
Make your check payable to: Women’s Club of Rice University.

Print and fill in this page and bring it with your check to a monthly meeting, or mail them to our FWC Treasurer: Vicky Agee, 2223 Watts Road, Houston, TX 77030

Your Information as it will appear in the Membership Directory

Check here if you DO NOT wish to be included in the directory provided to members     



How would you like to be contacted

for updates on activities, news, etc

Via email

Via US mail

Volunteer Interests

 Check the ones you would like to participate in
 Graduate Student Loan Closet                        
 Children’s Activities (Halloween party and Easter Egg Hunt) 

Your contributions

Please itemize your check for dues and other items:

Area of ContributionPurpose of the fundAmount
Annual Membership DuesFee to cover the Club's annual expenses, such as mailings and events$25
Undergraduate Assistance GrantThis is an annual grant that we offer to a student in need, as indicated by the Dean of undergraduates 
Graduate Loan ClosetThis benefits our program that loans household items to graduate students 
Children’s Programs and ActivitiesThis benefits the Halloween and Easter Egg Hunt parties for children of the Rice community 
General FundThis benefits our general budget, covers unforeseen expenses 
TotalPlease note the total amount on your check 



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