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This guide was created by the staff of the GIS/Data Center at Rice University and is to be used for individual educational purposes only. The steps outlined in this guide require access to ArcGIS Pro software and data that is available both online and at Fondren Library.

The following text styles are used throughout the guide:

Explanatory text appears in a regular font.

  1. Instruction text is numbered.
  2. Required actions are underlined.
  3. Objects of the actions are in bold.

Folder and file names are in italics.

Names of Programs, Windows, Panes, Views, or Buttons are Capitalized.

'Names of windows or entry fields are in single quotation marks.'

"Text to be typed appears in double quotation marks."

Getting Started

Creating a New Project in ArcGIS Pro

  1. From the Start menu, launch ArcGIS Pro.
  2. When ArcGIS Pro opens, under the Create a new project section, click the Blank project template.
  3. In the 'Create a New Project' window, for Name, type "PlayMapping".
  4. For Location, click the Browse... button to the right.
  5. In the 'Select a folder to store the project.' window, click Computer in the left column and click Desktop in the right column and click OK.
  6. In the 'Create a New Project' Window, click OK.
  7. Maximize the ArcGIS Pro application window.

Creating a New Map 

A map is a project item used to display and work with geographic data in two dimensions. The first step to visualizing any data is creating a new map. The ribbon runs horizontally across the top of the ArcGIS Pro interface. Tools (buttons) are organized into tabs along the ribbon.

  1. On the ribbon, click the Insert tab.
  2. In the Project group, click the New Map button.

    You will notice that a new map view opens in the main section of ArcGIS Pro. The panel on the left side of ArcGIS Pro is called the Contents pane. After creating a new map, the Contents pane now displays the default Map title and automatically adds the Topographic basemap layer to the map. The panel on the right side of ArcGIS Pro is called the Catalog pane. After creating the first map, a new Maps section has been added to the top of the Project tab within the Catalog pane.

  3. In the Catalog pane, click the arrow to expand the Maps section.

    Notice that there is a single map there, named "Map". Since most projects will have multiple maps, it is a good idea to name your maps with more descriptive titles.

  4. In the Catalog pane, under the Maps section, right-click Map and select Rename.
  5. Type "GISWorkshop" and hit Enter.

Saving a Project

Any time you create a new project item (such as a map or a layout), spend time adjusting the symbology of your map layers, or are preparing to run a tool, it is a good idea to save your project.

  1. Above the ribbon, on the Quick Access toolbar, click the Save button.

Data Management

For more practice with Data Management, check out our short course: Introduction to GIS Data Management

Download Workshop Data  

Workshop Data Download

  1. Click above to download the tutorial data. Make a note where this file is saved on your personal computer. 
  2. Open your Downloads folder.
  3. Right-click and select Extract All....
  4. In the Extract Compressed (Zipped) Folders window, accept the default location into the Downloads folder.
  5. Click Extract.

Browsing Existing Data

  1. In the Catalog pane, click the arrow to expand the Databases section.
  2. Click the arrow to expand the PlayMapping.gdb geodatabase. You will notice there is no data in the geodatabase. Over the next few sections, we will create data that is added to this Project Geodatabase.
  3. In the Catalog pane, click the arrow to expand the Folders section. Again, notice there is no data in the folder. 

Connecting to a Folder

  1. In the Catalog pane, right-click Folders and select Add Folder Connection.
  2. Navigate to your personal downloads folder and click on Downloads
  3. Click OK.
  4. In the Catalog pane, expand Downloads and then expand the Workshop_Data folder.
  5. Your Workshop_Data folder should look like the below image.

Adding Data to a Map

For more practice with Coordinate Systems, check out our short course: Introduction to Coordinate Systems and Projections

  1. The map takes on the projection of the first data layer added. If a JPG is added first, then the map projection would be undefined (as the projection for a JPG is undefined). To define the map's coordinate system, in the Contents pane on the right, right-click the PlayMapping map and navigate to Properties > Coordinate System > Geographic Coordinate Systems > North America > US and Territories > NAD 1927
  2. In the Catalog pane, right-click the HST.jpg raster and select Add To Current Map.
  3. An alternative method of adding data to a map is to click and hold the item and drag and drop it into the map view.


