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What is the Rice Digital Scholarship Archive?

Rice Digital Scholarship Archive (  is Rice's institutional repository, a web site where the university's intellectual output is shared, managed, searched, and preserved. Most materials come from Rice faculty members' research, electronic theses and dissertations, and digitized collections of rare or unique books, images, musical performances, and manuscripts.

Are there guidelines for depositing work in the Rice Digital Scholarship Archive?

Yes. Please see RDSA Deposit Guidelines

Information for compliance with Rice’s Open Access Policy

In April 2012, the Rice Faculty Senate passed an open access policy to make all articles published by Rice faculty available as open access publications. To learn more about the policy and how to submit publications, visit

Need help with data management planning?

Writing a proposal? Need help writing a data management plan? Contact the Data Research Team at for help! We will interview you and, based on your information, we will draft a plan that meets funding agency requirements for NSF, NEH, NIH and IMLS. To learn more, visit


Information for Rice researchers interested in making their work available

Why should I make available my research through the archive?

Increase the visibility of your research

  • Get higher rankings in Google, Google Scholar and other search engines
  • Scholarly works deposited in open access repositories have greater visibility and a larger impact than works published in traditional venues, according to several recent studies
  • Share your work with researchers around the world (including those whose institutions lack resources for expensive journal subscriptions)
  • Improve recruiting by providing easy access to a department's or research group's intellectual output
  • Disseminate materials not published in traditional venues, such as conference presentations, technical reports and white papers

Provide long-term access to your work

  • Let the library manage your research works for the long-term--avoid the headache of maintaining your own web server
  • The archive is secure, professionally managed, organized, and regularly backed-up
  • Links to archived work will not break
  • Archived work will be migrated to newer file formats as necessary over time to keep the files readily accessible. This kind of maintenance is very difficult and time consuming to keep up with as an individual.

Control who has access to your work

  • Access control is available. If for some reason you need to control who can see your material, then the archive can facilitate password access for those persons.

Fulfill potential obligations for government grants

What are the guidelines for submitting content?

  • You have to be affiliated with Rice University.
  • You must either be the author of the material or have the rights to let Rice distribute it.
  • The content must be scholarly, educational or related to the university's mission.
  • The content must be permanent. is intended to be an archive, not a storehouse for ephemeral content or multiple versions of documents.
  • The content must be in a digital format. Contact the Digital Media Commons for help digitizing materials for inclusion.

Also please see Describing a resource guidelines, a quick reference for individual submissions.

How do I get my materials into the archive?

For assistance in putting your work into the archive, contact the Digital Scholarship Services team at cds at or 713-348-2480. Alternatively, departmental representatives can be authorized to directly put in materials. If you have an existing database of scholarly digital resources, we may be able to bulk import it all at once. Confused, or want to discuss other options? Email cds at

What kinds of content are accepted?

Works that support Rice's education mission may be archived. This may include (but is not limited to):

  • articles
  • conference presentations
  • research papers and reports
  • theses and dissertations
  • data sets
  • unique digitized materials from the Rice community, such as audio performances from Music School and archival manuscripts and rare books

What file formats are accepted?

Most common file formats, such as PDF, jpg, and Word documents, are accepted. For a complete listing of accepted formats, please see the Format Reference Collection table

If I have published or plan to publish an article, can I still put it into the archive?

Increasingly, publishers are allowing authors to place online pre-print (pre-peer-reviewed) and even post-print (post-peer-reviewed) versions online. Check with your publisher or visit SHERPA's Publisher copyright policies & self-archiving web site .

Do I retain copyright over archived content?

Yes, copyright owners retain copyright over their materials. By putting material into, you are granting Rice a non-exclusive license to distribute it, which means that you are authorizing Rice to make it available but can also distribute it through other mechanisms. See the text of the license for more information.

It is preferred but not required that materials be made available with a Creative Commons license . Many researchers and educational institutions are adopting Creative Commons licenses to provide wider access to their work. Through the Creative Commons attribution license, the copyright owner retains copyright, but the materials are open to others for use and make modifications as long as attribution to the original is made.

