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Title Last Updated By Updated
Page: Cataloging and Metadata Services Overview David Erlandson Aug 23, 2023
Page: Cataloging Class Seps Lauren Mueller Feb 06, 2017
Page: Cataloging Continuing Resources Alice Rhoades Jan 27, 2020
Page: Cataloging Manual Thumy Webb Jan 24, 2024
Page: Cataloging Microforms Alice Rhoades Sep 17, 2015
Page: Cataloging Music Scores Keith Chapman Nov 24, 2014
Page: Cataloging New Items for LSC-SPECL or LSC-WRC Jeanette Sewell Sep 19, 2023
Page: Cataloging Primary Information art books Thumy Webb Jan 24, 2024
Page: CATALOGING REFERENCE Thumy Webb Jan 24, 2024
Page: Cataloging Scientia and Bochner Lecture Series Videos Lauren Mueller Dec 04, 2014
Page: Cataloging Sound Recordings Keith Chapman Aug 16, 2021
Page: Cataloging the President's Lecture Series Videos Lauren Mueller Oct 21, 2014
Page: Cataloging Turnaround Times Lauren Mueller Oct 20, 2014
Page: Cataloging Visual Materials Keith Chapman Aug 10, 2016
Page: Cataloging WRC Collections Lauren Mueller Sep 30, 2014
Page: CD or CD-ROM Miller, Jennifer D Apr 04, 2013
Page: Changing Libraries Keith Chapman Mar 24, 2020
Page: Checking URLs from Sirsi Alice Rhoades Oct 30, 2014
Page: Checklist for Catalogers Lauren Mueller Oct 20, 2014
Page: Chinese Cataloging Librarian David Erlandson Jan 04, 2024
Page: Clam Shell Box Marco Flores Apr 19, 2013
Page: Completing Cataloging Linda Keating Oct 15, 2014
Page: Connexion settings Lauren Mueller Oct 10, 2014
Page: Continuing Electronic Resources Lauren Mueller Oct 20, 2014
Page: COPY-CATALOGING Thumy Webb Jan 24, 2024
Page: Corrections for Monographs and Monographic Sets Lauren Mueller Oct 10, 2014
Page: Creating a Provisional Record Robert Estep Nov 18, 2014
Page: Database and Metadata Management Tasks Lauren Mueller Feb 06, 2017
Page: Database Management Procedures Lauren Mueller Feb 16, 2017
Page: Deleting Leisure Books and Leisure Audiobooks Robert Estep Nov 19, 2014
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