Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Add formatted Excel spreadsheet
  2. In the Contents pane, right-click the LotsWithIDs layer and selectJoins and Relates > Add Join.
  3. For 'Layer Name or Table View' keep Lots with idLotsWithIDs layer selected.
  4. For 'Input Join Field', scroll down to the very bottom and select the TxtMemo field, or whichever field contains your unique lot IDs.
  5. For 'Join Table', select outside  your Excel table.
  6. For 'Output Join Field', Select Lot, exact name is in Google the field containing the unique lot ID, as indicated below.


Project SiteLink to Spatial Collection Lot Data
MasayaCollection lots
San Ramón de AlajuelaSpatial Information
Río Tonosí ValleySurvey collection lots
Upper TérrabaCollection lots
Volcán BarúSites Map


    1. In the Contents pane, right-click the LotsWithIDs layer and select Attribute Table. Scroll to the right and ensure that your variables are appearing okay.
    2. (Can repeat the join process with multiple tables to create a single mega-table)


Basic Symbology with Graduated Colors

    1. In the Contents pane, right-click the LotswithID layer name and select Symbology to open the Symbology pane on the right.
    2. For 'Primary symbology', use the drop-down menu to select Graduated Colors (assuming you have numeric data).
    3. For 'Field', use the drop-down menu to select your Field of interest (e.g. Total Sherds).

Normalized Graduated Colors

    1. In the Symbology pane, for 'Normalization', select the population universe field, if a percentage is desired.
    2. At the top of the Symbology pane, click the Advanced symbol options button (4th button with paintbrush).
    3. Expand the Format labels section.
    4. For 'Category', used the drop-down menu to select Percentage.
    5. For 'Percentage', selectNumber represents a fraction., assuming your values are between 0 and 1.
    6. For 'Decimal places', you will likely want to type "0" or "1".

Duplicating Layers for Different Symbology

    1. In the Contents pane, right-click the LotsWithID layer name and select Copy.
    2. Scroll to the top of the Contents pane and right-click the name of the map (e.g. Map) and select Paste. This can be repeated for as many fields (variables) as you'd like to symbolize within that particular layer's attribute table.
    3. Create 3 copies for 4 total (Chirqui Decorated/Chiriqui sherds) (Total quebradas vs total chiriqui)

If you have more than a few variable layers, you will likely want to organize them by topic using group layers.

    1. At the top of the Contents pane, right-click on Map and selectNew Group Layer.
    2. Drag and drop the related layers on top of the group layer.

The settings in the Symbology pane apply to whichever layer is currently selected in the Contents pane.


Additional Symbology Options with Graduated Colors

    1. For 'Methods', preview Natural Breaks and Quantile at a minimum, referring to both the table and the histogram and think about the impacts on the appearance of the map.
    2. After your examination, you will likely want to round the values to facilitate quick interpretation (unless exact statistical breaks, such as quantile are required for another reason.) (In the demo, we rounded to 5/10/25/100 for Total Sherds)
    3. For 'Classes', we recommend reducing the number to 3 or 4, if possible, and no more than 5, unless you spend time customizing the colors to ensure the can be easily distinguished on the map.
    4. For 'Color scheme', use the drop-down menu to select the color ramp of your choice.
    5. To customize the color scheme, use the drop-down menu to selectFormat color scheme....
    6. Click the triangle-shaped Reverse color scheme button to flip ramp.
    7. To adjust the colors used in a Continuous Color Scheme, click on one of the Stop color sliders and then use the Color drop-down menu below to select the desired color.
    8. To customize the polygon borders, in the Symbology pane, at the top-right of the Symbol table, click More and select format all symbols, properties tab, change outline color and/or width. For a map fully zoomed out, you will likely might want to completely remove the borders or the borders will completely obscure the fill colors of the polygon.


To create a new layout:

    1. On the ribbon, click the Insert tab and click the New Layout button.
    2. For a full page map intended for an appendix, select Letter 8.5" x 11", either Letter or Landscape depending on the aspect ratio of your intended content.


      If you were inserting an image into the body of your report or preparing it for a presentation, you would instead want to select Custom page size... and make something 6.5" wide for the body of a report or 7.5" x 10" for Presentation or 7.5" x 13.33" for wide screen.

To add map frames:

    1. On the ribbon, click the Insert tab, click the Map Frame button and select the Map with a scale (e.g. 1:50,000).
    2. Click and hold the mouse button to draw a box on the page.

To create even borders:

    1. On the ribbon, click the contextual Map Frame Format tab.
    2. In the Size & Position group, type 7.5 x 9.5 for Width and Height.
    3. Type 0.5 x 0.5 for X and Y for the positioning from the bottom left corner of the page.

Insert a second map frame

How to activate map

    1. Right-click on Map Frame and Activate.
    2. Pan and zoom as desired.
    3. Click red X to close activation.

Select inset map

In Contents pane, zoom to lots w/ data layer.

To insert an extent rectangle on the inset map.

    1. Ensure that the inset map is selected in the Layout View.
    2. On the ribbon, click the Extent Indicator button and click Map Frame.

To convert 

Click Dynamic text, click Service Layer Credits, drag a box

    1. Basemaps Credit in sources section of report, but take off map.

To insert a title:

    1. Insert tab, Text group, Rectangle text button.
    2. Drag box in white space at top
    3. Type in title (e.g. "Appendix A: Total Sherds)
    4. At the top of the Element pane, click the Text Symbol tab.
    5. Expand the Appearance section to change font, something liek 24 pt.
    6. Right-click text box > Align > Align to page
    7. Right-click text box > Align > Align to center

To insert a legend:

    1. Update layer name if necessary
    2. In the Element pane, leftmost Options button.
    3. Click Show properties... button
    4. Uncheck Headings.
    5. Click back arrow.
    6. Click the Display button at top of Element pane.
    7. Select a border and background color using the checkerboard drop-down boxes.
    8. Set the XY gap 

To insert a scale bar:

    1. In Element page, Change map units to Kilometers, if desirable.
    2. Drag scale bar width, until number listed is rounded.
    3. Divisions 1 and Subdivisions 2

To change the orientation of the map and add a north arrow:

    1. Activate data frame
    2. On ribbon, on View tab, click Navigator button.
    3. In Navigator circle interface, click up arrow to show full controls.
    4. Drag inner circle to rotate the map view.
    5. Cancel activation
    6. Insert north arrow.

Second layout

Two frames stacked 7.5" x 4.5" tall with two different variables, how to link data frames

Bottom map 0.5 x 0.5, top one 0.5 x 5.5

Rename Frames "Top Frame and bottom frame" and show what is selected on map is which frame is highlighted in Contents pane.

    1. Activate top frame and zoom in.
    2. Close activation
    3. RIght-click on bottom frame and do properties
    4. Click the Display Options button.
    5. Use the Constraint drop-down to select Linked map frame extent
    6. Show Map frame drop-down.
    7. On the ribbon, go to Share tab.
    8. Click Layout in the Export group.
    9. Export PDF, change DPI to 600 for printing.
    10. Click Browse button for file path Name field.
    11. Click Export to save PDF.
    12. Combining PDF files.

To create a new full page map for appendix. Letter size 9.5x11 with 0.5" margins.

Add a title

Two layouts

Main frame and an inset index map



Directional distribution

    1. Weighted by Quebradas sherds
    2. Repeat with 3 other eras
