Instructor: | Prof. Vivek Sarkar, DH 3131 | Head TA: | Max Grossman |
Admin Assistant: | Annepha Hurlock, annepha@rice.edu, DH 3080, 713-348-5186 | Graduate TAs: | Jonathan Sharman, Bing Xue, Lechen Yu |
Co-Instructor: | Dr. Mackale Joyner | Undergraduate TAs: | Marc Canby, Anna Chi, Peter Elmers, Joseph Hungate, Cary Jiang, Gloria Kim, Cecilia Liu, Kevin Mullin, Victoria Nazari, Ashok Sankaran, Sujay Tadwalkar, Vidhi Vakharia, Eugene Wang |
Piazza site: | https://piazza.com/class/iirz0u74egl2q9ixdqx0x3bjl6en (Piazza is the preferred medium for all course communications, but you can also send email to comp322-staff at rice dot edu if needed) | Cross-listing: | ELEC 323 |
Lecture location: | Herzstein Hall 210 | Lecture times: | MWF 1:00pm - 1:50pm (followed by group office hours during 2pm - 3pm, usually in DH 3092) |
Lab locations: | DH 1042, DH 1064 | Lab times: | Wednesday, 07:00pm - 08:30pm |