PCB Houses
For each of the PCB houses, please provide at least the following minimum information: Company Name, web link, restrictions. More information to consider: How good are they, customer service, native file formats, minimum feature size, etc ...
- Sunstone Electronics
- Web link: http://www.sunstone.com/
- Restrictions: 6mil min feature size
- Native File Types: NOT allegro (their website says they do but they don't accept our newer version of orcad/allegro (16.5 +) because they don't have a licence for it and they don't plan on getting one (too expensive)
- Other Notes:
- Super expedite is fast, but costly.
- OSH Park
- Web link: http://oshpark.com/
- Restrictions: http://oshpark.com/pricing
- Native File Types: EagleCAD
- Other Notes:
- This is a batch pcb service, they will batch your pcb design along with others in order to lower the cost. Turn around time is about 2-3 weeks for 2 layer boards. If you can wait that long, then it is very cost effective
- Purple Boards!!
Electronics Stores in Houston
For each of the stores please be sure to include the following information: Name, address, notes. Also consider: web address, hours, google maps link, type of electronics sold, helpfulness of staff etc.
- Ace Electronics
- Address :
3210 Antoine Dr
Houston, Texas 77092 - Web Link: http://www.ace4parts.com/
- Hours: 9-5 M-F
- Notes: Hours are awkward to get to, but if they have quite possible the best selection in town
- Type of electronics: ICs, passives, motors, tools, switches, relays, mounting hardware.....
- Gmaps:
- Address :