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RT 4.4 Building Search Queries and Saving Searches 


titleRT updated to 4.4.4

6/2020 - Updated RT from 4.4.2 to 4.4.4. Wiki updated to point to RT Documentation for 4.4.4


RT (Request Tracker) includes a Search Query Builder function that allows users to create various search queries for the type of tickets they are most interested in. All queries can be saved and reused.

When using RT regularly throughout their workday, users can benefit by creating and saving Searches of data most regularly used or viewed. These saved searches can be added to a personal dashboard to give the user a quick look at their preferred data.The

titleKeyboard Navigation Keys
The Keyboard Shortcut Keys


   can be used to navigate the tickets within the search results.  

RT Search Query Builder

Search Query Builder


Saving your searches 

If you want to save want  this Search for future use, or to use later on a Dashboard, Save your search with a Description (a name)  (i.e., MyOpenTix) .

On the Query Builder Page; Under SAVED SEARCHES section: 

  • Do => Privacy: My Saved Searches
  • => Description = demo_nobody  (description is Name )
  • = Select => UPDATE to save it with Description as Name

You can continue to tweak your saved search values, and then Resave it with either Update tab ; or save with a new description name and Save As New

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RT Product Documentation and Examples

The RT 4.4 product documentation has some expanded query builder examples:

RT - Intro to Query Builder

RT 4.4.4 Query _ Builder

Intro to RT Query_Builder

Information on Dashboards, which use Searches

RT Dashboards

RT 4.4.4 Dashboards