The purpose of the Club is to promote friendship among women of Rice University and to welcome newcomers.

"Well behaved women rarely make history": From our tour of Prof Karin Broker's Printmaking Studio

Join us!

Our membership fee is $25 per year .

You can participate in as many or as few of our activities as you like There is no mandatory participation in any of our events - most of us travel a lot! We will be happy to see you when we see you!

 Click here to fill in a membership form now! 

Founded 1921

Celebrating 95 years of fun and service this Fall!  Keep posted on our various activities to honor our 95th anniversary!

We welcome as members:

Women faculty, staff, active or retired, as well as female spouses, partners or family members of faculty and staff, active or retired. We also welcome female postdoctoral students and female spouses, partners or family members of postdoctoral students.




"Spring Tea Social 2015": at the Cohen House


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