Versions Compared


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Described here is all information regarding polymerase chain reactions using The standard Taq DNA polymerase , along with its optimization and troubleshooting. The standard chain reaction protocol and guidelines are largely based on NEB recommendations, and recommendations for NEB Taq (2), and Thermo recommendations for DreamTaq Green 2× PCR master mix (3); optimization information (additives, troubleshooting protocols) are is from elsewhere. Colony PCR was first described by Saris et al., 1990 (1).
Genotyping PCRs are PCRs intending to produce products whose presence and size are used to infer information about the genotype of the sample. A colony PCR is a genotyping PCR that uses cells as the template. Taq DNA polymerase is far, far more error prone than high-fidelity polymerases used to prepare DNAs for assembly/cloning (e.g. 5000× less than Q5). However, Taq is quite more economical to use, and for genotyping PCRs, sequence fidelity is generally not needed, as PCR products are not intended for downstream use. Additionally, Taq polymerase is robust enough to handle a sizeable amount of bacterial colonies or suspensions being added directly to the PCR unpurified, simplifying genotyping. Colonies can be resuspended in a single PCR to use it as a template, followed by inoculating broth or agar with the residual cells on the tip; or colonies can first be resuspended in liquid and a portion of the resuspension used in a PCR (required for using one colony/suspension in multiple PCRs).

PCR master mixes combine the enzyme, buffer, and dNTPs at a 2× concentration, so that only primers, template, and remaining water need be added. Some mixes are formulated for GC-rich templates. Some enzymes or PCR mixes have a blend of DNA polymerases for robustness, e.g. NEB OneTaq, which NEB has compared with other manufacturers' products against high-GC templates. Some polymerases or mixes have hot-start capability, which allow room-temp reaction setup without worry of nonspecific amplification, through an aptamer keeping the polymerase inactivated until the reaction is heated. Some mixes (ones with a color) already have a density reagent and tracking dyes as found in gel loading dyes, and can thus be loaded directly into a gel after thermocycling, e.g. NEB "quick-load" products or ones with colors in their name.
Shyam Bhakta

Reaction Setup

Component10 µL Rxn25 µL RxnFinal
Nuclease-free waterto 10 µLto 25 µL
10× Standard Taq Reaction Buffer
or 10× ThermoPol™ Reaction Buffer¹
1 µL2.5 µL
. Mix with water before adding enzyme.
Taq DNA polymerase
10 mM dNTPs
0625 µL0.
5 µL200 µM10 µM Forward Primer
or 100 µM
125 µL0.
2 µL
5%V/V with 5 U/µL enzyme.
0.025 U/µL rxn.
10 mM dNTPs
or 0.02 µL
2 µL
5 µL
200 µM
10 µM
Reverse Primer
forward primer
or 100 µM
0.2 µL
or 0.02 µL
0.5 µL
or 0.05 µL
0.2 µM each
10 µM reverse primer
or 100 µM
Template DNA/cellsvariable
1 µL cells
2.5 µL cells
10%V/V cell suspension
1 pg–1 ng plasmid/viral DNA
1 ng–1 µg genomic DNATaq DNA Polymerase0.0625 µL0.125 µL0.5% V / V with 5 U/µL enzyme
0.025 U/µLNuclease-Free Waterto 10 µLto 25 µL-
1–1000 ng genomic DNA

 ¹ ¹  ThermoPol Buffer contains a nonionic detergent to increase enzyme stability during longer incubations.

  1. Cell template preparation from colonies, method 1:
    Colony PCRs are more reproducible when colonies are first resuspended in liquid and a portion is used as a template in one or more PCRs, leaving the remainder for later inoculation.
    1. Aliquot 10–20 Aliquot 20 µL PBS or growth medium (no antibiotics necessary) into as many 250 µL thermocycler tubes/strips as unique colonies you desire to run reactions on. Label with colony IDs.
    2. Using pipette tips, pick colonies into these tubes, wiping them on the inside of the tube into the liquid to dislodge the cells, and pipetting the cells to disperse them.
    3. You may optionally remove a small amount of cell suspension for later liquid or solid culturing, especially if wanting to pre-lyse the cells. A few µL may be multichannel pipetted onto an agar dish and grown for later use of isolates of desired genotypes. Similarly, a few µL may be used to immediately inoculate liquid cultures for further experiments or DNA purification, accelerating growth by the ≥2 hr required for colony PCR and gel electrophoresis.
    4. Pre-lysis of cells may improve reliability of colony PCRs by removing cell solids and extracting DNA into the liquid. To , though Taq polymerase is quite robust to cell templates, so it is not necessary. But to do this, save some live cells for later growth if necessary (see previous step), before "boiling" the rest on in a thermocycler in water, buffer, or growth medium at 98°C, 10 min and centrifuging down the cell debris to use the liquid cell extract supernatant as the PCR template. Yeast or tougher bacteria may be boiled in 20 mM NaOH.
    Cell template preparation from colonies, method 2:
    An alternative when only needing one PCR per colony is to pick and resuspend a colony directly in a PCR and use the same tip to inoculate growth medium, by either swiping on agar or dipping and pipetting in broth.

