eMPower Troubleshooting

Alert: Problems with Internet Explorer 8

We are now receiving reports that the most recent release of Internet Explorer, IE 8, may be incompatible with the eMPower web editing software. For best results, please use an earlier version of Explorer or contact webservices@rice.edu for other work-arounds.

I can't see the little green boxes when I'm trying to edit my website.

There are two possible problems:

  • Browser - You must be using Internet Explorer. The eMPower software doesn't work in Mozilla or Netscape, even thought you can logon while using these browsers. Firefox may also not work reliably.
  • Machine - If you are using a Mac, you must be signed into the adterm.rice.edu terminal server using Remote Desktop Connection.

Nothing shows up on the left hand side of the Library when I open it.

Make sure you have Java installed.

When I click on "Check out" or "Library", nothing happens.

Make sure your pop-up blocker is turned off or allows pop-ups from your site.

I'm using a PC and I can't login.

There are two possible problems:

  • Are you using the right username/password? This may not be the same as your Net ID.
  • Are you logging into the right system? Several websites have multiple sign-ins on the same admin page (e.g. a sign-in to eMPower and a sign-on to News Admin). Make sure you're not trying to sign into News Admin with your eMPower user/pass or vice versa.

I'm using a Mac and I can't log in.

First thing: there are 5 steps to signing into CMS on a Mac. Where are you having trouble?

  • Step 1 - Are you using the Remote Desktop Client? If not, you need to be. It can be downloaded from http://www.microsoft.com/mac/otherproducts/otherproducts.aspx?pid=remotedesktopclient*.\* (http://www.microsoft.com/mac/otherproducts/otherproducts.aspx?pid=remotedesktopclient*.*)
  • Step 2- Do you successfully connect to the terminal server?
    • The terminal server is NOTORIOUSLY DIFFICULT to connect to. If you are having trouble with connecting one machine, try another; here are the possible options:
      • adterm.rice.edu
      • adterm-n1.rice.edu
      • adterm-n2.rice.edu
  • Step 3- Do you know their ADRice password?
    • If you've managed to connect to the server (you will know by the blue screen that pops up), an ADRice login window will appear in the blue screen. Are you using their correct ADRice username and password here? It should be the same as their NetID username and password, but if you set up your email account before 2005, it is not necessarily. If your NetID does not work, call or email the Helpdesk (xHELP or 4357, helpdesk@rice.edu) to create/reset your ADRice password.
  • Step 4- Are you at the correct URL?
    • If you've gotten this far, you should open Internet Explorer and go to your website (the cohesion URL, not the alias). To login, you must go to the correct URL (should be something like http://cohesion.rice.edu/school/department/admin).
  • Step 5- Are you using the correct username and password for CMS?
    • Sometimes people confuse their CMS username/password with other various combos. If you need their password changed, contact Web Services at x5184 or webserv@rice.edu.

The link to a document in my library doesn't work.

There are two possible problems:

  • The document file name has a strange character or space in it - this is not allowed!
  • The document file was uploaded into the library on cohesiondev instead of the library on cohesion. Double check your URL to make sure you're on the right server.

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