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Homework 10: SimLaundry2010SimLaundry 2010

Due Friday Wednesday, 9  13 April 2010 at 11:00 A.M.


This assignment has a long description but the coding involved is straightforward. Most of the code for the full application has been written as support code by the course staff. In our solution, the remaining code that you must write (excluding test code) consists of approximately 250 lines (including comments and whitespace lines).


Acker never discards clothing, no matter how threadbare, but does, on rare occasions, lose some. Not only does Acker lose While Acker does not lose clothes being worn, but they can be lost from anywhere else, including the closet shelf, the dirty laundry pile, and the laundry room.

For the purposes of this assignment, a pair of socks is an indivisible article of clothing; we make the unrealistic assumptions that single socks are never lost and that Acker does not wear mismatched socks. Also, you needn't be any more concerned than Acker is about separating white and dark laundry or other such niceties.

What You Must Do

 Download the supplied code here:

The course staff is providing a framework for writing this program that includes many classes and interfaces. The framework is packaged as a zipped DrJava project This file will unzip into a self-contained file tree with root directory HW10. This directory contains the following:


After unzipping the file, you can open the DrJava laundry project by starting DrJava, setting the Language Level to Full Java, pulling down the Project menu and selecting the Open command. In the file chooser that pops up, select the project profile file laundry.drjava embedded in the file in the unzipped file tree for You can save the project state at any point during a DrJava session using the Save command in the Project menu. You can also save individual files within the project using the Save button on command file or the File menu.

Your assignment is to fill in the stubbed out members of the DoCommandVisitor (members with degenerate bodies (return "";).    All required areas in the code are clearly marked with comments for the student to complete the code in that area.  In the process you may choose to define some new classes to support your DoCommandVisitor class implementation. The Student class which repeatedly invokes DoCommandVisitor models the laundry habits of Acker. In our test simulations, we will typically only create a single instance of Student representing Acker, but your code should support multiple students (e.g., Acker and his brothers) at a time. Since these students do not interact with each other, supporting this form of multiplicity is a trivial consequence of OO coding style used in the framework.

The String return value of the cases of the DoCommandVisitor is the output of processing that Command.    For example, if the expected output of processing a Change command is "doffed blue shirt, donned red shirt"" then that is the String object that you should return from the appropriate case when processing that Change command object, i.e. it accepts your DoCommandVisitor visitor object.    


Complete testing of your DoCommandVisitor cases is required.

Test each case by creating a test cases that call each case explicitly with known host and Command parameters.   Then proceed to test the visitor as a whole.

Running the Simulation

GUI Mode

The supplied DrJava project is set up to run the GUI version of the simulation.   Thus, clicking on the Run Project button in DrJava will run the GUI version of the simulation (See sample laundry test class edu.rice.comp211.laundry.tests.LaundryTest for examples of how to test an entire command both manually and by using an input test file and comparison output file.

The Test Project button in DrJava runs all of the JUnit test files in the project.

Use the test files in the data} folder as guides for inputs and expected outputs.  For example, given the text input in {{sampleIn.txt, your program should generate the text in sampleOut.txt.     testIn.txt is a fairly extensive test.   You'll probably want to start with something smaller such as sampleIn.txt} or {{tinyIn.txt though.

Initially, the provided framework should compile but LaundryTest will fail because most of the members in the key class DoCommandVisitor have been stubbed out.

The Student class includes:

  • the name of the student,
  • the closet shelf with its piles of clean clothes,
  • the dirty laundry pile, and
  • the laundry room with its piles of laundered garmets sitting on tables.
  • and methods to manipulate those data representations to perform the specified simulation

Wiki Markup
When the simulation begins, Acker is wearing _white_ pants, _white_ socks, and a _white_ shirt. The closet shelf, dirty laundry pile, and laundry facilities are all initially empty. The program starts execution using the special method {{public static void main(String\[\] args)}} in class {{Main}}. The {{main}} method interface is the only vehicle for executing Java programs directly from the command line. (DrJava has a {{main}} method for this reason.)

Your solution will be graded using the textual interface. Graphical interfaces are notoriously difficult to test and all of the graphical interface code is part of our support code anyway. Your correctness and testing scores (which each count 25% of your grade) will be based on how well your implementation of each command complies with the given specifications and on how well you demonstrate this compliance with test cases. You can test your DoCommandVisitor using the same approach given in our class. These tests use the simulate method in Student to drive the execution of DoCommandVisitor. If you write some utility methods fopr BiLists you should separately test these methods. You are NOT responsible for testing any of our support code in including the BiList class.

