TableToExcel” to TableToExcel to Houses_Rain_Wind”.
  2.  Check Use field alias as column header.
  3.  Ensure that your 'Table To Excel' tool Parameters tab appears as shown below and click Run.


Note that if you simply wanted a table containing the values of multiple rasters at each point and did not care about symbolizing or working with the points any further in the ArcGIS Pro environment, you could have used the Sample tool, which outputs a separate table, rather than adding the values to the end of your existing feature class attribute table.


For this example, you have learned that the rainfall data collected from the rain gauges had a common discrepancy. Each gauge misrepresented the rainfall amount by two inches uniformly across the state. There are several ways you could approach this problem, but you will add two inches uniformly across the interpolated rain raster to practice using the raster calculator.

  1. In At the top of the Geoprocessing pane, click the Back arrow button.
  2. Within the in the Spatial Analyst Tools toolbox, click the Map Algebra toolset > Raster Calculator tool.
  3. Under ’Rasters’, double-click the IDW_Rain layer.
  4. Under ‘Operators’‘Tools’, double-click the + operator.
  5. Type "2".
  6. For ‘Output raster’, rename the exported raster from “idwidw_rain_ras” to ras to IDW_Rain_2”.
  7.  Ensure that your 'Raster Calculator' tool Parameters tab appears as shown below and click Run.

While the original IDW_Rain layer and the new IDW_Rain_2 layer will look the same visually, notice in the Contents pane, next to the continuous color ramps for the two layers, that the max and min values for the IDW_Rain_2 layer are now two higher than the max and min values for the original IDW_Rain layer.

You have now learned multiple methods of interpolating point and line data into raster data and extracting that raster data at corresponding point locations. You have also reviewed skills from other short courses, including Mapping Locations Using XY Coordinates.
