Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3


6. Press the F2 key, which finishes the sketch to turn your shape into an actual feature in the geodatabase. You can finish a sketch in one of several ways: pressing F2, double-clicking, or using the right-click shortcut menu or the pop-up Feature Construction toolbar.

On the Edit toolbar, in the Manage Edits group, click the Save button.

In this exercise, you learned how to set up snapping and use it to help you digitize a new road that connects to existing roads.


The Research areas layer is symbolized by unique values, so the Define New Feature Type wizard allows you to define the symbol and create a feature template containing the default attributes for the new buffer zones category. You will use an existing feature to create the new buffer around it in a later exercise.

  1. Above In your map displayMap viewclick the 02 Creating FeaturesExercise2 map.
  2. In the Table of Contents, select the Research areas layer and open the Create Features window in the Edit toolbar.
  3. Click the Manage Templates icon  and select the Research _ areas feature class from the list, under 02 Creating featuresExercise2.
  4. In the lower menu, click the New drop-down menu and select Template...

    The ‘New Template’ window opens.

  5. In the ‘Name:’ box, type “Buffer zones”.
  6. In the ‘Description:’ box, type “Buffer zones around Zion research areas”.
  7. Select the Attributes tab from the left panel, and type “Buffer zone” next to the name field.

    This will automatically populate the Name field of every feature you create with this template with “Buffer zones”

  8. Click OK.

    A new feature template has been created.

  9. Notice that the ‘Create Features’ window lists a new feature template for the Buffer zones.


  1. On the Edit toolbar, click the Select tool. 
  2. Click the Goose Creek research area, the blue polygon just to the west of the polygons you were previously editing. You may need to zoom in or pan to this feature so you can see it better.
  3. In the Table of Contents, check the box to the left of the Streams layer to make the streams visible again so you can trace along them.
  4. On the Snapping drop-down menu, select Intersection Snapping

    This turns on snapping to intersections between features, which will help you ensure that the line used to cut the polygon starts and stops at the intersection of the polygon and line edges.

  5. On the Edit toolbar, click the Split tool. 
  6. On the Feature Construction mini toolbar, click Trace
  7. Snap to the intersection of the polygon edge and the stream line nearest the buffer polygon you previous created, as indicated below, then click to start tracing the line through the polygon. Follow along the stream line to trace it.

    You may need to zoom in to snap to the correct point.

  8. Once you have traced all the way across the polygon, snap to the intersection of the polygon and the stream line at the northern edge of the polygon, and click the map to place a vertex, as shown below.

  9. Right-click anywhere on the map and select Finish SketchImage Modified

    You are finishing the sketch used to cut the polygon. The polygons flash on the map as the cut is made and the new features are selected. If an error occurs, ensure that you have the correct feature selected, try the trace again, then make sure your line goes completely across the polygon. It may help to zoom in when you start and end the trace.

    Image Modified

    On the Editor toolbar, click the Select tool. Image Removed

  10. Click each new feature and notice that you now have two polygons.

  11. On the Edit toolbar, click Save.


The Edit Vertices mini toolbar provides quick access to some of the most commonly used commands when editing vertices. It appears on the bottom-center of the screen whenever either the Edit tool or the Topology Edit tool is active and you are editing the vertices of a feature or topology edge. You will drag the vertices and handles to edit the shape of a line that was poorly digitized on a trailhead that starts at a road and ends near a stream.



  1. Click the Bookmarks drop-down menu on the Map toolbar and select the Trail bookmark.
  2. Click the Edit toolbar and click the Select tool.
  3. Select the trail line (the brown and gray dashed line) that connects to the road.
  4.  On the Edit toolbar, click the Vertices tool. 

    When you are viewing the sketch geometry of a feature, the Edit Vertices toolbar appears, giving you quick access to commands used when editing a feature's vertices and segments.

    When compared to the aerial photograph, notice that this line is straight when it should be curved, and it also has some extra vertices. You can easily change a straight segment into a circular arc or Bézier curve, and vice versa, and delete the extra vertices. A Bézier curve is smooth and has on each of its two endpoints handles that can be moved to change the direction and the steepness of the curve. You can create Bézier curves by digitizing them using the Bézier Curve sketch construction method or by using certain editing commands, such as Smooth on the Advanced Editing toolbar.

  5. Move your pointer over the middle of the trail line segment closest to the road, as shown below, and notice that the pointer changes to indicate you are working with a segment.
  6. Right-click the middle of the trail line segment and selectChange Segment > Circular Arc.

    The segment changes to an arc.

  7. Click, drag, and drop the arc over the trail on the aerial photograph. You can hold down the SPACEBAR key to turn off snapping temporarily if you are having difficulty placing the curve where you want it, because it is snapping to its original location.

  8. Click the map away from the new line feature to update its shape.
  9. Double-click the trail line feature, which accomplishes the same thing as using the Edit Vertices button.
  10. On the Edit Vertices mini toolbar, click the Delete Vertex tool. 
  11. Draw a circle around the three vertices that form a zigzag shape between the previous segment and the horizontal segment, as shown below.

    This deletes those vertices, as they are in the incorrect locations and are not needed to maintain the shape of the line in this area.

  12. On the Edit Vertices toolbar, click the Normal Vertices tool  (the white Edit tool).

    This allows you to continue working with the segments and vertices.

  13. Right-click the northernmost trail line segment and selectChange Segment > To Bézier Curve.

    A new set of Bézier curve handles is added, and the segment changes into an S-shaped curve. You can see the locations of the vertices and handles, which are displayed in blue.

  14. Rest your pointer over a green vertex, then rest it over a blue handle.

    You get different pointer icons depending on the type of point you are over.

  15. Drag the blue handles to reshape the curve to match the aerial photograph, as shown below.

  16. Click the map away from the trail line feature to update the changes to its shape.

    If you need to refine the line's shape further, double-click it again with the Edit tool and modify the segments. If you want to insert or delete a vertex, use the tools on the Edit Vertices toolbar.

  17. On the Edit toolbar, click Save

  18. You changed segments into different types and edited vertices.