A major portion of your grade (35%) will be based on your program style. If you write your code in the OO style practiced in this course, you should do very well on this aspect of the assignment. The remaining 15% of your grade is based on your documentation, particularly your javadoc comments for classes and methods.

Form of Event Commands

Your program executes a loop that repeatedly reads input from an input "process" that returns Command objects. The input process (provided by our supporting framework) reads a series of event description commands, one to a line, either from the console or from a file. The input process converts a stream of characters to Command objects which are passed to your program.

In addition to performing the specified command, your program should output a brief description of for each command that it performs in the exact format described below. In the following list of commands, the output line specifies what your program should print.


Code Block

receive <adjective>  <article>


Code Block

received <adjective> <article>


Code Block

receive argyle socks


Code Block

received argyle socks


Code Block

lose <adjective> <article>


Code Block

lost <adjective> <article>


Code Block

Acker is wearing <adjective> <article>


Code Block

<adjective> <article> does not exist


Code Block

change <article>


Code Block

doffed <adjective> <article>, donned <adjective> <article>


Code Block



Code Block

washed <adjective> <article>, ..., <adjective> <article>


Code Block

nothing to wash


Code Block



Code Block

folded <adjective> <article>, ..., <adjective> <article>


Code Block

nothing to fold


Code Block

folded empty load


Code Block



Code Block

wearing <adjective> <shirt>, <adjective> pants, <adjective> socks

Supporting Code and Programming Details

Code Details

Our supporting framework is provided in the zip file\. The test input in the file sampleIn (with corresponding output) sampleOut is far from comprehensive.

All of our supporting code is included in the unzipped project. Each file resides in a package that is identified by a package statement at the beginning of the file. Most support classes are public so that they can be accessed anywhere. Classes without a visibility modifier have "default" visibility, which means that they can only be accessed from classes within the same package.

Our supporting framework includes an input processor that reads event commands from the input stream and returns high level data representations for these commands. The input processor can also print debugging output describing the state of your simulation before each command is performed. To communicate with your code, the input processor uses four interfaces:

IOProcess which describes the visible methods supported by the input processor;

StudentEnvironment which describes methods for inspecting the state of Acker's environment;

EnumI which describes methods for inspecting (but not mutating!) lists within Acker's environment; and

ReadIteratorI which includes methods for moving a cursor through lists implementing the EnumI interface.

The interfaces are already defined in the framework provided by the course staff.

The input processor class TerminalIO implements the IOProcess interface. You are welcome to inspect the code of TerminalIO but it relies heavily on the Java I/O library, particularly the class StreamTokenizer . To understand this code, you will need to read Chapter 11 of JLS (or similar reference). The framework also includes implementations of EnumI and ReadIteratorI as part of a BiList (mutable circular doubly linked list) class implementation.

The Student class implements the StudentEnvironment interface, which includes the simulate method supporting the laundry simulation. The simulate method contains a loop that reads commands from its IOProcess and invokes DoCommandVisitor on each command. Within the DoCommandVistor class you must implement methods that process the various possible commands.

The program includes two class definitions defining unions (composites without recursion): Garment, specifying the representation of garments that appear in the input stream, and Command, specifying the representation of event description commands. Both classes include the hooks required to support the visitor pattern. The data definition for Garment is important because the graphical version of the user interface included in the framework animates the state of your implementation before each command. This graphical user interface (GUI) expects the garments that appear as elements in lists (as revealed by the EnumI and ReadIteratorI interfaces) to be instances of the Garment class. Hence, you must use the representation of garments that our class Garment provides.

The file contains comments describing all of the members that you need to write. This class could have been defined as an inner class of Student but we made it a top level class to simplify debugging.

The IOProcess interface includes a method PrintStream open(StudentEnvironmenta, boolean debug) which initializes an IOProcess object for a laundry simulation of the specified environment and returns the PrintStream object to be used for terminal output. (Up to now you have implicitly used the PrintStream object System.out.) The PrintStream method println(String s) prints the string s followed by a newline character to the PrintStream. The boolean debug argument indicates whether or not debugging output should be produced. The IOProcess interface also includes a method nextCommand which reads the next command from the input channel supported by the IOProcess object.

Each call on nextCommand returns the next command in the stream provided by the IOProcess object, until it reaches an end-of-file (<control>-d from the keyboard). End-of-file is reported as a null reference of type Command.

The nextCommand method in TerminalIO processes character strings consisting of words separated by ``space'' characters such as ' ' and '\n' . A word is any sequence of printable characters other than space, '\n' (newline), and '\r' . (return). An adjective must be a single word. An article must be one the words shirt , pants , or socks . The same adjective, say argyle may be applied to garments of different types, but there are no duplicate items of clothing.

