Setting up
This tutorial shows how to run the matrix multiplication example on, a machine with 8 core Xeon 2.83GHz nodes:
1. First, login to
2. Execute the following to set up your environment variable :
source /users/ds20/public/
3. copy /users/ds20/Rice/hjCncDdfBabelBranch/examples/MMul somewhere, for example in your home:
cp -R /users/ds20/Rice/hjCncDdfBabelBranch/examples/MMul ~
cd ~/MMul
chown -R .
4.Run the example on the login node:
make run
To compile, just execute
make build
You can modify the Makefile CNC_NUM_WORKERS variable to the number of worker threads you desire.
You can modify ~/MMul/user-code/ variable SIZE = 400 to whatever size you want for your matrices.
To submit your task to a queue
To submit your task to a queue you must modify run.pbs from ~/MMul/run.pbs line 11 from:
cd /users/ds20/Rice/hjCncDdfBabelBranch/examples/MMul
to read
cd ~/MMul (or the path to the folder where your CnC-Python example is located)
After you modify run.pbs, you can execute the following commands:cd ~/MMul
qsub run.pbs
For more information on sugar queues, click here.