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Homework 09: Symbolic Evaluation of Boolean Expressions in Java

Due: 10am Friday, March 26, 2010


Write a Java program boolSimp.dj1 that reduces boolean expressions (represented in the input and output streams in Scheme-like notation) to simplified form. For the purposes of this assignment, boolean expressions are Scheme expressions constructed from:

  • the symbols T and F denoting the boolean values true and false ;
  • boolean variables (represented by symbols other than T, F, !, &, |, >, and ? that can be bound to either true or false .
  • the unary function ! meaning not .
  • the binary functions &, |, and > denoting and, or, and implies, respectively), and
  • the ternary function ? meaning if .

The shorter names T, F, !, &, |, >, and ? are used instead of true, false, not, and, or, implies, and {{if}) for notational brevity which matters in very large inputs.

The course staff is providing:

  • a Scheme program in the file equivalent to the Java program that you are required to write;
  • a Java "stub" file boolSimp.dj1 that defines a composite hierarchy of "abstract syntax" tree classes rooted in the class Form representing boolean expresssions;
  • a Java library file contain a class Parser with
    • a read() method that reads a boolean expression represented in "Scheme form" and returns the corresponsing Java Form abstract syntax tree and
    • a (commented out) simplify() method that composes the visitors you must write in boolSimp.dj1 to simplify whatever formula the Parser instance contains.
  • a Java "stub" test file that includes some rudimentary tests of the code in the boolSimp.dj1 stub file.

The stub file BoolSimp.dj1 also includes comments showing you exactly what code you have to write to complete writing your simplifier. Of course, you also need to write corresponding tests and add them to the file

The file includes two Parser constructors parse(File file) and parse(String form) for building parsers to parse the boolean expression (in external form) in the specified File or String, respectively. To construct a Parser for the formula in a file {{}} you must invoke

new Parser(new File("<fileName>"));

If you omit the new File(...) construction in the argument to Parser and use "<fileName>" instead, you will create a Parser for the String "<fileName>". which is interpreted as a simple boolean variable. The File input format is important because it enables us to conveniently apply your simplifier to formulas that are thousands of symbols long. As a result, you only have to translate the Scheme code in into corresponding cleanly-written OO Java code by filling in the gaps in our Java stub file boolSimp.dj1. You are expected to appropriately use the composite, interpreter, singleton, and visitor patterns in the code that you write. Since the only stub files that you have to modify are boolSimp.dj1 and, simply submit expanded
versions of these files via OwlSpace to submit your assignment. Warning: we will run your program on large
inputs to determine if you wrote the code correctly. Try using the large test files provided on the course wiki.

We have formatted the test files as a .java file rather than a .dj1 because the Language Levels facility peforms no useful augmentation of JUnit test classes and bypassing the language levels translator avoids some annoying bugs in the implementation of that facility. When using the "Save As" command, please remember to save you file as a .java file not as a .dj1 file. The "Save" command always retains the file types of all files.

The Scheme file includes Scheme functions parse and unparse to translate Scheme lists into abstract syntax trees and vice-versa. Scheme provides a simple external syntax for lists (in homage to is LISP heritage) but Java does not. Hence the java Parser class works on Java strings instead of lists. The Java visitor class Print in the file performs unparsing of the abstract syntax types Form and IfForm to type String.

The Scheme parsing functions rely on the following Scheme data definitions.


(define-struct ! (arg))
(define-struct & (left right))
(define-struct \| (left right))
(define-struct > (left right))
(define-struct ? (test conseq alt))

a boolExp is either:

  • a boolean constant true and false ;
  • a symbol S representing a boolean variable;
  • (make-Not X) where X is a boolExp ;
  • (make-And X Y) where =X and Y are boolExps;
  • (make-Or X Y) where =X and Y are boolExps;
  • (make-Implies X Y) where {{X and Y are boolExps; or
  • (make-If X Y Z) where X, Y, and Z are boolExps.

Note: The or operator must be written as }} {{| in Scheme instead of | because | is a metasymbol with a special meaning in Scheme.

Description of the Provided Scheme program

Given a parsed input of type boolExp, the simplification process consists of following four phases:

  • Conversion to if form implemented by the function convert-to-if .
  • Normalization implemented by the function normalize .
  • Symbolic evaluation implemented by the function eval .
  • Conversion back to conventional boolean form implemented by the function convert-to-bool .

These phases are described in detail in HW6.

Hints on Writing Your Java Code

The Java abstract syntax classes include a separate composite hierarchy (called IfForm for representing boolean
expression as conditionals (the type ifExp in This representation includes only three concrete variant classes, making it much easier to write the visitors that perform normalization, evaluation, and clean-up.

Support Code

Here are the links for the files:

Sample Input Files

The following files contain large formulas that can be reduced by your simplifier. Only the file named bigData require a larger thread stack size than the default on my laptop. I used the JVM argument -Xss64M for the Interactions JVM to get the bigData files to run.

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