PLEASE NOTE: you may not see "Preview and send all" when you first open the "formMule" sub-menu.


It's not uncommon for people to request things not actually in the LSC, such as checked-out items, etc.

If the item requested is a print journal and we have it online, you should not forward the request to the LSC, but email the user to explain that the journal is available online and can be used when they next visit Fondren.


How to locate LSC-ANLYTC barcodes for individual volumes:



Step 1:

Step 2:

Locate record in the list of search results (this one appeared first in the list).

Step 3:

Click on Items.  Find your requested volume and copy the barcode.



Step 1:

Step 2:

Select the record from the list of search results.

Step 3:

Find your requested volume and copy the barcode.  Or, if the user has an account and can log in, then they may click on the "Request" link.