Finally, here are some additional resources that may be helpful for you:
- Slides titled "MPI-based Approaches for Java" by Bryan Carpenter
Past Offerings of COMP 322
- Spring 2017 (Rice University)
- Spring 2016 (Rice University)
- Spring 2015 (Rice University)
- Spring 2014 (Rice University)
- Spring 2013 (Rice University)
- Fall 2012 (Harvey Mudd College CS 181E, half-semester class, co-instructor: Prof. Ran Libeskind-Hadas)
- Spring 2012 (Rice University)
- Spring 2011 (Rice University)
- Fall 2009 (Rice University)
Lecture Schedule
Week | Day | Date (2018) | Lecture | Assigned Reading | Assigned Videos (see Canvas site for video links) | In-class Worksheets | Slides | Work Assigned | Work Due |
1 | Mon | Jan 08 | Lecture 1: Task Creation and Termination (Async, Finish) | Module 1: Section 1.1 | worksheet1 | lec1-slides |
| |
| Wed | Jan 10 | Lecture 2: Computation Graphs, Ideal Parallelism | Module 1: Sections 1.2, 1.3 | Topic 1.2 Lecture, Topic 1.2 Demonstration, Topic 1.3 Lecture, Topic 1.3 Demonstration | worksheet2 | lec2-slides | Homework 1 |
Fri | Jan 12 | Lecture 3: Abstract Performance Metrics, Multiprocessor Scheduling | Module 1: Section 1.4 | Topic 1.4 Lecture, Topic 1.4 Demonstration | worksheet3 | lec3-slides |
| ||
2 | Mon | Jan 15 | No lecture, School Holiday (Martin Luther King, Jr. Day) | ||||||
| Wed | Jan 17 | Lecture 4: Parallel Speedup and Amdahl's Law | Module 1: Section 1.5 | Topic 1.5 Lecture, Topic 1.5 Demonstration | worksheet4 | lec4-slides | Quiz for Unit 1 | |
| Fri | Jan 19 | Lecture 5: Future Tasks, Functional Parallelism ("Back to the Future") | Module 1: Section 2.1 | Topic 2.1 Lecture, Topic 2.1 Demonstration | worksheet5 | lec5-slides | ||
3 | Mon | Jan 22 | Lecture 6: Memoization | Module 1: Section 2.2 | Topic 2.2 Lecture, Topic 2.2 Demonstration | worksheet6 | lec6-slides | ||
Wed | Jan 24 | Lecture 7: Finish Accumulators | Module 1: Section 2.3 | Topic 2.3 Lecture, Topic 2.3 Demonstration | worksheet7 | lec7-slides | Homework 2 | Homework 1 | |
| Fri | Jan 26 | Lecture 8: Map Reduce | Module 1: Section 2.4 | Topic 2.4 Lecture, Topic 2.4 Demonstration | worksheet8 | lec8-slides |
| Quiz for Unit 1 |
4 | Mon | Jan 29 | Lecture 9: Data Races, Functional & Structural Determinism | Module 1: Sections 2.5, 2.6 | Topic 2.5 Lecture, Topic 2.5 Demonstration, Topic 2.6 Lecture, Topic 2.6 Demonstration | worksheet9 | lec9-slides | ||
| Wed | Jan 31 | Lecture 10: Java’s Fork/Join Library | Module 1: Sections 2.7, 2.8 | Topic 2.7 Lecture, Topic 2.8 Lecture, | worksheet10 | lec10-slides | ||
| Fri | Feb 02 | Lecture 11: Loop-Level Parallelism, Parallel Matrix Multiplication, Iteration Grouping (Chunking) | Module 1: Sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 | Topic 3.1 Lecture , Topic 3.1 Demonstration , Topic 3.2 Lecture, Topic 3.2 Demonstration, Topic 3.3 Lecture , Topic 3.3 Demonstration | worksheet11 | lec11-slides | ||
5 | Mon | Feb 05 | Lecture 12: Barrier Synchronization | Module 1: Section 3.4 | Topic 3.4 Lecture , Topic 3.4 Demonstration | worksheet12 | lec12-slides | ||
Wed | Feb 07 | Lecture 13: Parallelism in Java Streams, Parallel Prefix Sums | worksheet13 | lec13-slides | Homework 3 (includes two intermediate checkpoints) | Homework 2 | |||
- | Fri | Feb 09 | Spring Recess | Quiz for Unit 2 | |||||
6 | Mon | Feb 12 | Lecture 14: Iterative Averaging Revisited, SPMD pattern | Module 1: Sections 3.5, 3.6 | Topic 3.5 Lecture , Topic 3.5 Demonstration , Topic 3.6 Lecture, Topic 3.6 Demonstration | worksheet14 | lec14-slides | ||
| Wed | Feb 14 | Lecture 15: Data-Driven Tasks, Point-to-Point Synchronization with Phasers | Module 1: Sections 4.5, 4.2, 4.3 | Topic 4.5 Lecture Topic 4.5 Demonstration, Topic 4.2 Lecture , Topic 4.2 Demonstration, Topic 4.3 Lecture, Topic 4.3 Demonstration | worksheet15 | lec15-slides | ||
| Fri | Feb 16 | Lecture 16: Phasers Review | Module 1: Sections 4.2 | Topic 4.2 Lecture , Topic 4.2 Demonstration | worksheet16 | lec16-slides | Quiz for Unit 3 | |
7 | Mon | Feb 19 | Lecture 17: Midterm Summary | lec17-slides | |||||
| Wed | Feb 21 | Midterm Review (interactive Q&A) | Exam 1 held during lab time (7:00pm - 10:00pm), scope of exam limited to lectures 1-16 | |||||
| Fri | Feb 23 | Lecture 18: Abstract vs. Real Performance | worksheet18 | lec18-slides | Homework 3, Checkpoint-1 | |||
