Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Section III, Chapter A

Editing DLC Or or Good Member Copy (GMC)



The bibliographic record is edited to provide the most accurate description of the book in hand.  All pertinent information in the bibliographic record is checked against the book to be sure it matches exactly.  Descriptive information and input standards used by Fondren Library are found in Bibliographic Formats and Standards.



21.1 Locate and verify  Display bibliographic record


Search. Display  To display the appropriate bibliographic record, search Sirsi by any of these:

  • control number
  • author
  • title
  • ISBN number
  • ISSN number (serials)
  • OCLC number.

Verify1.2  Record verification

Verify that you have the correct bibliographic record; match all these elements:

  • author
  • title
  • ISBN
  • ISSN (serials)
  • publisher
  • date of publication (or copyright date)
  • edition
  • DtSt (fixed field)

2.2 Edit fixed field. Check the following:

Elvl (Encoding Level).

  • – for current serials, make sure this = ‘c’.


1.3  Fixed fields

Edit fixed fields, checking:

Elvl.  Encoding Level

  • blank = full level
  • 4 = core level
  • 7 = minimal blank = full level
  • 8 =  CIP

*Lang (*Language). Main language of book (see OCLC/MARC Code Lists for language codes)

DtSt.  Type of date

  • s = single date
  • r = reprint
  • t = pub date and copyright date
  • c = currently published (serials)
  • d = ceased (serials)
  • m = multiple dates

Date 1.  Date 1. Date of publication, copyright or printing date (latest date).  This date will also be  |c of the 260 field and the date in the call number (with the exception of conferences with a 111 Main Entry, where actual date of conference appears in call number)

DtSt (Type of date).

  • s = single date
  • r = reprint
  • t = pub date and copyright date
  • m = multiple dates

(NOTE*: for serials*, Date 1 matches the first date in 362 field instead of 260 |c.)


Ctry.  Place of publication. 2-letter designations for all countries, with the exception of United States, United Kingdom, and Canada.

Examples: fr = France, it = Italy ; txu = Texas, US, enk = England, UK, onc = Ontario, Canada

(see OCLC/MARC Country List for Country Codes)


Lang.  Language – main language of book (see OCLC/MARC Code Lists for Language Codes)


When cataloging DLC/GMC copy it is not necessary to edit the remaining fixed fields.  Further information regarding fixed field codes and usage can be found in OCLC’s manual Bibliographic Formats and Standards (see Reference Sources, Section I, Chapter I for URL or see Cataloging Department’s homepage).

1.4  Variable fields

2.3 Edit variable fields.  Verify and edit the variable fields as follows:


010.  LC control number


020.  ISBN ; number:  the number on the cover of the book takes precedence over the one on the title page verso.  If it is a dual publication, there should be a field for each ISBN number.  There may be separate ISBNs (both 10 & 13-digit versions) for: dual publishing houses, hardback & paperback, as well as E-books.  In some instances the 10-digit ISBN will appear on both book cover and t.p. verso, whereas the 13-digit ISBN will only appear on the cover.  Some libraries continue to place 13-digit ISBNs in an 024 field, with a first indicator of 3.  These should be changed to 020 (no indicator).

022.  ISSN number: standard number for serial (may appear on front or back cover, masthead, title page verso, etc.).

024.  See 020 above

050.  Library of Congress call number


082.  Dewey Decimal call number


086. Government documents classification number  Government Documents Classification Number.  If the book is about an individual state, cataloger can receive it.  If the book deals with the federal government, check with Government Publications to see if they will receive a copy. If  If so, the book in hand should be returned.


090.  Local call number1XX. Main entry

100.  Main Entry -- Personal name; set the first indicator as follows:

100 0_               0    forename

100 1    _               single and compound namessurnames

100 2    _               compound surname (Obsolete)

100 3    _               family name


110.  Main Entry – Corporate name


111.  Main Entry – Conference name.

Name Authority work.  Names must be in exactly the same form as in the Name Authority record. 

