
  1. Step 1: Prepare to checkout the lab_1 project from subversion

  2. Step 2: Use the "+" button to add the repository:

  3. Step 3: Confirm the directory where the directory where the project will be downloaded to.

  4. Step 4: Confirm the subversion version to use for the directory format.

  5. Step 5: After the project is downloaded successfully, confirm to open the project.

  6. Step 6: Enable Auto-Import for this Maven project (lab_1).

  7. Step 7: Initial directory layout of the project.

  8. Step 8: Click on "NO" when a popup shows up asking you whether you want to add an *.iml file to subversion.

  9. Step 9: Open the file by double clicking on it. Fix the error by editing the "ss" variable.

  10. Step 10: Open the "Changes View" so that you can see your edits.

  11. Step 11: The changes view will show you the files you have edited.

  12. Step 12: Submit your changes to the subversion repository by committing the changed files (right-clicking on the Default or file in the Changes view).

  13. Step 13: Add a commit message and commit the file.

  14. Step 14: Confirm that you see the successfully committed message to ensure that your changes have been submitted to the repository.

  15. Step 15

  16. Step 16

  17. Step 17

  18. Step 18

  19. Step 19

  20. Step 20

  21. Step 21: Now, click on the green play button to run the file wiht the correct VM configurations. The class should be run successfully and you should see the output as below.

  22. Step 22: First attempt to run the unit test by right-clicking on the file and selecting Run. This will fail as the javaagent flag has not been set up.

  23. Step 23: Prepare to edit the configurations for the unit test.

  24. Step 24: Like in Step 20, ensure that the javaagent flag has been correct passed as a VM option to run the Unit test.

  25. Step 25: Note the red bar displaying that the Unit test has failed. After you successfully complete the second part of the lab by correctly parallelizing the reciprocal sum, this unit test should pass and you should see a green bar.


Ask your instructor or TA if you run into any issues.