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Putative Assignment: Symbolic Evaluation of Boolean Expressions in Java


Comp 411 presumes familiarity with functional programming in Scheme and mastery of object-oriented design in Java, most notably how to write functional programs (only involving immutable objects) in Java.  Historically, the courses Comp 210 and 212 (and later Comp 211) covered this material.  Several years ago, the core programming curriculum was revised, de-emphasizing functional programming and object-oriented design.  As a result, it is unclear how well undergraduate students are prepared for this course.   This web page presents a functional programming assignment in Java where the behavior of the Java is specified by a purely functional program in Scheme.   Students who enroll in this course should be comfortable tackling this assignment (taken directly from Comp 211 in Spring 2011).


Write a Java program that reduces boolean expressions (represented in the input and output streams in Scheme-like notation) to simplified form. For the purposes of this assignment, boolean expressions are Scheme expressions constructed from:


These formulas are represented internally using abstract syntax (implemented using the composite pattern) as defined in the Java stub file  Only the last four formulas can be simplified; the preceding formulas reduce to themselves.  Some much more complex sample inputs can be found in the file littleData1. 

The course staff is providingsupport code for this assignment includes:

  • a Scheme program in the file file equivalent to the Java program that you are required to write;
  • a Java "stub" file boolSimpBoolSimp.javafor your program that defines a composite hierarchy of "abstract syntax" tree classes rooted in the class Form representing boolean expressions;
  • a Java library file contain containing a class Parser with
    • a read() method that reads a boolean expression represented in "Scheme form" and returns the corresponsing Java Form abstract syntax tree and
    • a reduce() method that composes the visitors you must write in in  to reduce whatever formula the Parser instance contains to simplified form.
  • a Java "stub" test file that includes some rudimentary tests of the code in the boolSimpthe BoolSimp.djjava stub file.

The stub file also includes comments showing you exactly what code you have to write to complete writing your simplifier. Of course, you also need to write corresponding tests and add them to the file

The file is provided to enable you to test your solution on large inputs stored in files. includes two Parser constructors Parser(File file) and Parser(String form) for building parsers to parse the boolean expression (in external text form) in the specified File or String, respectively. Since the library class File is defined in the package, you need to insert


If you omit the new File(...) construction in the argument to Parser and use "<fileName>" instead, you will create a Parser for the String "<fileName>". which is interpreted as a simple boolean variable. The File input format is important because it enables us to conveniently apply your simplifier to formulas that are thousands of symbols long. As a result, you only have to translate the Scheme code in into corresponding cleanly-written OO Java code by filling in the gaps in our Java stub file  You are expected to appropriately use the composite, interpreter, singleton, and visitor patterns in the code that you write. Since the only stub files that you have to modify are boolSimp.ava and, your assignment is to create expanded versions of these files including a comprehensive test suite in  Warning:  your program must handle large inputs like large test files provided below.We have formatted the test files as a .java file rather than a .dj because the Language Levels facility peforms no useful augmentation of JUnit test classes and bypassing the language levels translator avoids some annoying bugs in the implementation of that facility. When using the "Save As" command, please remember to save you

file as a .java file not as a .dj file. The "Save" command always retains the file types of all files.The Scheme file includes Scheme functions parse and unparse to translate Scheme lists into abstract syntax trees and vice-versa. Scheme provides a simple external syntax for lists (in homage to consonant with its LISP heritage) but Java does not.  Hence the Java Parser class works on Java strings instead of lists.  The Java visitor class Print in the file performs unparsing of the abstract syntax types Form and IfForm to type String.


Code Block
(define-struct ! (arg))bigData0
(define-struct & (left right))
(define-struct \| (left right))
(define-struct > (left right))
(define-struct ? (test conseq alt))


These phases are described in detail in HW6 from Comp 211.

Hints on Writing Your Java Code


The visitor pattern is a straightforward but notationally involved alternative to the interpreter pattern.  If you do not have much experience writing and debugging Java code involving visitors, we suggest that you write a solution using the interpreter pattern first and then translate your interpreter pattern code to visitor pattern code. (Perhaps IDEs like Eclipse should support such transformations.) We are providing support code for writing an interpreter solution.  The support code for interpreter solution replaces the ConvertToIf, Normalize, HeadNormalize, Evaluate, and Print visitors by methods in IfForm named convertToIf, normalize, headNormalize, eval, and print).

Support Code

Here are the links for the files: is distinct from because the code for the reduce method embedded in the parser is different in the two versions.

Sample Input Files

The following files contain large formulas that can be reduced by your simplifier. Only the files named bigData x may require a larger thread stack size than the JVM default on most platforms. NOTE: to handle the bigData x files bigData0 and bigData1, you may need to pass the JVM argument -Xss64M for the Interactions JVM using the DrJava Preferences command on the Edit menu. The JVM argument setting can be found on the last panel (called JVMs) in the Preferences categories tree.