  • The cataloger confirms that there is an authority record in Sirsi for names which are not straightforward and for names which have


  • 4xx (qualifying) fields on Library of Congress name authority (LCNA) records. (



  • If the name is not in the Sirsi authority file, search the LCNA file.  If the LCNA contains a 4XX field, report to DBM in one of two ways:
  • Print a copy of the bibliographic record, put the LCNA number at the end of the name, circle the tag (100, 710, etc.), write NA with the date and cataloger’s initials in the upper right-hand corner of the print-out and place in the Database Management basket,


  • or
  • Print name authority record, write NA with the date and cataloger's initials in the upper right-hand corner of the print-out, and place in the Database Management basket to be added to the Sirsi authority file.


  • When there is no authority record in Sirsi or OCLC, print the bibliographic record, circle the tag, put a question mark (?) before the tag, and place in the DBM basket.


  •   Date and initial the print-out.

*130.  *Main entry – Uniform title -

Index terms. Provide as many terms as necessary to be included in the index. Index terms can come from the chapter title or body and should provide good subject access to the chapter.

Page number. The page number is centered in the footer. The page number will automatically index and does not need to be manually edited.

130. Uniform title.  This is the title by which a work is identified for cataloging purposes when the work has appeared under varying titles.  When the work is a translation add a subfield |l with the language of the translation.  When the main entry is an author (100, 110, or 111 field), use field 240 for the uniform title.

Filing indicator. indicators – Check filing indicator, whenever present, for accuracy.  The first indicator in field 130 shows the number of nonfiling characters.  The number of nonfiling characters is equal to the number of characters in the article, plus spaces, punctuation, and diacritics that precede the first significant word.  If the title does not begin with an article, the first indicator is 0.  Current practice is to enter a uniform title without articles and use 0:.

130 0   _0  Blaue Engel.

240.  Uniform title .  This is the title by which a work is identified for cataloging purposes, when the work has appeared under varying titles.  As in the 130 (Main Entry) field above, if the work is a translation there must be a subfield l with the language of the translation.  In the 240 field the second indicator shows the number of nonfiling characters; current practice, as in the 130 field, is to enter the uniform title without article and use second indicator 0.


245.  Title statement

            |a  title as it appears on the title page of the book in hand.

Wiki Markup
            \|a  \[*serials*\] if title on piece differs, replace 245 with newer title and move old title to a 247 note.

            |b subtitle(s) - use a colon to separate subtitle elements; use = to separate parallel titles.

            |c statement of responsibility - authors, editors, photographers, translators, anyone who contributed to the book - separate elements with semicolons.

Wiki Markup
            \|c \[*serials*\] if issuing body on piece differs, replace 245 with current name and include superseded information in a 550 note.\\

Filing indicators –
Indicator 1.  In a 245 field the first indicator shows whether there is to be an added entry for title, i.e. whether a 1XX field is present. 
Indicator 2. The second indicator shows the number of nonfiling characters; be sure to check the . NOTE:  Check filing indicator, whenever present, for accuracy.

The filing indicator shows the number of nonfiling characters.  The number of nonfiling characters is equal to the number of characters in the article, plus spaces, punctuation, and diacritics that precede the first significant word.  If the title does not begin with an article, the filing indicator is 0:.

245 00  00 Essays on Adam SmithKant.

(no 1XX field, no beginning article)

100 1_  Kant, Immanuel,|d 1724-1804.

245 10  Essays on actions Notes and eventsfragments.

(1XX field, no beginning article)


|a = Title as it appears on the title page of the book in hand.

|b = Subtitle(s); use a colon to separate subtitle elements; use an equals sign (=) to separate parallel titles.|c = Statement of responsibility: authors, editors, photographers, translators, anyone who contributed to the book; separate elements with semicolons.

246.  Varying form of title.  Form of Title – Enter varying forms of the title here – : portion of title, cover title, etc.  Do not enter initial articles in subfield | a.      For a title with an ampersand or numeral in the first 5 words of the 245 field, there must be a 246 with “and” or the numeral spelled out:.


