1. Open Microsoft Office Outlook 2016.

2. Click Next.

3. Select Yes and click Next.

4. Click the radio button next to Manually configure server settings or additional server types and click Next.

5. Make sure that Internet E-mail is selected and click Next.

6. Perform the following on this screen.

  • In the Your Name field, enter your name.
  • In the E-mail Address field, enter your Rice e-mail address.
  • In the Account Type drop-down menu, select IMAP.
  • In the Incoming mail server field, enter imap.mail.rice.edu.
  • In the Outgoing mail server (SMTP) field, enter smtp.mail.rice.edu.
  • In the User Name field, enter your netID. "netID" being your personally assigned Rice username.
  • In the Password field, enter your Rice password.
  • Make sure Remember Password is checked.
  • Make sure Require logon using Secure Password Authentication (SPA) is unchecked.
  • When you are sure everything is correct, click More Settings

7. In the General tab:

  • In the Mail Account Name field, enter Rice Mail.
  • In the Organization field, enter Rice University.
  • In the Reply E-mail field, enter your Rice e-mail address
  • When finished, click the tab for Outgoing Server

8. Place a check in the box next to My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication. Choose Use same settings as my incoming mail server. When finished, click the tab for Advanced.

9. In the Advanced tab:

  • For both servers from the Use the following type of encrypted connection: drop-down menu, select SSL.
  • In the Incoming server (IMAP) field, enter 993.
  • In the Outgoing server (SMTP) field, enter 465.
  • In the Root Folder Path field, enter Mail (if the configuration does not work, try leaving this field blank instead). 
  • When finished, click OK.

10. Click Next.

11. Click Close.

12. Click Finish.

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