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COMP 322: Office Hours

You are encouraged to consult the professor, graduate TA's, and undergraduate instructor and TA's during the office hours below. If none of these times works for you, please send an email to comp322-staff at rice dot edu and indicate the time that you'd like to meet.

Prof. Vivek Sarkar: Monday, 2:00 - 3:00 pm; Wednesday, 2:00 - 3:00 pm; Friday: 2:00 - 3:00 pm.  Office hours are immediately after the lecture times, in lecture room followed by my office (DH 3080).

Graduate TAs:

Kumud Bhandari: Tuesday,      11:00am - 12noon. DH 3001.

Rishi Surendran:  Wednesday, 11:00am - 12noon. DH 2068.

Yunming Zhang:  Monday,       11:00am - 12noon. DH 3036.

Undergraduate TAs:

Wenxuan Cai: Monday,       8:00pm - 9:00pm. McMurtry Commons. 

Mengchen Tang: Wednesday  9:00pm-10:00pm. Lovett Commons.

Kyle Kurihara: Thursday,       8:00pm - 9:00pm. Sid Rich Commons.

Max Payton: Thursday,       7:00pm - 8:00pm. Wiess Commons.

Bing Xue: Thursday,       7:00pm - 8:00pm, McMurtry Commons. 


Mack Joyner:  Mon 2-3pm, Tue 1-2pm, Duncan Hall 2063


Haotian Dang: Mon 7-8, Brown Commons

Huzaifa Ali:  Tue 6-7pm, Brochstein Pavilion

Raahim Absar: Tue 6-7pm, Brochstein Pavilion

Andrew Ondara: Wed 7-8pm, Sammy's

Stefan Boskovic:  Thu 4-5pm, Baker Commons

Huzaifa Ali:  Fri 4-5pm, Brochstein Pavilion

Raahim Absar: Fri 4-5pm, Brochstein Pavilion