8 | Mon | Feb 26 | Lecture 19: Pipeline Parallelism, Signal Statement, Fuzzy Barriers | Module 1: Sections 4.4, 4.1 | Topic 4.4 Lecture , Topic 4.4 Demonstration, Topic 4.1 Lecture, Topic 4.1 Demonstration, | worksheet19 | lec19-slides |
| |
| Wed | Feb 28 | Lecture 20: Critical sections, Isolated construct, Parallel Spanning Tree algorithm, Atomic variables (start of Module 2) | Module 2: Sections 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.6 | Topic 5.1 Lecture, Topic 5.1 Demonstration, Topic 5.2 Lecture, Topic 5.2 Demonstration, Topic 5.3 Lecture, Topic 5.3 Demonstration, Topic 5.4 Lecture, Topic 5.4 Demonstration, Topic 5.6 Lecture, Topic 5.6 Demonstration | worksheet20 | lec20-slides |
| |
| Fri | Mar 02 | Lecture 21: Read-Write Isolation, Review of Phasers | Module 2: Section 5.5 | Topic 5.5 Lecture, Topic 5.5 Demonstration | worksheet21 | lec21-slides | Quiz for Unit 4 | |
9 | Mon | Mar 05 | Lecture 22: Actors | Module 2: 6.1, 6.2 | Topic 6.1 Lecture , Topic 6.1 Demonstration , Topic 6.2 Lecture, Topic 6.2 Demonstration | worksheet22 | lec22-slides |
| Wed | Mar 07 | Lecture 23: Actors (contd) | Module 2: 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6 | Topic 6.3 Lecture, Topic 6.3 Demonstration, Topic 6.4 Lecture , Topic 6.4 Demonstration, Topic 6.5 Lecture, Topic 6.5 Demonstration, Topic 6.6 Lecture, Topic 6.6 Demonstration | worksheet23 | lec23-slides |
| Homework 3, Checkpoint-2 |
| Fri | Mar 09 | Lecture 24: Java Threads, Java synchronized statement | Module 2: 7.1, 7.2 | Topic 7.1 Lecture, Topic 7.2 Lecture | worksheet24 | lec24-slides | Quiz for Unit 5 | |
- | M-F | Mar 12 - Mar 16 | Spring Break | ||||||
10 | Mon | Mar 19 | Lecture 25: Java synchronized statement (contd), wait/notify | Module 2: 7.2 | Topic 7.2 Lecture | worksheet25 | lec25-slides |
| |
Wed | Mar 21 | Lecture 26: Java Locks, Linearizability of Concurrent Objects | Module 2: 7.3, 7.4 | Topic 7.3 Lecture, Topic 7.4 Lecture | worksheet26 | lec26-slides |
Homework 4 (includes one intermediate checkpoint)
| Homework 3 (all) | |
| Fri | Mar 23 | Lecture 27: Safety and Liveness Properties, Java Synchronizers, Dining Philosophers Problem | Module 2: 7.5, 7.6 | Topic 7.5 Lecture, Topic 7.6 Lecture | worksheet27 | lec27-slides | Quiz for Unit 6 | |
11 | Mon | Mar 26 | Lecture 28: Message Passing Interface (MPI), (start of Module 3) | Topic 8.1 Lecture, Topic 8.2 Lecture, Topic 8.3 Lecture, | worksheet28 | lec28-slides | |||
| Wed | Mar 28 | Lecture 29: Message Passing Interface (MPI, contd) | Topic 8.4 Lecture, Topic 8.5 Lecture, Topic 8 Demonstration Video | worksheet29 | lec29-slides |
| ||
| Fri | Mar 30 | Lecture 30: Distributed Map-Reduce using Hadoop and Spark frameworks | Topic 9.1 Lecture (optional, overlaps with video 2.4), Topic 9.2 Lecture, Topic 9.3 Lecture | worksheet30 | lec30-slides | Quiz for Unit 7 | ||
12 | Mon | Apr 02 | Lecture 31: TF-IDF and PageRank Algorithms with Map-Reduce | Topic 9.4 Lecture, Topic 9.5 Lecture, Unit 9 Demonstration | worksheet31 | lec31-slides |
| ||
| Wed | Apr 04 | Lecture 32: Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) programming models | worksheet32 | lec32-slides |
| Homework 4 Checkpoint-1 | ||
| Fri | Apr 06 | Lecture 33: Combining Distribution and Multithreading | Lectures 10.1 - 10.5, Unit 10 Demonstration (all videos optional – unit 10 has no quiz) | worksheet33 | lec33-slides |
| Quiz for Unit 8 | |
13 | Mon | Apr 09 | Lecture 34: Task Affinity with Places | worksheet34 | lec34-slides |
| |||
| Wed | Apr 11 | Lecture 35: Eureka-style Speculative Task Parallelism | worksheet35 | lec35-slides | Homework 5 | Homework 4 (all) | ||
| Fri | Apr 13 | Lecture 36: Algorithms based on Parallel Prefix (Scan) operations | worksheet36 | lec36-slides | Homework 5 | Quiz for Unit 9 | ||
14 | Mon | Apr 16 | Lecture 37: Algorithms based on Parallel Prefix (Scan) operations, contd. | worksheet37 | lec37-slides |
| |||
| Wed | Apr 18 | Lecture 38: GPU Computing | worksheet38 | lec38-slides |
| ||
| Fri | Apr 20 | Lecture 39: Course Review (Lectures 18-38) | lec39-slides | Homework 5 | ||||
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Graded homeworks will be returned to you via email, and exams as marked-up hardcopies. If you believe we have made an error in grading your homework or exam, please bring the matter to our attention within one week7 days.
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