245 00  Me & my shadow

246 3_  3   Me and my shadow

245 00  1001 Arabian nights

246 3    One thousand one …

Second filing indicators (246):

            _0 = portion of title

            _1 = parallel title

            _2 = distinctive title (serials)

            _3 = other title (serials)

            _4 = cover title

            _5 = added title page

            _6 = caption title

            _7 = running title

            _8 = spine title           

   One thousand one Arabian nights

260.  Publication, distributionDistribution, etcEtc.

            |a    place

            |b    publisher/distributor - taken from the title page, t.p. verso, or colophon

            |c date of publication

Wiki Markup
            \|c \[*serials*\] if place and/or publisher differs, update 260 and include superseded

            information in a 500 note.


*|*c    263.  Projected date of publication (month & year)

300. Physical description.   Check and edit as necessary.  For CIP cataloging, fill in required elements.  Physical Description

|a    pagination - number of consecutively numbered pages; 1 v. (various pagings) for non-consecutively  numbered pages

|b   ill. - maps, plates, any illustrations

consecutively numbered pages.  Plates are noted here, following pagination, with the number of plates in brackets if unnumbered in the book, or unbracketed if numbered

Wiki Markup
300     xvi, 250 p., \[8\] p. of plates …\\

            |b ill. – any illustrations (with maps noted specifically)

            |c |c    size of the book in centimeters. If size is 42 cm or larger, item type is OVERSIZE

Wiki Markup

|e    # and type of computer disk, if applicable:

            \|e \[# and type of computer disk\]:\\

;|c24 cm.       300     … +|e1 computer disk (3 ½ in.)


;|c24 cm.      300     … +|e1 laser optical disc (4 ¾ in.)

4XX. Series statement.


400. Personal name

410. Corporate name

440. Title entry if title is traced; second indicator shows number of non-filing characters

For CIP cataloging, fill in required elements of the 300 field as above.

Wiki Markup
*310. * Current Publication Frequency \[Serials\] -- Make sure frequency matches that described in item; if different, put current frequency in 310 and move old frequency to 321; add subfield \|f to both notes to indicate dates each frequency was in effect.


Wiki Markup
*362*.  Dates of Publication and Volume Designation \[Serials\] -- Check numeric/chronological designation against item; if different, either add new numbering to this field or describe in a 515 note. \\

362 0  Vol. 1, no. 1 (June 1962) – v. 29, no. 4 (Mar. 1991); no. 116-

First filing indicators (362):

            0_ = formatted

            1_ = unformatted

400, 410, 411.  Series Statement / Personal, Corporate or Conference Names.


440.  Series Statement / Added Entry – Obsolete field.  Use 490 field now for all series statement.

490.  Series Statement – Title 490. Title entry if title is not traced or is traced differently; the first .  First indicator shows whether series is not traced or is traced in a different form.

First filing indicators (490):

490             1_   Lectures in science(series = Series title traced differently ; - there will also be is an 8xx field).490

            0_   Lectures in science(series = Series title not traced)

500.  General note. Note:  Any notes which will further describe features of this particular work (for examples, see section "5XX see 500 Notes We Find Useful").                     


504.  Bibliography, etcEtc. note           Note

505. Contents notes.  Titles   Contents Notes: titles and authors of articles or chapters in the book.

Wiki Markup
*515. * Numbering Peculiarities Note  \[Serials\] -- For frequency changes too complicated for the 362 field.\\

546.  Language notes.

590586. Local   Awards notes.

590Include gift Gift notes, notes indicating temporary locations, status  (‘currently "Currently on CD STO-decision shelf’ ; ‘defective copy’shelf" ; "defective copy"), or notes for accompanying materials (see "Mixed Media").

6XX.  Subject fields are checked for typos and egregious errors.

600, 610, 611. Names  Names must meet guidelines for name authorities . (See 100 field discussion),

 7XX.  Authors, editors, contributors to the book.  Names must meet name authority guidelines or print-outs must be sent to DBM (See 100 field discussion).

Wiki Markup
*780, 785*.  \[Serials\]. If a previous or later title is included in a linking field, search Sirsi for these titles also; if earlier or later holdings are found, consider treating as a title change rather than as an entirely new record. \\

800.  Series added entry, personal name.   Traced  Traced form of series title from 490.  Indicators are same as for 100 field.


