Electroporation is the process of generating a strong electrostatic field pulse across a cell suspension placed between electrodes, which causes temporary pores to form in the cell membranes and introduced molecules (e.g. heterologous DNA) to move down the field, whereby a proportion of the molecules/DNA end up inside the cells at the end of the pulse. Electrotransformation is the transformation a bacterial strain with plasmid DNA by means of electroporation.
An electric field E is generated by applying a voltage V to the electrodes in an electroporation cuvette, separated by a distance d, which is the gap between the electroporation cuvette electrodes, generally 1 or 2 mm. As E = V / d, electroporation voltage is the primary tuning parameter for electroporation. The voltage pulse has an exponential decay waveform in simple electroporators. The pulse duration is determined by the rate of the exponential decay, characterized by the time constant (τ) measured by the electroporator during a pulse, which is equivalent to the time required for the pulse to decay to 1/e the peak programmed voltage. Too low a time constant can indicate inefficient electroporation or arcing. Arcing occurs when the sample's electrical resistance is insufficient to maintain the applied voltage separation across the electrodes, causing an electrical current to pass through the cells, which kills them. Cells must thus be washed many times of their salty medium, sometimes additionally grown in low-salt medium to begin with. Electroporators may use arcing protection by dynamically adjusting the RC circuit controlling the electroporation (τ = R × C). More sophisticated electroporators allow additional control of the capacitance and resistance for the RC circuit, or may even allow choice of different waveforms, such as sine (AC) or square (DC) waves.
The Bennett Lab has an Eppendorf Eporator (link to manual).
"Cloning strains", strains that have genetic modifications altering the membrane and other factors for higher transformation efficiency, should be preferred when efficiency is paramount, e.g. DH10B or NEB Turbo. For preparing electrocompetent cells, E. coli may be grown in common broths at 37°C: LB(1)(4)(5), 2×YT(3), or SOB (better without Mg salts)(2), which can produce comp cells with transformation efficiency (TE) of up to 1011 CFU/µg pUC19, suitable for large libraries of small–medium plasmids (3). LB-Lennox (5 g/L NaCl) (1) may be preferable to the more common Miller (10 g/L NaCl), as the lower salt is in line with 2×YT, used for optimizations in (3). A study(2) optimizing electrocomp cell prep for a large, 120 kb plasmid found the highest TE with cells grown at 21°C with SOC+sucrose (1.8·107 CFU/µg TE), which was 10-fold higher than with regular 21° SOC and 500–1000-fold higher than with 37° SOB/SOC/LB/2×YT. For routine comp cells, SOB has an advantage over LB or other rich broths by minimizing the salt that eventually needs to be washed away. Higher TE from omitting Mg from SOB for 37°C growth (2) might be due to excess Mg otherwise associating with the membrane.
The log-phase culture is washed 2–3 times in cold 10% glycerol, before being resuspended to a final OD 10–200, which is a 25–500-fold concentration of the log-phase OD 0.4 culture. The lowest of these (OD 10, 25×) is plenty for complex DNA assemblies, small libraries, and simple genomic editing, while higher cell concentration (OD 25–50, 60–125×) is sufficient for larger libraries and larger plasmids. This can be raised up to tenfold, concentrating a culture 500-fold to OD 200 for transforming the largest DNA libraries (5) (I also measure commercial NEB 10-beta cells at OD ≈200). However, only OD 25–50 was found optimal for a 120 kb plasmid, with a steep drop in TE at higher ODs (2).
Cell washes and the final resuspension are often done in 10% glycerol (confirmed optimal concentration, even against other sugars (2)), which acts as a nonionic medium that provides osmotic balance and is a cryoprotectant allowing frozen storage. An older paper, however, washes cells in 1 mM HEPES pH 7 and finds final resuspension and electroporation in the HEPES gave threefold higher TE over 10% glycerol (5). Efficiency may also be enhanced 4–10-fold by using "GYT medium" (10% glycerol with added yeast extract and tryptone) for the final resuspension(4)(6).
Cold centrifugation is generally done at a low speed to be gentle on the cells. It was found that increasing the speed from 800×g to 2000×g reduced 120 kb BAC construct transformation efficiency tenfold (2) . Still, it is routine for protocols to use 2500×g for shorter time, 5–10 min, as 800–1000×g spins require 15–20 min to make a robust enough cell pellet that is not lost during decanting, especially with glycerol washes, which make slipperier pellets that are prone to be lost.
Competent Cell Preparation
Choice of protocol parameters
- Choose the number of transformation aliquots to prepare n, and choose the volume V of each, typically 50 µL for 1 mm cuvettes, though ≤90 µL can be loaded in the gap of 1 mm cuvettes and ≤400 µL in 2 mm cuvettes (including added DNA volume).
- Choose the cell resuspension concentration, defaulting to OD 50, which requires 125-fold concentration of the log-phase ≈OD 0.4 culture, thus requiring growing a 125nV mL culture.
- Choose a broth and corresponding growth temp based on supporting protocols and required efficiency:
LB-Lennox (lysogeny broth, 5 g/L NaCl) or 2×YT can be used for routine high-efficiency work with small/medium-sized plasmids (3). LB-Miller (10 g/L salt) also works fine. Grow at 37°C. Consider using SOB(Mg–)(2) for more reliably high resistance.
SOC-sucrose adds glucose and sucrose to SOB, which when used in 21°C culture was found to greatly boost efficiency with large plasmid (>50 kb) transformation. - The default three ½-volume glycerol washes may be reduced to two, or ½-¼-¼ washes if large libraries/DNAs are not intended. Washes in HEPES instead of glycerol might be experimented with (5).
- GYT medium for final resuspension might be experimented with for higher efficiency (4)(6).
For n transformations of V volume with X-fold concentration of the culture:
Culture broth of choice, nVX mL:
LB-Lennox (Lysogeny Broth) or 2×YT or
SOB(Mg–)(use at 37°) or SOC-Sucrose (use at 21°):Tryptone 20 g/L – Dissolve with stir bar.
Check pH.Yeast extract 5 g/L – NaCl 0.5 g/L 8.56 mM
KCl 0.746 g/L 2.5 mM Milli-Q water Reserve volume for Mg and sugar solns NaOH, 1 M → pH 7.0 Autoclave 15 min ≤ 1 L, 20 min 1–1.4 L.
Or filter sterilize* after adding components below.MgCl2 sterile 10 mL/L 1 M 10 mM Autoclaved or filtered*.
Omit for Mg– version.MgSO4 sterile 10 mL/L 1 M 10 mM Glucose sterile 20 mL/L 1 M
7.2 mL/L 50%
18 mL/L 20%20 mM
3.6 g/LFor SOC-sucrose only.
Autoclaved or filtered*.Sucrose sterile 80 mL/L 2.5 M
137 mL/L 50%200 mM For SOC-sucrose only.
Autoclaved or filtered*.Store at 4° for best long-term preservation of nutrients.
Aliquots of SOC can be frozen to inhibit contaminant growth. * Detergent-free membranes (PES, NYL, CN) are preferred for filter-sterilization.- Recovery medium: SOC (best), LB or 2×YT (ok, good with added glucose and Mg)
- 10% glycerol, ≥1.5 · nVX mL.
Culture volume × 1½, since three ½-volume washes are prescribed here, though this may be reduced if using one less wash or reducing the sizes of the last two washes. - If you want to try alternative final resuspension/electroporation medium (1 mM HEPES pH 7.0 or GYT medium), prepare nV mL of it. GYT is 10% glycerol, 1.25 g/L yeast extract, 2.5 g/L tryptone, filter-sterilized and stored 4°C(4)(6).
- Culture tubes for precultures.
- Culture flasks large enough to hold growth medium volume.
- Shaking incubator space for the culture flasks, refrigerated if using low-temp growth protocol.
- Only a refrigerated shaker can sustain 18–23°C temperature.
- Ice and ice bucket/tray large enough to swirl flasks in after growth.
- Chilled centrifuge bottles/lids or tubes appropriate for holding culture volumes and balancing.
- Bottles must be able to collectively hold culture(s) without any exceeding 80% capacity. Filling bottles higher will result in leakage into rotor.
- Chilled sterile water to balance multiple centrifuge bottles, if needed.
- 4°C centrifuge and rotor compatible with centrifuge bottles.
- Labeled cryoboxes for comp cell aliquots, prechilled at -80°C.
- (opt.) Liquid nitrogen, dewar, and slotted ladle, if flash freezing.
- Cold block or ice for holding aliquot tubes; ice for holding centrifuge bottles and resuspension tubes.
Alternatively: do final cell resuspension and aliquotting in cold room (4°), using mobile lab bench detailed below. Cold room prep is practically essential for larger scale comp cell preps, it can otherwise be very cumbersome to keep the needed number of aliquot tubes ready on ice or cold blocks. Tubes are difficult to store and manipulate on ice while keeping cold, especially 0.2 mL tubes, and labs only have a few cold blocks if at all. - Materials at the work bench or on a mobile lab bench cart for the cold room:
- n tubes (e.g. 0.2 mL tubes) for cell aliquots, labeled/marked and arranged in clean tube racks. Blade, if planning to cut apart tube strips.
- Extra bag of tubes, for aliquotting any excess comp cell volume, if desired.
- Pipettes/tips appropriate for resuspending and transferring cells
- A 5 or 50 mL tube per strain to hold resuspension.
- (opt.) Electronic repeater pipette and a 5 mL combitip per strain and some extras. Reservoirs, if opting to use a multichannel pipette.
- Micropipette and tips appropriate for aliquot volumes ≥v. (Useful to use up residual volume after using electronic repeater pipette.)
- Ethanol spray
- Paper towels
- Extra gloves
- Trash bin/bag
- (opt.) If flash freezing, box/bag to collect all tubes in before flash-freezing.
- Grow preculture of strain to saturation:
Inoculate a couple mL of chosen broth (~¹∕₄₀₀ nVX culture volume +antibiotics if needed) with colonies (best) or a scrape of frozen stock of the desired strain, and incubate shaking 37°C 8–16 hr until saturated.- Use a fresh, trusted source of the strain. For most reliable results, inoculate a seed culture from colonies/patch from <2 week-old plates streaked from a frozen stock. Plasmid-bearing strains ought to be used from even fresher plates to minimize plasmid mutations.
- Meanwhile, prewarm main culture broth if doing 37° growth.
- Grow culture: measure preculture OD. Inoculate main culture volume ( nvX mL) of chosen broth with ≈0.2–0.4% saturated seed culture, to a final OD₆₀₀≈0.01–0.02.
Incubate 37°C or 18–22°C (depending on protocol), shaking 250 rpm for flasks.
Grow culture to OD600=0.4–0.45 (exponential phase), 3–4 hr at 37°C or 9–15 hr for low-temp. Periodically monitor OD an hour before the range begins.- Cloning strains (rec–) are slower; wilder strains are faster.
- ≈12–15 hr required for 18° culturing, less for higher temperatures.
- Prepare the mobile lab bench cart for the cold room as described. Prechill both the mobile lab bench cart (with its contents) and the centrifuge to 4°C ≥45 min before cell harvest (next step).
- Growth arrest: when the culture reaches OD600≈0.4, quickly move the flask to an ice-water bath and swirl for 10–15 min for large volumes, or until the culture is ice-cold.
- This pre-chilling step can probably be omitted except for the higher efficiencies.
- Harvest: decant into prechilled centrifuge bottles and balance them. Use chilled sterile water if necessary.
Centrifuge 1000×g, 10–20 min (depending on volume) in a prechilled 4°C centrifuge.- 800×g 20 min or 2500×g 5–10 min, depending on volume.
- Check for a pellet. Decant medium away from pellet gently, shaking the bottle to drain, but taking care not to lose the pellet. Absorb the last of the medium clinging to the bottle walls by striking the inverted bottle down on a paper towel and/or aspirating drops away.
Quickly return bottles to ice. - Wash: Gently resuspend cells in ½ the original culture volume (½nVX mL) of chilled 10% glycerol, by swirling.
Centrifuge as in step 5. - Wash cells again (step 6–7).
- Wash cells again (step 6–7).
- You might opt to eliminate the third wash or reduce the last two wash volumes to ¼ the culture volume (¼nVX mL) as in some protocols. CSH writes for one wash in 1 volume in chilled water, then ½ vol glycerol, and finally 1/50 vol glycerol before resuspending in GYT medium. All washes were in chilled 1 mM HEPES pH 7.0 in ref (5).
- Final resuspension: resuspend gently in desired final volume (nv mL) chilled 10% glycerol by swirling and striking, while keeping cold.
- Flat-bottom centrifuge bottles allow easier gentle resuspension of pellets.
- If even higher efficiency is desired, you might experiment with using GYT medium here instead (4)(6). Or 1 mM HEPES pH 7.0 as in (5), but aliquot enough for immediate electroporation at purported higher efficiency, and spike in 50% glycerol to a final 10% for frozen storage of remaining cells.
Perform remaining steps with pre-chilled materials in the cold room for large scale preps and maximum efficiency.
Decant or pipette cells into 5 or 50 mL conical tubes on ice for easier access with pipette for aliquotting. Finish gently resuspending any visible remaining cell clumps using P1000 tip if necessary. - Aliquot into tubes in the cold room (for top efficiency) or on cold block or ice. You can use a repeater pipette or multichannel pipette from a chilled reservoir.
Cap the tubes while they are racked, and slice apart if using tube strips. Minimize touching the tubes to keep them cool. Check that all caps are fully in the tube.
Dislodge tubes from racks into a bag/box without touching the bottom (your hands are warm). This is easiest by pushing them out from the bottom using a spare rack or tip box. - Flash freeze (opt.) in liquid nitrogen for reportedly higher efficiency.
- Flash freezing is reported to retain higher competence of cells in the literature, but simply freezing is not estimated to greatly reduce competence, maybe within twofold [SPB].
- For a dry-ice-ethanol bath, residual ethanol fails to dry from tubes/boxes at -80°C. Freeze tubes in a bag if using this method, and pour tubes into box.
- Store: quickly move tubes to prechilled, labeled -80°C freezer boxes, either directly from 4°C, or if flash freezing, directly ladled out of liquid nitrogen dewar or dry-ice/ethanol bag (so as not to heat tubes).
If not freezing, proceed to transformation right away.
Detergent Residue
See section in Chemical/Heat-Shock transformation (CCMB80 method)
- Thaw comp cell aliquots (50–90 µL) slowly on ice or above cold block for a few min.
You may dilute an aliquot 2–4× with cold 10% glycerol to get more reactions out of it.
Prechill electroporation cuvettes and DNA on ice.
Prewarm recovery medium to 37° (opt.)
Label recovery tubes or block seal. - Add pure DNA to cells and mix twice by pipetting.
- Incubate cold on 1°C block / ice for 1–5 min (opt)
- Load cell-DNA suspension into chilled cuvette.
- Electroporate: tap cuvette on table, wipe electrodes, and immediately pulse at 1.7 kV for 1 mm cuvette.
- Recovery: within a few seconds, resuspend cells in 0.5–1 mL SOC and move to recovery vessel.
Incubate at growth temp, 1 hr shaking, 2–3 hr for nonselective chromosomal edits. - Plate on selective agar and incubate appropriately.
- Thaw comp cell aliquots (50–90 µL) slowly on ice or above cold block for a few min.
- You may dilute an aliquot 2–4× with cold 10% glycerol to get more reactions out of it.
- These may be stored in 0.2 mL "PCR" tubes to minimize space.
Prewarm recovery medium to 37–42° (optional, enhances efficiency)
Label recovery tubes or 24/96-well plate seal.
Pre-aliquot recovery medium in recovery tubes/plate and warm in a heated block or water/bead bath (opt.) - Add pure DNA to cell aliquot and mix twice by pipetting.
- Purified DNA in Tris buffer works as well as DNA in water. 10–50 pg supercoiled plasmid (4). Libraries, up to 1 µg (3). See sources for data on TE vs DNA quantity.
- 0.5 µL of unpurified DNA assembly or digest reaction still gives high enough colony yield for complex cloning or small libraries (1E3 CFU) despite the enzymes and salts, or even high-salt NEBuffer 3.1. Column purification, however, allows all the DNA, less the ~30% purification loss, to be electroporated, and at maximal efficiency in the absence of the salts and enzymes (Shyam). You might alternatively dilute assemblies 2–5-fold first to reduce salt input.
- If avoiding cotransformation events, consider reducing DNA quantity, <10 ng DNA / mL total volume (1)(4).
- Enzyme inactivation may greatly enhance efficiency. Ligase heat-inactivation was found to increase efficiency 260-fold (5).
- Incubate cold on 1°C block or ice for 1–5 min (opt.)
- Purported to raise efficiency somewhat. Skip if cells produce extracellular DNases (EndA) which may degrade DNA.
- More than 1 min does not increase efficiency(1). Elsewhere, 0 (4) or 5 min (3) is used without explanation.
- Load cell suspension between cuvette electrodes while on ice.
- Avoid bubbles during pipetting, as they may cause arcing. Pipette cells into one end of the gap against the clear wall.
- To electroporate, in quick succession before the cuvette warms up do the following:
Tap cuvette firmly on table to level cells into the bottom of the well.
Wipe electrodes with paper towel to remove moisture.
