Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Example1:  Find all recent, unresolved, UNowned tickets with Subject = demo


Query Builder steps

  • Select Search == > Tickets ==> New Search. Get Query Build page.
    Image Added

  • Set: Subject Matches demo
  • Set: Owner = Nobody
  • Set: Status is new
  • CLICK: ==> Add these Terms

Image Added


  • Set: Status is Open
  • CLICK: Add these TermsTerms  

Image Added

  • SEE: Current Search
  • CLICK:  Add these Terms and Search

Image Added

If you want to


save this Search for future use, On the Query Builder Page


; Under SAVED SEARCHES section: 

  • Do => Privacy: My Saved Searches
  • => Description = demo_nobody
  • = Select UPDATE to save it

You can continue to tweak your saved search, and then Resave it with either Update Tab tab ; or save with new description name and Save As New
