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A layer can be used to create 3D images–for example, 3D images of buildings can be created using building footprints.

  1. In the Analysis pane, click the tool and , search for the  for Feature to point  tool and point, and click it.
  2. Drag the layer you would like to use to the 'Input Features' text box.
  3. Ensure that the 'Output Features' text box contains a file path to your default geodatabaseRename this building centroids file to something recognizable to you (for example, "BuildingCentroids")
  4. Check the 'Inside (Optional)' checkbox and click click OK.

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  5. To obtain LIDAR data: Make a folder connection to the R:\ Drive\2008 LiDAR Adjusted > GRIDS > BARE_EARTH and 2008 LiDAR Adjusted > GRIDS >  FULL_FEATURE and find the dem and dsm files corresponding to the tile numbersNOTE: change the data connection to lidar-mosaic....
  6. Copy the corresponding dem and dsm files into the folder where the map document was saved.

    Add DSM + DEM field to building centroids - Spatial Analyst -> Extract Multi Values to Points

  1. In the Analysis pane, click the tool and , search for the   for Extract Multi Values to Points,  tool and click it. NOTE: change the instruction appropriately based on the new dataset
  2. Drag Drag BuildingCentroid to the input feature, and dsm and dem file file in the Input raster and click  click run

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  3. Right click on the layer you just edited and click Attribute Table.
    1. If there are more than 1 dem and dsm tiles covering the desired area, there will be multiple columns with some null values in the attribute table for Building_Centroids. To make a single column for all dem and dsm values, add a new field titled dem and dsm (set to short integer if rounding heights to nearest feet is ok). Go to table options > Select by Attributes and double-click one of the dem layers (eg. dem1) to add it to the query builder, and build the equation dem1 IS NOT NULL, click Apply. All the records where dem1 is not null are selected. Open Field Calculator for the new dem field and choose the dem1 layer, and click OK. Only the selected records will be copied to the dem field.
      If only 2 tiles are used, you can go to Table Options > Inverse Selection to choose all other dem records in dem2, then copy it into the dem field. Otherwise, follow the same procedure as above, for both dem and dsm records.
  4. Click Click Add.

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  5. Name the new field as BuildingHeight, and click  click save.

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  6. In the attribute table window, right click on the header of BuildingHeight column and click  click calculate field
  7. Double click click DSM from the 'Fields:' box. Then, click the minus (-) button, and double click DEM from the 'Fields:' box. The expression "DSM - DEM" should be displayed in the 'Type =' box. Click run.

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  8. Join the building centroids to building footprints, using the OBJECTID field in building footprints and the ORIG_FID field in your layer.

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  9. Click the Convert tool under the View tab, then you can see a 3D_layers list appears in the content pane.
  10. Drag the Buildingfootprint layer under the 3D_layer.
  11. Select the Buildingfootprint layer and in the Appearance tab, in the Extrusion unit, select the type you want and choose the field to be BuildingHeight.
  12. A 3D feature is created in the map.
