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-What is the shell?

  • An interface for running programs and interacting with the OS and File System.
  • 5 common shells: borne (sh), bourne-again (bash), korn (ksh), c-shell (csh), and tsch
  • default on Clear is tsch, default on sugar is bash (differences are mostly mini-language, such as setenv vs export for setting environment variable)

-Environment variables

  • they are simply variables that hold strings
  • these variables are inherited by programs run in the shell
  • to access the value of the environment variable in the shell, prepend the name with a $
  • the PATH variable tells the shell where to look for commands typed into the shell, ':' delimit different directories. We modify it so the hjc and hj commands can be found.
  • JAVA_HOME is needed so that the java compiler and jvm know where the needed libraries are located
  • HJ_HOME is set for the same reason but for the HJ compiler and subsystem
  • each shell inherits several environment variables on start, use the printenv command to see them


  • absolute paths begin with '/' (called root, akin to C: )
  • relative paths don't have a starting '/' and are resolved relative to your current directory
  • '.' is a special directory name for the current directory
  • '..' is a special directory name for the parent directory
  • spaces need to be escaped by backslash or the whole path wrapped in quotes, otherwise the path is interpreted as separate arguments delimited by the spaces
  • tab will autocomplete directory or file names up to the first conflict

-Common Shell Commands

  1. cd <dir> - change directory, takes a path
  2. mv <src> <dest> - moves a file from src to dest, -R will move a folder
  3. cp <src> <dest> - like move, but copies
  4. ps - see current processes running, suspended, or terminated (but not yet harvested)
  5. rm <fileOrDirName> - remove file, -R for directories. BE CAREFUL, there is no recovering what you delete. If you use the -f flag, rm will not ask confirmation about deleting each file. rm -Rf / will wipe the computer (hopefully you don't have permissions to do that)
  6. mkdir <dirname> - creates a directory of the name given
  7. chmod  [args] <filename>- changes permissions

  8. touch <filename> - changes modification and access times if the file already exists, creates a new file otherwise
  9. ls - list contents of current directory
  10. pwd - display path to working directory (current directory)
  11. echo <string> - prints the string to the screen.
  12. cat <filename> - prints the contents of file to the screen
  13. grep <string> <filename> - prints the lines in file that contain the string
  14. printenv - prints out all the environment variables and their values
  15. man <cmdname> will display info regarding the specified command

-.Xrc Files

  • a shell script that is executed before the first shell prompt is presented to you
  • each shell has a .<shellname>rc file for itself, which is located in your home folder
  • ideal place to do setups (like setting up HJ_HOME, JAVA_HOME, and PATH) so they are always ready on start

-vim Text Editor

  • usage vim <filename> to open a file, without filename it reads from stdin
  • when you open a file with vim, you open it in command mode, which means your keys do something OTHER THAN TYPING THEIR VALUES, so don't do anything until you read the next bit.
  • the arrow keys move the cursor around
  • the keys h,j,k,l also move the cursor around
  • dd will delete the current line
  • a will change to append mode, and let you type after the cursor, press escape to exit append mode
  • i will change to insert mode, and let you type at the cursor, escape to exit
  • in command mode, you can type : for a few other commands and press enter to execute them
  • w will write your changes to your file without exiting vim
  • w <filename> will write to the specified file name overwriting it if it exists, or creating it if it doesn't.
  • q will quit if no changes haven't been saved.
  • q! will quit and discard unsaved changed.
  • typically to exit you'll use either :wq to save and quit, or :q! to discard your changes.
  • pressing escape will exit you out of colon commands
  • There are A TON of other commands to look up


  • ssh stands for Secure Shell
  • basically used for remote login
  • login format is %>ssh <username>@<address>
  • typical usage is <netid>
  • you'll prompted for password then, just use your netID password (except for Sugar)
  • sftp stands for SSH File Transfer Protocol
  • typical commands are same as a shell, but are executed on the remote machine
  • prepend commands with an 'l' to execute on the local machine (ex. cd changes directory of remote machine, lcd changes local directory)
  • you cannot execute programs in sftp
  • %>put <src file> <dest file> copies the file from local to remote, renaming it if you specify a name different than the original
  • %>get <src file> <dest file> is put's inverse, copies from remote to local
  • the mput and mget variants will do their respective functions for multiple files. 
  • Typically you'll specify a regular expression (well a subset anyway) instead of the file name.
  • %>mget * will get all files in the current directory of the remote machine. 
  • %>mput *.hj will put all files ending in .hj in the local machine's current directory to the remote machine's current directory
  • quit, bye, or exit will log you out of ssh and sftp


  • ctrl-C will interrupt the current running program, and get you back to the shell
  • ctrl-D sends EOF

-IO Redirection

  • <cmd> < <filename> operator redirects stdin from the command line to file
  • <cmd> > <filename> operator redirects stdout from the command line to file
  • <cmd1> | <cmd2> 'pipe' operator redirects output of cmd1 as input to cmd2
  • the operators can be combined
  • No labels