The program passes a boolean debug flag to (TerminalIO). The value of the flag is true iff the command line argument -d or -debug is passed to main .

The Graphical User Interface (GUI)

The initialization of the GUI creates an Acker Student object and associated DoCommandVisitor. Each GUI event triggers the execution of DoCommandVisitor; in some cases, such as reading input from a file, it triggers the execution of DoCommandVisitor on a stream of Commands. In essence, the event-handling loop built-in to the Java Swing framework is used to drive the computation rather than a separate loop in the main thread such as the one in the simulate method in Student.


ui.SimLaundry2010Application), which enables you to load test files and either step through them one command at a time or run all the commands automatically.   The output will appear in the Interactions pane.

The GUI version also allows you to run individual commands.  Select the "GUI" mode from the drop list in the lower left corner of the window.   The GUI will then allow you to create and run one command at a time.   This is useful for testing a single command, but may be more tedious than running in text mode (see below).

The "Threaded" mode allows you to simulate multiple students sharing laundry piles.  Each student runs a difffernt set of commands from individually specified input files.   There appears to be a latent threading bug that has nothing to do with the student code that can pop up occasionally and crash the simulation.   Running multiple students is not a requirement here and nothing in the student-written code would affect this, so don't worry about running in Threaded mode, though it is kind of interesting to watch.

Text Mode

You may find it easier to run the simulation as a textual input application.   Simply right-click the {}} file and select "Run File" or change the the DrJava project properties to change the Main Class to this classand then use the Run Project button. 

In the text mode, you simply type in each command, such as  "receive blue socks" into the input box that will appear in the Interactions pane.   See below for more information on the command format.  The output will show immediately below in the Interactions pane and new input box will appear.

Note: adjectives MUST be SINGLE words. 


Complete testing of your DoCommandVisitor cases is required.

Test each case by creating a test cases that call each case explicitly with known host and Command parameters.   Then proceed to test the visitor as a whole.

See sample laundry test class edu.rice.comp211.laundry.tests.LaundryTest for examples of how to test an entire command both manually and by using an input test file and comparison output file.

The Test Project button in DrJava runs all of the JUnit test files in the project.

Use the test files in the data folder as guides for inputs and expected outputs.  For example, given the text input in sampleIn.txt, your program should generate the text in sampleOut.txt.     testIn.txt is a fairly extensive test.   You'll probably want to start with something smaller such as sampleIn.txt or tinyIn.txt though.

Initially, the provided framework should compile but LaundryTest will fail because most of the members in the key class DoCommandVisitor have been stubbed out.

Important Note:   When the simulation begins, Acker is wearing white pants, white socks, and a white shirt. The closet shelf, dirty laundry pile, and laundry facilities are all initially empty.

Assume that the supplied test files are NOT exhaustive!!   You are responsible for the complete testing of your code!

Development Process Recommendation

It is highly recommended that you take a step-by-step, highly structured approach to this assignment.   Take SMALL steps, testing thoroughly before moving to the next step.

Write and test the easiest cases of DoCommandVisitor first and then move on to the harder cases.   In the opinion of the staff, the case in order from easiest to hardest are approximately (there is definitely room for argument here!)

  1. forOutfit
  2. forReceive
  3. forFold
  4. forLaunder
  5. forLose
  6. forChange


Your solution will be graded using the textual interface. Graphical interfaces are notoriously difficult to test and all of the graphical interface code is part of our support code anyway. Your correctness and testing scores (which each count 25% of your grade) will be based on how well your implementation of each command complies with the given specifications and on how well you demonstrate this compliance with test cases. You can test your DoCommandVisitor using the same approach given in our class. These tests use the simulate method in Student to drive the execution of DoCommandVisitor. If you write some utility methods fopr BiLists you should separately test these methods. You are NOT responsible for testing any of our support code in including the BiList class.

A major portion of your grade (35%) will be based on your program style. If you write your code in the OO style practiced in this course, you should do very well on this aspect of the assignment. The remaining 15% of your grade is based on your documentation, particularly your javadoc comments for classes and methods.

Delegation Model Programming vs. Imperative Programming

This assignment will require that you write code that is a mixture of delegation model programming, where one delegates from one object to another to achieve the desired processing, and imperative programming where a defined control flow is set up, such as with if-else or {while}} loop constructs and the objects are processed by following this constructed control flow and processing information extracted from the relevant objects.    This mixture is how you can expect a real world program to be constructed -- the world isn't so clean that only one paradigm can totally rule in any situation.  

