Making LaTex support CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) characters is always a pain process. When I used Ubuntu, I used CJK LaTex package. It needs to compile and install fonts (e.g. cyberbit) which is not a straightforward task. When I migrate to Mac OS X, I found a lot people recommend XeTex to deal with CJK documents which does not need to install fonts, instead it uses system fonts.
Here is a summary log about how I made XeTex work on Snow Leopard (precisely I used XeLaTex). I hope this can help the one who also need to use CJK characters in LaTex under Mac OS X.
- Install XeTex.
XeTex is part of TexLive which is included in MacTex. A full installation of MacTex will have XeTex installed.
Since MacTex is very big, sometimes the installation may failed and you do not know. I encountered a problem telling me that ifpdf.sty could not be found. I googled and found it belongs to oberdiek package. In the Tex Live Utility(Under Application->Tex folder) it shows oberdiek is installed but in detail info there are no files. By reinstalling the whole MacTex, I solved this problem. - Write a small micro package to set the fonts. Save the following in zhfontcfg.sty in the folder where your tex files located.
% xelatex 字体设定宏包(xelatex font settings for Chinese) % Tested under Mac OS X Snow Leopard(10.6.7) \ProvidesPackage{zhfontcfg} \usepackage{fontspec,xunicode,xltxtra} %\usepackage[EU1]{fontenc} \defaultfontfeatures{Mapping=tex-text} %如果没有它,会有一些 tex 特殊字符无法正常使用,比如连字符。 % 中文断行(line break for Chinese) \XeTeXlinebreaklocale "zh" \XeTeXlinebreakskip = 0pt plus 1pt minus 0.1pt %将系统字体名映射为逻辑字体名称,主要是为了维护的方便 \newcommand\fontnamehei{Heiti SC} \newcommand\fontnamesong{STSong} \newcommand\fontnamekai{STKaiti} \newcommand\fontnamemono{Menlo} \newcommand\fontnameroman{Times} \setmainfont{\fontnameroman} % set default font %\setmainfont[BoldFont=\fontnamehei]{\fontnamesong} %如果正文以中文为主,设置文档正文字体为宋体 %\setsansfont[BoldFont=\fontnamehei]{\fontnamekai} %\setmonofont{\fontnamemono} %宋体 \newfontfamily\SONG{\fontnamesong} \newcommand{\song}[1]{{\SONG #1}} %楷体 \newfontfamily\KAI{\fontnamekai} \newcommand{\kai}[1]{{\KAI #1}} %黑体 \newfontfamily\HEI{\fontnamehei} \newcommand{\hei}[1]{{\HEI #1}} %英文 \newfontfamily\ENF{\fontnameroman} \newcommand{\en}[1]{\,{\ENF #1}\,} \newcommand{\EN}{\,\ENF\,}
newfontinstance is deprecated
Some posts on the Internet use \newfontinstance which is deprecated and will cause error; please use \newfontfamily or \newfontface instead
The package times or mathptmx will overwrite settings like \setmainfont in the zhfontcfg.sty, make sure load zhfontcfg after loading those packages
- Edit xelatexChineseTest.tex
\documentclass{article} \usepackage{zhfontcfg} \usepackage{times} \usepackage[scaled=0.87]{helvet} % better visual match w/ Times \begin{document} Test:\\ Hello world! 你好!(Default font)\\ \song{Hello world! 你好!(宋体,Song)}\\ \kai{Hello world! 你好!(楷体,Kai)}\\ \hei{Hello world! 你好!(黑体,Hei)}\\ \en{Hello world! (Roman)}\\ \end{document}
- Compile the tex file and see results.
xelatex xelatexChineseTest.tex