Versions Compared


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  1. In the Catalog pane, under the Maps section, right-click Map and select Rename.
  2. Type "Wastewater Houston Outfalls" and hit Enter.

Saving a Project


  1. In the Catalog pane on the right, expand Folders > CEVE101 > CEVE101.gdb. There are currently no data in this folder.
  2. Right-click Folders and select Add Folder Connection.
  3. In the left column click Computer. in the right column double click C: > Users > gistrain. Single click Downloads and select OK.
  4. In the Catalog pane, expand Downloads.
  5. Fully expand all folders and geodatabases in the Downloads folder.
  6. Drag and drop the Major_Rivers feature class into the CEVE101.gdb
  7. Repeat drag and drop for Wastewater_Outfalls
  8. Right-click the CEVE101.gdb and select Import > Feature Class

  9. Click the Browse button to navigate to input features. In the left column click Folders. In the right column click Downloads > Census_2010_By_SuperNeighborhood. Single click Census_2010_By_SuperNeighborhood.shp
  10. Type SuperNeighborhoods "Census_2010_By_SuperNeighborhood" into the Output Feature Class bar. 
  11. Click Run.
  12. In the Catalog pane, expand the CEVE101.gdb. There are now three feature classes contained within: Major_Rivers, SuperNeighborhood, Wastewater_Outfalls
  13. Right-click on the Downloads folder. Select Remove.


  1. In the Catalog pane on the right, right-click the Census_2010_By_SuperNeighborhood feature class and select Add To Current Map.
  2. An alternative method of adding data to a map is to click and hold the Major_Rivers feature class and drag and drop it into the Super Neighborhoods Wastewater Outfalls map view.
  3. Repeat either method to add Wastewater_Outfalls to the map view.


  1. In the Contents pane on the left, click the colored rectangle symbol beneath the Census_2010_By_SuperNeighborhood layer name.

  2. On the right in the Symbology pane, for 'Color', use the drop-down menu to select Mango.

  3. For 'Outline color', use the drop-down menu to select Gray 50%.
  4. At the bottom of the Symbology pane, click Apply.
  5. In the Contents pane on the right, right-click the colored point symbol beneath Wastewater_Outfalls layer name. Select Mars Red.

The super neighborhood polygons are now easy to distinguish from both the basemap and the rivers, while the wastewater outfalls are highly visible in red.

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Navigating the Project


  1. In the Contents pane, click and hold the Census_2010_By_SuperNeighborhood layer name and drag and drop it above the Major_Roads layerRivers layer.

You will notice that, in the Map view, the Census_2010_By_SuperNeighborhood layer is now drawn in on top of the Major_Roads layerRivers layer, meaning that freeways rivers are only visible in areas not covered by a super neighborhood. It is possible to add transparency to the super neighborhood layer or to symbolize it with a bold outline and a hollow fill, but, in general, it is best to have polygon layers at the bottom of the drawing order, so we will return the layers to their previous order.

  1. In the Contents pane, click and hold the Census_2010_By_SuperNeighborhood layer name and drag and drop it beneath the Major_RoadsRivers layer, but above the Topographic basemap.


The check boxes to the left of each layer name toggle the visibility of each layer.

  1. Uncheck the Major_Roads layer Rivers layer to turn off its visibility in the map view.
  2. Check the Major_Roads layer Rivers layer to turn its visibility back on in the map view.


  1. On the Map tab, in the the Navigate group, click the Bookmarks button and select New Bookmark....

  2. In the 'Create Bookmark' window, for 'Name:', type "Houston" and click OK.
  3. To test the bookmark, use panning and zooming to change the extent of the map.
  4. Again, click the Bookmarks button and this time select the Houston bookmark to return to that extent.



Exploring Data in the Map View


The map is now displaying the number of vacant housing units divided by the total number of housing units, or the percent vacant housing units. While all three methods of symbolizing the vacant housing units are techically corect This is probably the most common

  1. On the lower half of the Symbology pane, click the Histogram tab.


Discuss and test classification methods.


  1. Use the 'Method" drop-down menu to select Equal Interval.
  2. Use the 'Method" drop-down menu to select Quantile.


Discuss and test number of classes.


  1. Use the 'Classes' drop-down menu to select 20.
  2. Use the 'Classes' drop-down menu to select 4.


Discuss and test color schemes.


Adding Layer Transparency

  1. Ensure that the Census_2010_By_SuperNeighborhood layer is selected.
  2. In the ribbon, click the Feature Layer contextual Appearance tab.
  3. In the Effects group, slide the Layer Transparency slider or type "50" and hit Enter.