  2. For as many colony PCRs, assemble reaction components without template cells on ice/cold block in 250 µL thermocycler tubes /or tube strips (unless using a hot-start version of Taqpolymerase, which doesn't require keeping cold).
    1. Enzyme must be added after at least buffer and water are mixed.
    2. Make master mixes when possiblespossible, as it reduces pipetting steps, reduces errors from pipetting small volumes, and maximizes component precision across reactions. Combine : combine all common components for for the reactions together, and into reaction PCR tubes, aliquot reaction volumes less deficient by the volume of the variable component(s).
      e.g., templates commonly vary across reactions, so for if only the template varies across ten 10 µL reactions containing a combined volume of 1 , reserving 1 µL for cell template, : combine water, buffer, dNTPs, primers, any enhancers, and polymerase; mix and aliquot 9 µL of this master mix across ten tubes, before adding their unique cell templates. If using a 2× PCR master mix, combine it with water and primers before aliquotting. Cell suspensions may be multichannel-pipetted into reactions for conveniencePCRs for convenience.
      Note: Aliquots of 2× PCR master mixes can often be kept at 4°C for 1–3 months, depending on the product, so as to limit the master mix freeze-thaw cycles. NEB tested theirs for 15 freeze-thaw cycles.
    3. After adding the last component, mix reaction with pipette or by closing, flicking, and centrifuging tubes to recollect liquid at bottom.
  3. Transfer the reactions to a thermocycler, optionally preheated to the denaturation temperature (95°C). Pausing just after starting the program if not using a hot-start polymerase.
    Pausing a program right after starting it will pause the protocol after the lid has finished (slowly) heating, after which pausing will pause the program with the block heated to the denaturation temp, step 1preheating. Pausing the program right after the lid has preheated will hold the block at the step 1 denaturation temp.
  4. Analyze PCRs using gel or capillary electrophoresis. As amplicon yields are ideally high, running smaller amounts of DNA than the entire reaction may give better DNA resolution.
    Some PCR master mixes contain gel loading dye components and can be loaded directly.

Setup using a 2× PCR master mix

Component10 µL Rxn25 µL RxnFinal Conc
2× PCR master mix5 µL12.5 µLContains polymerase, dNTPs, and buffer.
Nuclease-free water5 µL – x12.5 µL – xx = Σ primers + template
10 µM forward primer
or 100 µM
0.1–1 µL
or 0.01-0.1 µL
0.25–2.5 µL
or 0.025–0.25 µL

0.1–1 µM each

10 µM reverse primer
or 100 µM
Template DNA/cellsvariable,
1 µL cells
2.5 µL cells
10%V/V cell suspension
0.01–1 ng plasmid/viral DNA
100–1000 ng genomic DNA





Lid preheating

Initial Denaturation95°C
1–3 min

1 min for purified plasmid/linear/bacterial DNA.
3 min for complex templates,
or to


reliably lyse cells.

30 s for purified plasmid/linear/bacterial DNA

4–5 min for high-GC.




Denaturation95°C15 s15–30 s.
Annealing*50–68°C30 s

15–60 s. *Find Tanl


on Tm calculator

60 s
1 min/kb

Final Extension68°C5 minHolding temp is unnecessary and bad for thermocycler (

Note: When needing to destroy non-synthetic (non-amplicon) DNA, DpnI will not work in standard Taq buffer, requiring gel/column purification before digesting. DpnI does have full activity in ThermoPol reaction buffer, however.

DreamTaq master mix Thermocycling


Lid preheating105°C

Initial Denaturation,
Enzyme Activation
95°C1–3 min

1 min for purified plasmid/linear/bacterial DNA.
3 min for complex templates,
or to reliably lyse cells.


40 cycles:
<10 template copies

Denaturation95°C30 s3–4 min for high-GC.
Annealing*50–68°C30 s

Tm – 5°. *Find Tanl.
Or use lower of OneTaq Tms.

Extension72°C≥1 min1 min for ≤2 kb; for >2 kb add 1 min/kb.
Reduce to 68° when >6 kb.

Final Extension72°C5–15 minHolding temp is unnecessary and bad for thermocycler (ref).



See Q5/Phusion PCR page's PCR additives and Troubleshooting sections, and

adapt protocols using Taq thermocycling times/temperatures

first adapt the concepts of ramped or gradient Tanl while keeping other thermocycling parameters in accordance with manufacturer recommendations.

Andrew Hirning's protocol

  1. Pipette 8
µl of
  1. µL of LB into PCR tubes and 5
  1. mL (+ antibiotics) into glass
culture tubes.2. Add antibiotic to the
  1. culture tubes.
  1. Pick a colony off the agar plate and mix it into the LB in a PCR tube.
  1. Transfer 5
µl of
  1. µL of inoculated LB from PCR tube to overnight tube. 
Place overnight tubes in 37°C shaker
  1. Incubate tubes shaking.
  1. Make the master mix (volumes given per reaction):
  1. 17.5 µL water
µl Taq Buffer     
  1. µL Taq Buffer
µl 10 mM dNTP     
  1. µL Taq polymerase
µl 10 uM F primer     
  1. µL 10 mM dNTP
µl 10 uM R primer
    17.5 µl water
  1. µL 10 µM fwd primer
µl Taq polymerase6.
  1. µL 10 µM rev primer
  2. Pipette 22
µl of
  1. µL of the master mix into PCR tubes containing remaining 3 µL cell suspension (in LB).
  2. Thermocycle appropriately and analyze on gel.

  1. Saris, Per EJ, Lars G. Paulin, and Mathias Uhlén. "Direct amplication of DNA from colonies of Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli by the polymerase chain reaction." Journal of Microbiological Methods 11.2 (1990): 121-126.
  2. PCR Protocol for Taq DNA Polymerase | NEB
  3. TFS-Assets/LSG/manuals/MAN0012704_DreamTaq_Green_PCR_MasterMix_K1081_UG.pdf (
.7. Place PCR tubes into thermocycler and run the appropriate protocol.