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Code Block
InferNetwork_ML_CV (gene_tree_ident1 [, gene_tree_ident2...]) numReticulations [-cv numFolds] [-a taxa map] [-b threshold] [-s startingNetwork] [-h {s1 [,s2...]}] [-w (w1,w2,w3,w4)...,w7)] [-x numRuns] [-fm maxFailuremaxNetExamined] [-xmd numRunsmoveDiameter] [-mrd maxNetExaminedreticulationDiameter] [-d maxDiameterf maxFailure] [-o] [-p (rel,abs)] [-r maxRounds] [-t maxTryPerBr] [-i improveThreshold] [-l maxBL] [-pl numProcessors] [-di] [result output fileresultOutputFile]

gene_tree_ident1 [, gene_tree_ident2...]

Comma delimited list of gene tree identifiers. See details.



Maximum number of reticulations to added.


-cv numFoldsNumber of folds in K-fold cross-validation. Default value is 10.optional

-b threshold

Gene trees bootstrap threshold. Edges in the gene trees that have support lower than threshold will be contracted.


-a taxa map

Gene tree / species tree taxa association.


-s startingNetwork

Specify the network to start search. Default value is the optimal MDC tree.

-h {s1 [, s2...]}

A set of specified hybrid species. The size of this set equals the number of reticulation nodes in the inferred network. 

-w (w1, w2, w3, w4..., w7)

The weights of operations for network arrangement during the network search. Default value is (0.151,0.1,0.15,0.255,0.5).

optional-f maxFailure

The maximum number of consecutive failures before the search terminates. Default value is 10015,0.15,2.8).


-x numRuns 

The number of runs of the search. Default value is 5.


-m maxNetExamined

Maximum number of network topologies to examined. Default value is infinity.


-d maxDiametermd moveDiameter

Maximum diameter to make an arrangement during network search. Default value is infinity.

-rd reticulationDiameterMaximum diameter for a reticulation event (the distance between two parents of a reticulation node). Default value is infinity. 
-f maxFailureMaximum consecutive number of failures for hill climbing. Default value is 100.optional
-oIf specified, during the search, for every proposed species network, its branch lengths and inheritance probabilities will be optimized to compute its likelihood. Default value is false.optional

-p (rel, abs)

The original stopping criterion of Brent’s algorithm. Default value is (0.01, 0.001).


-r maxRound

Maximum number of rounds to optimize branch lengths for a network topology. Default value is 100.


-t maxTryPerBr

Maximum number of trial per branch in one round to optimize branch lengths for a network topology. Default value is 100.


-i improveThreshold

Minimum threshold of improvement to continue the next round of optimization of branch lengths. Default value is 0.001.


-l maxBL

Maximum branch lengths considered. Default value is 6.


-pl numProcessors 

Number of processors if you want the computation to be done in parallel. Default value is 1.

-diOutput the Rich Newick string of the inferred network that can be read by Dendroscope .optional

result output fileresultOutputFile

Optional file destination for command output.



  • Y. Yu, J. Dong, K. Liu, and L. Nakhleh, Probabilistic inference of reticulate evolutionary histories, Under ReviewMaximum Likelihood Inference of Reticulate Evolutionary HistoriesProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 111, no. 46, pp. 16448-16453, 2014.

See Also