830.  Series added entry, uniform title.  Traced form of series title from 490.  Second indicator shows number of non-filing characters.



For Good Member Copy (GMC), follow same procedures as above.  Special care should be paid to both call # numbers and subject headings for validity and accuracy.  Also, any purely local subject headings (easily identifiable by unusual indicators or by language other than English) should be deleted.


In general, follow the procedures for DLC or GMC as given above.  However, for certain fields, use the following guidelines for continuing resources.

4.1 Locate and verify record


Search. In addition to the options listed above, use:

  • ISSN (instead of ISBN)

Verify. Follow the procedures listed above, except use:

  • ISSN (instead of ISBN

2.2 Edit fixed field. In addition or instead of the procedures above, check the following:

Date 1. For serials, this date should match the first date in the 362 field, not the publication date given in field 260 |c.

Date 2. For current titles, this field should contain the numbers: "9999".  For titles that have ceased, it should contain the date of cessation from the 362 field.

DtSt (Type of date). Continuing resources use only the following values in this field:

  • c = currently published
  • d = ceased
  • u = status unknown

2.3 Edit variable fields.  In addition to the field guidelines given above, verify and edit the following fields:

022. ISSN. Standard number for serial.  This may appear on the front or back cover, masthead, title page verso, etc.

245. Title statement.


|a = Title.  If title on the piece differs from the title in the bib record, use the newer title in the 245 field and move the old title to a 247 field.

|c = Statement of responsibility.  If the issuing body on the piece differs from the one in the bib  record, use the newer issuing body in the 245 field and include the superseded information in a 550 note.

260. Publication, distribution, etc.

|a = Place. If the place of publication on the piece differs from the record, use the newer place in the 260 field and include the superseded information in a 500 note.

|c = Publisher/distributor.  If the publisher on the piece differs from the record, use the newer publisher in the 260 field and include the superseded information in a 500 or 550 note, as applicable.

310. Current publication frequency.  Make sure the frequency matches that described in the item.  If it differs, put the most current frequency in field 310 and move the old frequency to field 321.  Add a subfield |b to both notes to indicate the dates each frequency was in effect.  If the exact dates are unknown, give the first and/or last dates available and include in angle brackets:

310     Monthly,|b <2002->

321     Bimonthly,|b 1995-

362. Dates of publication and/or sequential info.  Check the numeric/chronological designation in this field against the item.  If they differ, either add the new numbering to this field or describe in a 515 note, as applicable:

362 0_  Vol. 1, no. 1 (June 1962)-v. 29, no. 4 (Mar. 1991); no. 116-

362 0_  Vol. 1, no. 1 (June 1962)-

515     Vol. numbering dropped in 2000.

Indicators.  The first indicator indicated whether the note is formatted or unformatted. 

0    formatted; the first and/or last issue is in hand

1    unformatted; the first and/or last issue is not in hand, but the info. is known

362 0_  Vol. 1, no. 1 (June 1962)-v. 29, no. 4 (Mar. 1991).

362 1_  Started with v. 1, no. 1 (June 1962); ceased with v. 29, no. 4 (Mar. 1991).

There can be up to two 362 fields (one with each indicator) in the bib record.

362 0_  Vol. 1, no. 1 (June 1962)-

362 1_  Ceased with v. 29 in 1991.


515.  Numbering peculiarities note.  Use this note for frequency changes too lengthy or complex to indicate in the 362 field.

550. Issuing body.  Include information about the issuing body if one exists.  An issuing body is the agency or institution responsible for the content of the work; it may or may not also be the publisher.

580.  Linking entry complexity.  Use this field for notes on title splits or mergers, or for title change information too complex to indicate in the 7XX fields (see below).


Prepared by:  Robert Estep

Last updated:  September 20, 2011

Index Terms:  Editing, DLC copy, CIP copy, GMC copy, fixed fields, variable fields, ISBN, ISSN, OCLC control number, call number, main entry, name authority, title, uniform title, date of publication, series, 5XX cataloging notes.

Prepared by: Robert Estep

Last updated: September 16, 2011

Index Terms: