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Wrapper classes for the HJ-CnC runtime used by Babel while generating SIDL server/client code


SIDL files used by the program. This includes the SIDL file for the runtime wrapper classes as well as the Step and Item Collections for the current program


The java client generated from the SIDL files used by the HJ program to call into the python implementation


The generated python files that are invoked from the HJ program


This is the only directory the user should need to edit. It will contain template files for the python Steps as well as an application class to attach start and end event handlers. The even handlers are used to place values from the environment into Item Collections and read results back from Item Collections.


The generated HJ files that manages code to make native invocations into the python implementations using the Babel runtime. The user launches the CnC-Python program using a generated script that invokes the generated HJ main class.

Back to the example, once the translator completes running there should be the following files in the user-code directory:

Code Block

class Application:
  def onStart(args, oddNums):
    # TODO fill out the body of the function
    # e.g. operation on output item collections: anItemCollection.put(aTag, aValue)
    # e.g. operation on tag collections: aTagCollection.putTag(aTag)

  def onEnd(primes):
    # TODO fill out the body of the function
    # e.g. operation on input item collections: anItemCollection.get(aTag)
    # e.g. operation on input item collections: anItemCollection.printContents()


Code Block

class ComputeStep:
  def createAwaitsList(tupleContainer, tag ):
    # TODO fill out the body of the function
    # e.g. tupleContainer.add(itemCollection, tagValue)
    # e.g. operation on item collections: anItemCollection.get(aTag)

  def compute(tag , outPrimes):
    # TODO fill out the body of the function
    # e.g. operation on input item collections: anItemCollection.get(aTag)
    # e.g. operation on output item collections: anItemCollection.put(aTag, aValue)
    # e.g. operation on tag collections: aTagCollection.putTag(aTag)
    return True

Rename both files to and The provides the onStart and onEnd functions. The function signatures are determined by detecting the environment interactions in the CnC graph. The onStart function also provides access to any command line arguments used while launching the program. The file provides the file the user needs to edit to provide the Step implementation. A Step needs to implement the createAwaitsList and compute functions. The createAwaitsList function allows the user to specify the input data dependences on Item Collections. Once these dependences have been satisfied the compute function will be invoked.

Below are simple implementations for the two python files:

Code Block

import time

class Application:

  startTime = 0
  endTime = 0

  def onStart(args, oddNums):
    # e.g. operation on output item collections: anItemCollection.put(aTag, aValue)
    # e.g. operation on tag collections: aTagCollection.putTag(aTag)
    if len(args) > 0:
      firstArg = args[0]
      print("py: processing " + firstArg)
      intValue = int(firstArg)

      Application.startTime = time.clock()
      for i in xrange(3, intValue, 2):
      print("py: usage FindPrimesMain <num_items>")

  def onEnd(primes):
    # e.g. operation on input item collections: anItemCollection.get(aTag)
    # e.g. operation on input item collections: anItemCollection.printContents()

    Application.endTime = time.clock()
    elapsedTime = int((Application.endTime - Application.startTime) * 1000)
    print "py: Elapsed time:", elapsedTime, "ms"


Code Block

class ComputeStep:
  def createAwaitsList(tupleContainer, tag ):
    # e.g. tupleContainer.add(itemCollection, tagValue)
    # e.g. operation on item collections: anItemCollection.get(aTag)
    # no dependencies, do nothing

  def compute(tag , outPrimes):
    # e.g. operation on input item collections: anItemCollection.get(aTag)
    # e.g. operation on output item collections: anItemCollection.put(aTag, aValue)
    # e.g. operation on tag collections: aTagCollection.putTag(aTag)
    candidate = int(tag)
    if ComputeStep.isPrime(candidate):
      outPrimes.put(str(candidate), candidate)
    return True

  def isPrime(n):
    for k in xrange(3, n, 2):
        if n % k == 0:
           return False
    return True

Please refer to the Partition-String example to see an example of how to implement the createAwaitsList function.

Running this program with an input of 100 should produce the following output:

Code Block

Running FindPrimesMain
Starting FindPrimesMain...
FindPrimesMain execution time: ... ms.
FindPrimesMain ends.
py: processing 100
py: Elapsed time: ... ms
Contents of py:FindPrimes.PrimesItemCollection [size=24]
'11' = 11
'13' = 13
'17' = 17
'19' = 19
'23' = 23
'29' = 29
'3' = 3
'31' = 31
'37' = 37
'41' = 41
'43' = 43
'47' = 47
'5' = 5
'53' = 53
'59' = 59
'61' = 61
'67' = 67
'7' = 7
'71' = 71
'73' = 73
'79' = 79
'83' = 83
'89' = 89
'97' = 97