For more practice with Georeferencing, check out our short course: Mapping Imagery

  1. In the Contents pane, right-click HST.jpg then click Zoom to Layer.
  2. In the Contents pane, click HST.jpg so that is highlighted in light blue. From the ribbon, click  the Imagery tab and then click the Georeference button.
  3. Click Add Control Points.
  4. Click the top left corner of the HST.
  5. Right-click and select Input X and Y...
  6. Type X : -104.5, Y : 33 and click OK. The x value is the West coordinate and it is negative because we are in the Western Hemisphere. The y value is North coordinate.
  7. Right-click HST and click Zoom to Layer.
  8. Repeat steps 5-8 for the bottom right corner of HST, but type X : -103.5, Y : 32
  9. Repeat steps 5-8 for the bottom left corner of HST but type X : -104.5, Y : 32.
  10. Repeat steps 5-8 for the top right corner but type X : -103.5, Y : 33
  11. From the Georeferencing ribbon, click Save. Then click Close Georeference.
  12. Above the ribbon, on the Quick Access toolbar, click the Save button.

Digitizing Features

For more practice with Digitizing Features, check out our short course: Creating Vector Data

  1. In the Catalog pane, expand the Databases section.
  2. Right-click PlayMapping.gdb and select New > Feature Class. Name it HSTPoints. Under the Type drop-down box, select Point.
  3. Click Next twice. In the Spatial Reference window, under the Layers section, select the NAD 1927 projection. Click Finish.
  4. If the new feature class did not automatically add to your map: From the Catalog pane in the Databases section, expand PlayMappping.gdb. Right-click HSTPoints and select Add to Current Map
  5. In the Contents pane, right-click HSTPoints and select Attribute Table
  6. From the top of the attribute table, click the Add Field button. 
  7. A new Fields view table pops up. Under the Field Name column, add a new name labeled Thickness
  8. Change the Data Type to Short Integer by clicking the drop-down box then Short. 
  9. From the main Ribbon, you will now see you are in the Fields tab. Click the Save button on the far right of the Ribbon to save the new field.
  10. Close the Fields view table by clicking the X at the top right of the table. 
  11. From the Ribbon, select the Edit tab.
  12. In the Features group, click Create
  13. A new pane, Create Features, opens on the right side of the screen. Click HSTPoints and select the Point button (first in list). 
  14. In the Map view, click to add a point on the to left point displayed on the HST.jpg. 
  15. In the Attribute Table, a new row has been generated for this newly created point. Click in the Thickness cell for this row and type 7. 
  16. Repeat steps 14 and 15 for all points on HST.jpg.
  17. From the Ribbon, in the Edit tab, in the Manage Edits group, click Save. Click Yes for the pop-up window. 
  18. Close the Create Features pane.
  19. Close the Attribute Table
  20. Above the ribbon, on the Quick Access toolbar, click the Save button.


For more practice with Interpolation, check out our short course: Data Interpolation and Extraction 

  1. From the Ribbon, click the Analysis tab.
  2. In the Geoprocessing group, click the Tools button. A new pane, Geoprocessing, will appear on the right side of the screen. 
  3. In the Geoprocessing pane, type Natural Neighbor
  4. Select Natural Neighbor (Spatial Analyst Tools).
  5. Under Input point features, click the drop-down menu and select HSTPoints.
  6. Under Z value field, choose Thickness.
  7. Under Output raster, change the name to HST_Interp_NN.
  8. Click Run.
  9. Above the ribbon, on the Quick Access toolbar, click the Save button.


For more practice with Symbology, check out our short course: Introduction to ArcGIS Pro

  1. Right-click HST_Interp_NN and select SymbologyA new pane, Symbology, will open up on the right side of the screen. From here you can change the symbology settings, which affects how the HST_Interp_NN raster is displayed on the map. Stretched symbology displays continuous raster cell values across a gradual ramp of colors. Classified symbology displays thematic rasters by grouping cell values into classes. 
  2. In the Symbology pane, choose Classify from the Primary symbology drop down menu. To change the number or classes, use the drop-down box under Classes. To manually alter the class intervals, double-click the upper values box you would like to edit and enter the new values. To change the color, use the drop-down options under Color Scheme.
  3. In the Symbology pane, choose Stretch from the Primary symbology drop down menu. To change the color, use the drop-down options under Color Scheme.
  4. Above the ribbon, on the Quick Access toolbar, click the Save button.


