Grading will be based on your performance on five homeworks four homework assignments (weighted 40% in all), two exams (weighted 40% in all), weekly lab exercises (weighted 10% in all), online quizzes (weighted 5% in all), and in-class worksheets (weighted 5% in all).
The purpose of the homeworks homework is to give you practice in solving problems that deepen your understanding of concepts introduced in class. Homeworks are Homework is due on the dates and times specified in the course schedule. No late submissions (other than those using slip days mentioned below) will be accepted.
You will be expected to follow the Honor Code in all homeworks and homework and exams. The following policies will apply to different work products in the course:
- In-class worksheets: You are free to discuss all aspects of in-class worksheets with your other classmates, the teaching assistants and the professor during the class. You can work in a group and write down the solution that you obtained as a group. If you work on the worksheet outside of class (e.g., due to an absence), then it must be entirely your individual effort, without discussion with any other students. If you use any material from external sources, you must provide proper attribution.
- Weekly lab assignments: You are free to discuss all aspects of lab assignments with your other classmates, the teaching assistants and the professor during the lab. However, all code and reports that you submit are expected to be the result of your individual effort. If you work on the lab outside of class (e.g., due to an absence), then it must be entirely your individual effort, without discussion with any other students. If you use any material from external sources, you must provide proper attribution (as shown here).
- HomeworksHomework: All submitted homeworks are homework is expected to be the result of your individual effort. You are free to discuss course material and approaches to problems with your other classmates, the teaching assistants and the professor, but you should never misrepresent someone else’s work as your own. If you use any material from external sources, you must provide proper attribution.
- Quizzes: Each online quiz will be an open-notes individual test. The student may consult their course materials and notes when taking the quizzes, but may not consult any other external sources.
- Exams: Each exam will be a open-book, open-notes, and open-computer individual test, which must be completed within a specified time limit. No external materials may be consulted when taking the exams.