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Error Message Interpretations

  • illegal application: first term in application must be a function name - The first argument after the paranthesis must be a function. This error is generated by ((+ 3 4)), where there is an extra set of parentheses.
  • syntax error: missing close paren - The closing paranthesis is missing. The mis-matched opening paranthesis is highlighted by DrScheme. This error is generated by (+ 5 (* 3 4).
  • syntax error: too many close parens - The opening paranthesis is missing. The mis-matched closing paranthesis is highlighted by DrScheme. This error is generated by + 5 (* 3 4)).
  • illegal application: first term in application is a function-bound identifier- This error occurs in the "Beginning Student" level because function input parameters that are functions is not allowed. For example, it is generated by (define (fn x y) (x y))becausexneeds because x needs to be a function.
  • reference to undefined identifier:xxxx - This means that xxxx was misspelled. The misspelled word is highlighted by DrSchemeDrRacket. Note that this may mean that there is a space missing betwen two words. For example, the error is generated by (*4 5) where *4 is "misspelled" due to a missing space. 
  • define: malformed definition - Incorrect syntax used in a define statement. For instance, (define fn(error) (* x 5)) will generate the error. It should be, (define (fn x) (* x 5)).

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