For additional information on copyright and licensing, please see

What happens to my materials if I leave Rice?

Since is an archive, your materials will remain available and will be maintained for the long-term. You may also export your materials so that you can take them with you.

How will people find my work in the archive?

Typically people find content in repositories such as by using Google or similar search engines. Search engines often give higher weighting to content in institutional repositories, since they are associated with quality and make available rich descriptive information. In addition, articles and web sites, such as departmental or researcher web pages, can point to archived items.

Can my files be downloaded by others?

Yes, the archive is set up to allow people to download files, except in cases such as streaming audio or video files. For each item, the archive includes a field spelling out terms of use. As long as this field is populated, users will be aware of their rights regarding item usage. If necessary, access to the items can be restricted, though this is discouraged.

What if I revise a paper I've archived? Can I add the new version, or replace the old with the new?

New versions of materials should be entered as new items, not as replacements, since citations may have already been made to the earlier version. However, for specific instances where revisions are needed, contact cds at

Is the archive peer reviewed?

Peer review is not conducted as part of the archival process, although some quality control is conducted. Schools and Departments may organize their own peer review if desired.

Can I archive web pages?

Rice subscribes to the Archive-It web archiving solution hosted by the Internet Archive . Rice web pages are regularly crawled by the Archive-It service and are available online at the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine. For listing of individual pages please see Search Rice's Archived Websites . Please contact Amanda Focke (afocke at rice dot edu) with any questions.

Who manages the archive?

Fondren Library manages the archive as part of its Digital Scholarship Services department.

What services are provided?

  • Email or telephone assistance within 24 hours (weekdays)
  • Tutorials and workshops upon request
  • Regular back-up of all files
  • A unique, permanent web address
  • Long-term preservation of all supported file formats
  • Continued enhancements to the DSpace user interface and routine systems maintenance
  • Export deposits
  • Provide usage statistics on your deposit
  • Advance search options
  • Simple citation display for every document and compatible with citation management software such as Zotero
  • Custom deposit workflows can be developed upon request

How do I obtain statistics for my deposits?

Navigate to your item’s home page and click on the “View Statistics” link found at the lower end of the navigation menu. Statistics available from the item home page include:

  • Total visits of the item
  • Total visits for the bitstreams attached to the item
  • Visits of the item over a timespan of the last 7 months
  • Top 10 country views from where the visits originate
  • Top 10 cities from where the visits originate

Usage statistics are provided publicly (no log in is required).

What software does the archive run on? runs on DSpace (version 3), an open source software package that captures, stores, indexes, preserves and redistributes an organization's research material in digital formats. Research institutions worldwide use DSpace for a variety of digital archiving needs from scholarly reports to collections of learning resources. An active community of developers, researchers and users worldwide contribute their expertise to the DSpace Community. For more information about DSpace, visit the DSpace Wiki .

Whom should I contact with questions?

Email cds at or call Lisa Spiro, Executive Director of Digital Scholarship Services (713-348-2480).

Whom should I contact with questions about depositing Theses and Dissertations?

Visit the web site for Rice University's Office of Research and Graduate Studies for more information about Rice graduate student requirements for theses and dissertations. Online Thesis Submission at Rice University : Rice University Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies


Information for those using archived content

Who can access archived content? Do I need to set up an account?

Anyone can access the majority of the archived content, so you don't need to set up an account. In fact, merely creating an account will not automatically grant any additional access privileges that anonymous users lack.

Users can be granted additional permissions in order to submit items by contacting the system administrator (cds at In a few cases, access is restricted to collections due to copyright constraints. For these cases, users should contact the collection owner (typically identified on the collection home page) or cds at to be granted access.

Can I get a higher quality version of an image file?

For collections of digital images, higher quality versions may be available, sometimes at a small cost. Please contact cds at for additional information.

How do I find out if a collection has been updated?

There are two ways for registered users to find out if a collection has been updated. One is via daily Email alerts and another is via RSS feeds.