Symbolizing Layers By Category

  1. Use the primary 'Symbology' drop-down menu to select Unique Values.
  2. Use the 'Field 1' drop-down menu to select Name.
  3. In the Contents pane, collapse the Census_2010_By_Superneighborhood symbology.


zoom into neighborhood, go to explore button, click on neighborhood to find out neighborhood name.


Selecting Features Programatically

Selecting Features By Attributes


display method.

Adding Layer Transparency

  1. Ensure that the Census_2010_By_SuperNeighborhood layer is selected.
  2. In the ribbon, click the Feature Layer contextual Appearance tab.
  3. In the Effects group, slide the Layer Transparency slider or type "50" and hit Enter.

Symbolizing Layers By Category

  1. Use the primary 'Symbology' drop-down menu to select Unique Values.
  2. Use the 'Field 1' drop-down menu to select Name.
  3. In the Contents pane, collapse the Census_2010_By_Superneighborhood symbology.

Selecting Features Programatically

Selecting Features By Attributes

  1. In the ribbon, click the Map tab.
  2. In the Selection group, click the Select By Attributes button to open the Select Layer By Attribute tool in the Geoprocessing pane.

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  3. In the Geoprocessing pane, click the Add Clause button.
  4. Use the drop-down menus to build the following expression: Name is Equal to 'HARRISBURG/MANCHESTER' and click the Add button.
  5. Ensure your Geoprocessing pane appears similar to that below and click Run.

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Exporting Selected Features

  1. In the Contents pane, right-click the Census_2010_By_SuperNeighborhood layer name and select Data > Export Features.
  2. In the Geoprocessing pane, click the 'Output Feature Class' field to edit the name. Replace Census_2010_By_SuperNeighbor with "Harrisburg_Manchester". Ensure that you leave everything in the file path through CEVE101.gdb\.

Selecting Features By Location

Now we will create a map of the rivers and wastewater outfalls within the Harrisburg/Manchester neighborhood. We could continue to do our mapping within the existing map, but, since we are now focusing on different thematic layers in a different geographic extent, this could be a good time to create a second map within our project.

  1. On the ribbon, click the Insert tab.
  2. In the Project group, click the New Map button.
  3. At the bottom of the Geoprocessing pane, click the Catalog pane tab. 
  4. Rename your map to "Neighborhood Outfalls" and add Harrisburg_Manchester, Wastewater_Outfalls and Major_Rivers.
  1. In the Selection group, click the Select By Location button to open the Select Layer By Location tool in the Geoprocessing pane.
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  2. SelectWastewater_Outfalls within Harrisburg_Manchester. Ensure your Geoprocessing pane appears similar to that below and click Run.
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  3. Select Major_Rivers that intersect Harrisburg_Manchester.

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  4. In the Contents pane, right-click the Wastewater_Outfalls layer name and select Data > Export Features.
  5. In the Geoprocessing pane, click the 'Output Feature Class' field to edit the name. Replace Wastewater_Outfalls with "HM_Outfalls". Ensure that you leave everything in the file path through CEVE101.gdb\.
  6. In the Contents pane, right-click the Major_Rivers layer name and select Data > Export Features.
  7. In the Geoprocessing pane, click the 'Output Feature Class' field to edit the name. Replace Major_Rivers with "HM_Rivers". Ensure that you leave everything in the file path through CEVE101.gdb\.
  8. Right-click on Wastewater_Outfalls and select Remove. Repeat for Major_Rivers.

You now have a map of the Harrisburg/Manchester Super Neighborhood with the rivers that intersect it and the wastewater outfalls that lie within it

Exporting Selected Features

  1. In the Contents pane, right-click the Census_2010_By_SuperNeighborhood layer name and select Data > Export Features.
  2. In the Geoprocessing pane, click the 'Output Feature Class' field to edit the name. Replace Census_2010_By_SuperNeighbor with "MyNeighborhood". Ensure that you leave everything in the file path through Intro.gdb\.

Selecting Features By Location

Now we will create a map of the bus stops and bus routes within your neighborhood. We could continue to do our mapping within the existing map, but, since we are now focusing on different thematic layers in a different geographic extent, this could be a good time to create a second map within our project.

  1. On the ribbon, click the Insert tab.
  2. In the Project group, click the New Map button.
  3. At the bottom of the Geoprocessing pane, click the Catalog pane tab. 
  4. Rename My Neighborhood and add MyNeighborhoods, BusStops and BusRoutes.





Presenting and Sharing Maps