The best approach is to default to a delegation mode, looking to create your processing algorithms as a delegation chain from one object to the next.    However, you will discover that the nature of certain objects, the BiList in particular, will force you into an imperative mode where you will have to use the BiList's iterators in conjunction with conditionals and loops.    Effeciency concerns (see below) will also play a role in which programming style you are using at any given moment. 

Remember the mantra of delegation model programming:  If your process depends on the type of an object, then delegate to that object.   Visitors are expressly designed for exactly this sort of type-dependent delegation model processing.

Use imperative programming sparingly -- only if and when you absolutely need it!  

You are not at all required to do this, but as a benchmark, it should be noted that the staff solution implements each case of DoCommandVisitor as a single return statement.   This should tell you something about the power of delegation in this assignment.

Form of Event Commands

Your program executes a loop that repeatedly reads input from an input "process" that returns Command objects. The input process (provided by our supporting framework) reads a series of event description commands, one to a line, either from the console or from a file. The input process converts a stream of characters to Command objects which are passed to your program.

In addition to performing the specified command, your program should output a brief description of for each command that it performs in the exact format described below. In the following list of commands, the output line specifies what your program should print.

  • The command
    Code Block
    receive <adjective>  <article>
    means Acker received a gift of the specified article (<adjective> <article>) of clothing. In response, the simulation outputs
    Code Block
    received <adjective> <article>
    and updates the state of the StudentEnvironment. For example,
    Code Block
    receive argyle socks
    Code Block
    received argyle socks
    and adds the argyle socks to the top of the socks pile on the shelf.

  • The command
    Code Block
    lose <adjective> <article>
    means Acker misplaced the specified article of clothing. If the item exists and Acker is not wearing it, the simulation outputs
    Code Block
    lost <adjective> <article>
    and updates the state of the StudentEnvironment accordingly. If Acker is wearing it, the simulation outputs
    Code Block
    Acker is wearing <adjective> <article>
    and leaves the StudentEnvironment unchanged. If the item does not exist, the simulation outputs
    Code Block
    <adjective> <article> does not exist
    and leaves the StudentEnvironment (i.e. Acker) unchanged.

  • The command
    Code Block
    change <article>
    means Acker doffed the specified article of clothing, discarding it in the dirty laundry pile, and donned a replacement article using the protocol described above. In response, the simulation outputs
    Code Block
    doffed <adjective> <article>, donned <adjective> <article>
    describing the article doffed and the article donned.
    If Acker has no clean garment of the specified type, the status string returned should indicate this. For instance, suppose Acker was asked to change his pants when he has no clean pants and is already wearing black-ink-grunge pants:
    Code Block
    Nothing to change into! Doffed black-ink-grunge pants, donned black-ink-grunge pants

  • The command
    Code Block
    means Acker washed and dried a load of laundry. If the dirty clothes pile is not empty, the simulation outputs
    Code Block
    washed <adjective> <article>, ..., <adjective> <article>
    listing the clothes in the order they were removed from the dirty clothes pile. If the dirty clothes pile is empty, the simulation outputs
    Code Block
    nothing to wash

  • The command
    Code Block
    means Acker retrieved a load of laundry, folded it, and put it on the closet shelf. If a load of laundry is available, the simulation outputs
    Code Block
    folded <adjective> <article>, ..., <adjective> <article>
    for the oldest unfolded load. List the clothes in the order they are placed on the shelf. Hence the top garment on the shelf should be the last one listed. If no load of laundry has been washed and dried, then the simulation outputs
    Code Block
    nothing to fold
    If the oldest load is empty (because all items in it were lost), the simulation outputs
    Code Block
    folded empty load

  • The command
    Code Block
    asks "what is Acker wearing?" The simulation outputs
    Code Block
    wearing <adjective> <shirt>, <adjective> pants, <adjective> socks

Click here for Supporting Code and Programming Details


For this assignment, you should be concerned about relevant asymptotic efficiency. Choose the simplest representation that yields good performance on inputs of plausible size.


The sample input and output files tinyin and tinyout files tinyIn.txt and tinyOut.txt are a good starting point for testing your program but they are far from exhaustive.

You  You are responsible for testing your own program.

Supplemental Program Running Information

The program starts execution using the special method public static void main(String[] args) in class Main. The main method interface is the only vehicle for executing Java programs directly from the command line. (DrJava has a main method for this reason.)

Since your class containing main is called edu.rice.comp211.laundry.Main, you can enter the line