Registered users can subscribe to receive daily email alerts of new items added to collections. Users may subscribe to as many collections as they wish. To subscribe:

  • Once you are logged in, go to your "Profile," located under My Account on the left side of the page in the navigation bar.
  • In the Email Subscriptions section, select the collection you would like to receive email alerts about and click the Add button. Continue to do this for as many collections as you would like.
  • To remove your subscription, click the check box that is next to the collections name. This will be located in the Email Subscriptions section. Once the box is checked, click the Remove Selected button.

Another way you can receive daily alerts about new items added to a collection is by subscribing to an RSS feed. Navigate to the webpage of the collection that you would like to receive daily alerts about. Then you will need to click on the "Subscribe to this Feed" link through your web browser's menu options.

Do I need to create an account and sign in to access content?

Most content is freely available to anyone with web access. You only need to set up an account and sign in if you:

  • want to subscribe to a collection and receive email notification when new items are added
  • have been provided with permission to access restricted content
  • have set up an account to contribute content (authorization required)

How do I find content in the archive?

There are two different types of searches that you can perform - a Simple Search and an Advanced Search.

Simple Search:
The sidebar search, on the left side of the screen, will locate content that includes all of the terms that you enter. The terms may be in any metadata field or even in the full text of the item. To do a more detailed search, you can click on the Advanced Search link below the simple search box.

Advanced Search:
Advanced search is useful to use when you want to limit your search to some specific content. Below is a list of the search options available in advanced search and their meanings.

  • Search Scope - limit your search to a specific archive or community
  • Full Text - the entire text portion of a particular work that is searchable (Example: Rice University)
  • Abstract - a short description of a particular document (Example: William H. Rice)
  • Series - the series title of a group of works (Example: 32nd Congress, Second Session)
  • Author - the author or creator of the work (Example: Dunham, George F.)
  • Title - the title of the work (Example: New schools for new towns)
  • Keyword - this will match documents or words that contain one or more words specified by the user (Example: Lovett Hall)
  • Language - specify the language in which the document was written (Example: eng. )
  • Mime-type - search via the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions identifier. Please refer to this link for more information on using this search option ( supported formats )
  • Type - specifies what type of material will be searched (Example: presentation)
  • Sponsor - specifies who sponsored the research paper (Example: National Science Foundation)
  • Identifier - a unique number that is associated with each item (Example: 12529)

Helpful Searching Tips:

  • Truncation

You can use truncation when searching. Use an asterick (*) after a word stem to get all the hits starting with that root. For example, select* would retrieve selects, selector, selectman, selecting.

  • What is not searched The search engine ignores the following words while searching: "a", "and" , "are" , "as" , "at" , "be" , "but" , "by" , "for" , "if" , "in" , "into", "is" ,"it" ,"no" , "not" , "of" , "on" , "or" , "such", "the" , "to" , "was"
  • Stemming

The search engine automatically expands words with common endings to include plurals, past tenses …etc.

  • Phrase Searching

To search using multiple words as a phrase, put quotation marks (") around the phrase.

  • Exact word match

Put a plus (+) sign before a word if it MUST appear in the search result. For instance, in the following search the word "training" is optional, but the word "dog" must be in the result.

  • Eliminate items with unwanted words

Put a minus (-) sign before a word if it should not appear in the search results. Alternatively, you can use NOT. This can limit your search to eliminate unwanted hits.

  • Boolean searching

The following Boolean operators can be used to combine terms. Note that they must be CAPITALIZED!

  • AND - to limit searches to find items containing all words or phrases combined with this operator
  • OR - to enlarge searches to find items containing any of the words or phrases surrounding this operator
  • NOT - to exclude items containing the word following this operator
  • Parentheses can be used in the search query to group search terms into sets, and operators can then be applied to the whole set

What happened to and

We have, at different times, changed the name and look of the archive, but all the archived content is still the same. Any user who follows a link using one of the old web addresses will be seamlessly redirected to the same content at the new address.

Where can I find information about financial scholarships for Rice students? is an archive dedicated to scholarly works associated with Rice. For information on financial scholarships, try the Office of Financial Aid .


Visit the Rice Digital Scholarship Archive and Digital Scholarship Services



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