Guide to Adobe Acrobat & PDF


  1. Introduction
    • What is a PDF and how is it useful?
    • Acrobat and the Acrobat Reader.
  2. Different Kind's Of PDF's
  3. Opening and Importing
  4. Navigating and Re-Arranging Pages
    • Browsing a PDF using the Navigation Bar
    • Opening a Specific Page
    • Re-arranging Page Sequence
  5. Merging Pages from other PDF's
  6. Creating a PDF from MS-Office Applications
  7. Scanning With Acrobat
    • Choosing Resolution and Color Depth
  8. Paper Capture and OCR
  9. Links and Buttons
    • What is a Link?
    • Creating a Link Button
    • Creating a Web Link
    • Creating an Internal Link
    • Editing an Existing Link
  10. Further Assistance


What is a PDF? The Portable Document Format (PDF) is a an open standard for distributing electronic documents. Just about any kind of document can be converted to PDF, while preserving its original layout, fonts, and images. In the last ten years, PDF has become a universal file format, from archiving government documents, to submitting advertisments for publication, to distributing downloadable application forms for the general public. If you want to read or download a user's manual for an electronic gadget, or fill out a job application on a corporate web page, chances are you will be using a PDF. PDF is an open specification, meaning that any software company can create tools to edit and view PDF files, not just Adobe, though their Acrobat program and its free version (which can read but not write PDF's) are the most widely used. With luck, this guide will help you create functional (and good-looking) PDF's by understanding the central features of Adobe Acrobat.

Though a vast number of documents are distributed in the PDF format, few, if any, originate with Adobe Acrobat. Instead, most PDF's begin as paper documents which are scanned into Acrobat, or else as digital documents such as MS Word Documents or HTML files. Acrobat, with spartan word processing tools of its own, processes the rich content created by other programs and makes it universally viewable. For example: an average computer user may not own both a copy of Photoshop and Filemaker Pro, however, with a free copy of Acrobat Viewer, they could open a single document containing both a complicated database and high resolution images. A PDF could even contain hyperlinks between areas of an image (such as a map) and specific pages of data (such as census information). You could ask, "Why not use HTML to combine graphics and text?" The answer is that a PDF is a user friendly, self-contained file, unlike the dozens of files necessary to put this HTML page on the web.

Acrobat and the Acrobat Reader. The difference between Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Acrobat Reader is the difference between a CD burner and a CD player. Acrobat has the power to edit and forge new documents, while Acrobat Reader simply displays what has already been created. While Acrobat itself is expensive, Acrobat Reader is widespread and free to download giving anyone with access to the Internet the ability to open a PDF.

Different Kinds of PDF's

There are several kinds of PDF documents. All can be viewed in Acrobat and other PDF readers, but the choice of format determines the way your document is converted and saved. You should choose a format based on the type of document you start out with, and what features people who receive the document will need.


Opening and Importing

It is telling that Acrobat does not have a New Document command. Instead, Acrobat works with the assumption that any document that ends as a PDF will have been created in some other format by some other program. Acrobat can import a variety of files, automatically converting them to the PDF format, while preserving the original fonts, graphics, and in the case of HTML, hyperlinks.

To open an existing PDF File:

To open a non-Acrobat file as a PDF:

Navigating and Re-Arranging Pages

How do you browse a PDF? A PDF file consists of a sequence of numbered pages, that can be navigated sequentially, by instructing Acrobat to open a specific page, or by following a document's internal links. You can also browse a PDF the way you would a web-site, by clicking on Forwards and Back buttons.

To browse a PDF using the Navigation Bar :

The left hand tools move you through the document according to the original sequence of pages.

  • Click  to go to the next page.
  • Click  to go to the previous page.
  • Click  to go to the last page.
  • Click  to go to first page.

The right hand tools move you through the pages you've viewed in the order you viewed them, just like the Forward and Back buttons on a web-browser.

  • Click  to move forwards in your viewer sequence.
  • Click  to move backwards in your viewer sequence.

To open a specific page:

To re-arrange the page-order in a PDF:

To re-arrange the sequence of pages in your PDF:

  • Go to the Thumbnails tab on the Acrobat sidebar.
  • Click on a page and drag it to a new location.

Note: When page sequence changes, Acrobat automatically updates the links within a PDF. In the example on the right, all links which lead to Page 1, now point to Page 2, and vice-versa.

Step One:

Step Two:

Merging Pages from Other PDF's

Using Acrobat, pages can be easily dragged and dropped from one PDF to another.

To insert a page from another PDF file:

Creating a PDF from MS-Office Applications

A quick and convenient way to create an Adobe PDF file is by exporting directly from Microsoft Office programs such as Word or Excel. This tool lets you choose between sending your document, unsaved, to Acrobat for further editing, or saving a finished PDF file directly to a disk or hard drive.

To export a PDF file directly to disk:

To send an Office document to Acrobat:

Scanning with Adobe Acrobat

The Acrobat Scan plug-in lets you run your scanner from inside Acrobat. Paper documents are captured using TWAIN user interface and drivers, the industry standard for most desktop scanners. Before you begin, test that your scanner is properly installed and working outside of Acrobat.

How to scan with Acrobat:

What settings should I use to scan?

Once you have scanned a document, you are ready to perform a paper capture, outlined in the next section. For more information about scanning, see our DMC guide to Scanning Images.

Paper Capture and OCR

What is a Paper Capture? This is Adobe's word for performing O.C.R. on a document (Optical Character Recognition). This option lets Acrobat convert a simple, scanned image into an enhanced PDF file with searchable text. This means that users are able to copy and paste text from your document, as well as performing word searches and counts. Also, searchable can be automatically indexed by Google, a major Internet search engine.

How to Paper Capture:

During the capture process, Acrobat reads bitmaps of text and tries to substitute words and characters for the bitmaps. When it isn’t certain that one of its substitutes is correct, it marks the word as suspect and gives you a chance to accept it as it is or change it. Acrobat keeps the bitmap in the meantime so that no data is lost in the process. The Capture Suspect window will give you an enlarged view of the original scan, and let you compare it to Acrobat's best guess in the body of the PDF document.

If you converted pages to the PDF Normal file type when you captured them, you can correct any text on those pages. Acrobat can identify suspect words to help you find words that may need to be corrected. If you converted pages to PDF Original Image With Hidden Text, you cannot correct text on the pages because the captured text is behind a bitmap picture of the original pages.

An example of an incorrect capture.

How to correct suspect captures:

Capturing documents with Omnipage:

Are there other ways to create PDF files from printed text? Caere Omnipage Pro is a popular and powerful program for performing optical character recognition, just like the Paper Capture plugin of Acrobat, but with a more expansive interface. Omnipage can scan documents directly from paper and export them in the Adobe PDF file format. For help with Omnipage and similar programs, try the DMC Guide to Scanning Text.

Links and Buttons

What is a Link? Adding dynamic links changes a PDF from a static document to an interactive tool. Links allow users to interactively navigate a PDF, jump to locations on the World Wide Web, upload form data, or even run Javascript programs. Basically a link is an onscreen button which performs a certain command when clicked. There are many kinds of links, but this guide will cover the most basic.

To create a Link Button:

To create a Web Link:

To create a link to a different page of your PDF document:

To edit an existing button:

Further Assistance

For further assistance using Acrobat, other document creation software, or other digital media resources, come by the Digital Media Center and browse through our guide collections or ask a DMC staff member for assistance.

For up to the minute information about using PDF's, visit Planet PDF.