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Table of Contents

1. Introduction

PhyloNet is a tool designed mainly for analyzing, reconstructing, and evaluating reticulate (or non-treelike) evolutionary relationships, generally known as phylogenetic networks. Various methods that we have developed make use of techniques and tools from the domain of phylogenetic trees, and hence the PhyloNet package includes several tools for phylogenetic tree analysis. PhyloNet is released under the GNU General Public License. For the full license, see the file GPL.txt included with this distribution.


In order to run the PhyloNet toolkit, you must have Java 1.67.0 or later installed on your system. All references to the java command assume that Java 1.6 7 is being used.

  • To check your Java version, type "java -version" on your command line. 
  • To download Java 1.7, please go to website
  • To link to the new downloaded Java 1.7, for mac, try these two commands from command line: 
    sudo rm /usr/bin/java 
    sudo ln -s /Library/Internet\ Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home/bin/java /usr/bin

Downloading phylonet.jar

Acquire the current release of PhyloNet by downloading the most recent version of the PhyloNet JAR file. You will have a file named PhyloNet_X.Y.Z.jar, where X is the major version number and Y and Z are the minor version numbers.


Place the jar file in the desired installation directory. The remainder of this document assumes that it is located in $PHYLONET PATH/jar. Installation is now complete. In order to run PhyloNet, you must execute the file PhyloNet_X.Y.Z.jar, as described in the next section.

3. Basic Usage

The PhloNet PhyloNet tool is executed by typing the following command into your console:

Code Block

>>java java -jar $PHYLONET PATH/jar/PhyloNet_X.Y.Z.jar script.nex


When PhyloNet is invoked with a specified NEXUS script file the tool will execute all of the commands contained within the file's PHYLONET block. For example, consider the following NEXUS file:

Code Block



Network net = ((a,(b,(c)x#1)),((x#1,d),e));
Network net1 = ((a,(b,(c)x#1)),((d,x#1),e));
Network net2 = ((((a, (c)x#1), d), (b, x)), e);
Network net3 = ((a,b),(c,(d,(e,(f,g)))));
Network net4 = ((f,b),(c,(d,(a,(e,g)))));



Charnet net -m tree;
Cmpnets net1 net2 -m cluster;
CountCoal net3 net4;


Blocks in a NEXUS file start with the BEGIN keyword and terminate with the END; keyword. This example file contains two blocks--NETWORKS and PHYLONET. Contained within the PHYLONET block is the list of commands PhyloNet will executed execute when processing a the NEXUS file. Commands in the PhyloNet a PHYLONET block begin with a command identifier and terminate with a semicolon. In this example script, three commands are listed: Charnet, Cmpnets, and CountCoal. Appearing after the command identifier but before the semicolon are any parameters that should be provided to a given command for its execution. For example in the script file above three parameters are provided to the Charnet command: net, -m and tree. Details about specific parameters for a given command can be found on the documentation page for the given command.

The NETWORKS block provides an area for defining any phylogenetic networks utilized by any command in the PHYLONET block. A network definition in the NETWORKS block must be of the form:

Code Block

Network "identifier" = "rich newick string";


In addition to the NETWORKS block, the TREES block may also be used to define rich newick strings. However, rich newick strings defined in a TREES block may not contain hybridization nodes. The inclusion of Support for the TREES block in addition as an alternate declaration to the NETWORKS block is for increased comparability with increased compatibility with NEXUS processing tools besides PhyloNet that also historically consume or produce TREES blocks within NEXUS files.

For example , usage of a TREES block consider the following NEXUS file that utilizes a TREES block:

Code Block



Tree speceiesTree = ((((a,b),c),d),e);
Tree geneTree1 = ((((a,b),c),d),e);
Tree geneTree2 = ((a,b),((c,e),d));
Tree geneTree3 = ((a,c),((b,e),d));



DeepCoalCount {speceiesTree} {geneTree1, geneTree2, geneTree3};


The example script's TREES block defines four phylogenetic trees in rich newick form that are referenced by the DeepCoalCount command within the PHYLONET block.

5. Managing Output

The default behavior of PhyloNet for reporting results is to display each command's output on the console. For example given the following NEXUS file charnet.nex:

Code Block


Network net = ((a,(b,(c)x#1)),((x#1,d),e));



Charnet net -m tree;


we could execute the script by typing the following command on the console:

Code Block
>java -jar $PHYLONET PATH/jar/PhyloNet_X.Y.Z.jar charnet.nex

which in turn would append the following output to the console:

Code Block
>java -jar $PHYLONET PATH/jar/PhyloNet_X.Y.Z.jar charnet.nex

Charnet net -m tree


Note how the Charnet command identifier and its parameters are first displayed followed by the output of the command. This feature becomes very helpful for reading results when many commands are listed in a single NEXUS file.

Most commands, including Charnet, support an optional final parameter that specifies the name of a file where command output should be redirected to instead of the console. For example, we could modify charnet.nex to send the command's output to the file C:\temp\charnet_output.txt as follows:

Code Block


Network net = ((a,(b,(c)x#1)),((x#1,d),e));



Charnet net -m tree "C:\temp\charnet_output.txt";


Upon executing the modified script from the console we would now see a new result without any tree results displayed to the console:

Code Block
>java -jar $PHYLONET PATH/jar/PhyloNet_X.Y.Z.jar charnet.nex

Charnet net -m tree "C:\temp\charnet_output.txt"
Writing output to C:\temp\charnet_output.txt


Opening the file C:\temp\charnet_output.txt would reveal the command output:

Code Block

Each command that supports the optional file output parameter in a given NEXUS file can be given its own unique file parameter value resulting in the generation of distinct output files for each command. Alternatively, one may specify the file output parameter for only some commands in a NEXUS file. In this case those commands without the optional parameter would continue to utilize the default behavior and display their results on the console. Repeating a file output parameter value for many commands in a NEXUS file is not advisable as each command's output will overwrite the previous command's output with the same parameter value. One can however send the entire output of a PhyloNet execution to one file by using most operating systems' redirection operators.

5.1 Nexus_Out Command

PhyloNet provides a special command called Nexus_Out that instructs PhyloNet to additionally create an output NEXUS file containing a copy of each tree result generated by all commands within the script. For example, executing the following NEXUS script:

Code Block


Network net = ((a,(b,(c)x#1)),((x#1,d),e));



Nexus_Out "C:\temp\nexus_out.nex";
Charnet net -m tree;


would cause a file C:\temp\nexus_out.nex to be generated with contents:

Code Block


2_Charnet_1 = ((a,(b,c)),(e,d));

2_Charnet_2 = ((a,b),((d,c),e));


in addition to the usual console output for the Charnet command.

All trees recorded in the TREES section will be of the form:

Code Block
N_Command_M = ...;

Where N is the number of the command (that is, the nth command) as it appears in the original NEXUS script, Command is the command identifier of the command that generated the tree, and M denotes the mth tree generated by the nth command.

See Also