  1. From the Ribbon, click the Analysis tab.
  2. In the Geoprocessing group, click the Tools button. The Geoprocessing pane will appear on the right side of the screen. 
  3. In the Geoprocessing pane, type Contour
  4. Select Contour (Spatial Analyst Tools).
  5. From the Input raster drop-down menu, select HST_Interp_NN.
  6. Under Output polyline features, name the feature HST_Interp_NN_Contour.
  7. Under Contour interval type 10.
  8. Leave the Base contour as 0. For other projects you may want to look at the HST_Interp_NN raster range to determine from what value you want the contour intervals to begin.
  9. Leave the Z factor as 1. However, if you were using a different thickness than feet, you would want to input the conversion factor here.
  10. Click Run.
  11. Above the ribbon, on the Quick Access toolbar, click the Save button.

Importing Excel Data

For more practice with Symbology, check out our short course: Mapping Locations Using XY Coordinates

  1. From the Ribbon, click the Analysis tab.
  2. In the Geoprocessing group, click the Tools button. The Geoprocessing pane will appear on the right side of the screen. 
  3. In the Geoprocessing pane, type Excel to Table
  4. Select Excel to Table (Conversion Tools).
  5. For Input Excel File, click the Browse button.
  6. On the right side of the Browse window, click Folders.
  7. On the left side of the Browse window, double click the Workshop_Data folder and choose IGOR_masterlist
  8. Under Output Table, name the table GIS_Wells.
  9. From the Sheet drop down, choose the GIS_Wells sheet. This ensures that the GIS_Wells sheet will be the data converted from an excel table to a geodatabase table. 
  10. Click Run.
  11. In the Contents pane, right-click the GIS_Wells table and select Display XY Data.
  12. Name the layer GIS_Wells_Pts
  13. Ensure that the X Field states "longitude" and the Y Field states "latitude". 
  14. For Coordinate System, use the dropdown menu to select Current Map [Map]. The coordinate system should now be GCS_North_American_1927. 
  15. Click Run.
  16. In the Contents pane, rick-click on GIS_Wells_Pts and select Zoom to Layer.
  17. Right-click GIS_Wells_Pts and select Label.
  18. Right-click GIS_Wells_Pts and select Label PropertiesA new pane, Label Class, will open on the right side of the screen.
  19. Under the Expression box, clear the current input. 
  20. Under the Fields box, double click api_number. The Expression box should now read $feature.api_number.
  21. Click Apply.
  22. Above the ribbon, on the Quick Access toolbar, click the Save button.

Spatial Join

For more practice with Spatial Joins, check out our short course: Introduction to Geoprocessing

  1. In the Catalog pane, expand the Workshop_Data folder and then expand SpatialJoindata.gdb. 
  2. Right-click on geologic_features_poly and select Add to Current Map
  3. In the Contents pane, right-click on geologic_features_poly and select Symbology
  4. From the Symbology pane, use the dropdown menu to select Unique Values. Change the Field 1 selection to FEATURE
  5. From the Color Scheme drop-down, select the color scheme that you would like. 
  6. From the Ribbon, click the Analysis tab.
  7. In the Geoprocessing group, click the Tools button. The Geoprocessing pane will appear on the right side of the screen. 
  8. In the Geoprocessing pane, type Contour
  9. Select Spatial Join (Analysis Tools).
  10. Under Target Features, select GIS_Wells_Pts.
  11. Under Join Features, select geologic_features_poly
  12. Rename the Output Feature Class as GIS_Wells_SpatialJoin
  13. Retain the default setting of Join_one_to_one for the Join Operation.
  14. Retain all other default settings
  15. Click Run.
  16. In the Contents pane, right-click on GIS_Wells_Pts and select Remove.
  17. In the Contents pane, click on GIS_Wells_SpatialJoin and rename GIS_Wells
  18. Above the ribbon, on the Quick Access toolbar, click the Save button.
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