Load cuvette into electroporator cuvette holder in proper orientation and reinsert.- Align cuvette notch with slit in cuvette holder.
- For E. coli, optimum fields are around 1.2–1.9 kV/mm.
- If a pop is heard, arcing has occurred. Discard the cuvette and try again with less DNA or a cleaner, less salty DNA sample. If a clean, control DNA arcs, the comp cells may have too low resistance to use.
- Eppendorf Eporator: default P1 program for 1.7 kV, P2 program for 2.5 kV
- Recovery: within a couple seconds, resuspend cells in 0.3–1 mL recovery medium (SOC) and move to recovery vessel.
- Have a pipette tip loaded or even prefilled with recovery medium.
- A 1 min delay in adding recovery medium reduces efficiency 3-fold; 20-fold after 10 min.
- 37–42°C recovery medium enhances efficiency. You can pre-aliquot it and keep it in a bath/block next to the electroporator.
- Plate on selective agar. For colony isolation, plate only a fraction of the recovery culture and streak generously to single colonies, or streak/spread dilutions; high transformation efficiency can otherwise produce a lawn of cells. Large library plates or entire autoclave bins can be used for generating lawns of cells for libraries.
Incubate plate appropriately.
To wash and reuse electroporation cuvettes:
- Fill cuvette with 10% bleach to brim, no more than 20 min.
Pour out bleach and flick out remnants. - Fill with tap water; flick out water × 5
- Fill with MilliQ water; flick out water × 5
- Dry in a 37° rack
You may not want to reuse cuvettes in which arcing has occurred, as it might have damaged the cuvette.
- Dower, William J., Jeff F. Miller, and Charles W. Ragsdale. "High efficiency transformation of E. coli by high voltage electroporation." Nucleic acids research 16.13 (1988): 6127-6145. https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/16.13.6127
- Nováková, Jana, et al. "Improved method for high-efficiency electrotransformation of Escherichia coli with the large BAC plasmids." Folia microbiologica 59.1 (2014): 53-61. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12223-013-0267-1
- Chai, Dafei, et al. "The optimization system for preparation of TG1 competent cells and electrotransformation." MicrobiologyOpen 9.7 (2020): e1043. https://doi.org/10.1002/mbo3.1043
Note: E. coli TG1 is the immediate parent of NEB Turbo, so its optimizations should apply to it the best. - Green, Michael R., and Joseph Sambrook. "Transformation of Escherichia coli by Electroporation." Cold Spring Harbor Protocols 2020.6 (2020): pdb-prot101220. https://doi.org/10.1101/pdb.prot101220
- Michelsen, Birgitte Koch. "Transformation of Escherichia coli increases 260-fold upon inactivation of T4 DNA ligase." Analytical biochemistry 225.1 (1995): 172-174. https://doi.org/10.1006/abio.1995.1130
- Tung, Wai Lin, and K-C. Chow. "A modified medium for efficient electrotransformation of E. coli." Trends in genetics (Regular ed.) 11.4 (1995): 128-129. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0168-9525(00)89022-8
Protocol adapted from Barrick Lab protocol.
You will need:
- 100 mL LB per 1 mL of competent cells (=20 aliquots of 50 ul each, or 5 mL for every aliquot you want to make), or equivalent amount of LB30
- 160-200 mL (sterile) 10% glycerol (you want >160% of the volume of LB culture you're going to grow) - chill this/keep it on ice
- ice/cold blocks/pre-chilled containers and tubes for aliquoting.
- Grow an overnight culture in LB, etc.
- Inoculate your desired culture volume with the overnight/stationary phase culture (about 1:100 dilution, to an OD of around 0.05)
- Incubate in shaker until the culture reaches mid-exponential phase (OD = 0.4-0.6). This typically takes 2-3 hours.
- Set the centrifuge to 4°C – 20-30 minutes in advance of when you think you'll need it is good. Also take this time to chill tubes and racks, get ice buckets, do anything else you need to do to keep the competent cells cold throughout the process.
- Transfer to 50 mL conical tubes and spin down for (10 minutes at 3500 rcf). Remove and pour off/aspirate supernatant.
- Add 80% culture volume (40 mL per 50 mL tube) of 10% glycerol and vortex to resuspend. Repeat spin cycle.
- Repeat wash cycle 1-4 times.
- Resuspend pellet in final volume of 10% glycerol: 100:1 concentration of original LB culture or 500 ul per 50 mL tube.
- Aliquot into chilled microcentrifuge tubes and place in -80°C freezer.