Accessing the Data
If you want to divide up the city based on land use information, this file contains very recent boundaries of all Harris County parcels and their land use codes.
- In ArcGIS Pro, in the Catalog Pane, right click on the Folders and choose "add folder connection" then navigate to O:\Cataloged\Local\HarrisHouston\HarrisCountyAppraisalDistrict and expand the Parcels folder. Then expand the most recent year folder. Expand the Parcels.gdb database.
- Select the most recent file in this geodatabase and drag it to your map window (be sure to have your map zoomed in to the area of interest before adding this file or it will take a long time to load).
- Expand the HarrisCountyAppraisalDistrict\ParcelTables . If you want land use information, make sure to navigate to the most recent RealProperty geodatabase.
- Drag Land (land use codes) or Real_acct (owner mail address, owner, home values) to your map depending on your needs. If the information you need is not in the geodatabase you just expanded, you will have to look in other geodatabases.
If you are using the Land file, you can go back and find CodeDescriptions.gdb\LandUseCode_CodeDescriptions to figure out what the codes mean (drag the LandUseCode_CodeDescriptions file into your map and then open the table).
As the file will be very large, be sure to clip it. Then, you can join tables.