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These are listed in the order of importance.


  1. LSC:
    1. Kerry Keck will notify the person who is working on the LSC tasks that a new serial pull list is available. To access said list, the person will need to login to Libstaff. Once done,log in to Libstaff. Once done, go to the following - About Fondren Library› Departments› Technical Services› LSC Processing Tools› Journals - and then open the documents or Excel spreadsheets that Kerry had notified the person about. Print the documents. Check each title to look for possible problems such as a wrong call number or volume holding that differ from the pull list.
    2. When all titles have been checked, write on the top of the first page "Okay to pull," the current date and your initials, and place the list on the DBM bookshelf under the "New Lists" sign. Email James Springer that the list is ready to be picked up by LSC staff.
    3. LSC staff will pull the books and return the finished list to the DBM shelf. Look over the finished pull list to update the holdings and handle any other problems. There may be a separate sheet with call numbers and barcodes of books not found in the Stacks (the first time they were looked for). LSC staff writes these on that piece of paper. The LSC will look for them again and if they are found, the items will be scratched through. If they are not found the second time, the items will need to be checked in Sirsi to see if the item is checked out. If the item is checked out, then place a DBM hold on the item. If they are charged to Missing or Lost, place a note in the Staff section of the record: "If found, send to DBM for LSC."
    4. Do the same for monographs and monographic serials ("serial books") lists, checked by Kerry Keck and printed by the LSC staff.
    5. Handle problems that are brought by the LSC staff, including wrong call numbers, wrong barcodes, and books needing repair.
    6. Check out the LSC and LSC-SPECL books. This is done in Sirsi in the Circulation module. Check out the books to the username LSC-INPROC.
    7. Handling the LSC Daily reports. Every a report will be run and emailed to DBM. This report provides the number of volumes charged to LSC and the number not charged. LSC refers to this list as the "bad barcode list." At the bottom of the list a line titled "Count of Items for DBM to fix." If there are any barcodes listed below the above title, then the location needs to be changed to the appropriate location which is usually from STACKS to LSC or WRC to LSC-WRC. If there are a large number of WRC books, the LSC staff should fix these, and James Springer will let DBM know when that has been done.

2. Box Work (detailed instructions)
Handle catalogers' requests for changes in call numbers, change of location, withdrawal of earlier editions. An example: from Reference to Stacks, or withdrawal from Fondren.

3. WRC barcode linking 

The WRC staff will bring barcodes that need to be linked to their UA (University Archives) and MS. (Manuscripts) records. Call up the record by either call number or title. If there is only one barcode that needs to be linked, overlay the number in the Item ID section and save the record. If there is more than one barcode to link, overlay the first item in the record. Then, in Call Number and Item Maintenance, add the rest of the items by adding Call Numbers. Under the Call Number/Item tab, in the Call Number Information section, the classification needs to be Alphanum. In the Item Information section, the type needs to Restricted and the Home and Current Location needs to be WRC. When all the items have been linked, notify the WRC staff member who gave you the records. If needed, be sure to change the number of boxes and the linear feet in the bibliographical record.

4. West Project (Non-Archive-Builder) 

Kerry Keck will notify the person in charge of this project that new lists are in the West folder. This folder is located in the T:/TechServ./Cataloging/West. Open and print any word documents that are not in the completed folder. In Sirsi, in the Cataloging module, in Modify title, look up each record. Change the location of each item to Withdrawn. If there are any that are LSC-ANLYTC, change that location to Withdrawn as well. In the extended information, add a staff note that says "Send to WEST xx-xx-xx" with the xx being the date of withdrawal. Then update the MARC holdings.

5. Books charged to Missing, LSC-Missing, or have DBM hold for LSC 

Discharge any books that are found by Circulation that have been checked out to Missing or LSC-Missing, or when there is a DBM Hold on a checked out book that needs to be moved to the LSC. Lately, Circulation has been discharging the Missing and LSC-Missing books before they are brought to DBM, but they do include a printout or note that states the previous status of the book. An example of such a note is "Book was charged out to Missing" or "Book was charge out to LSC-Missing." All books that have been checked out to Missing should have a staff note saying "If found, send to DBM for LSC." The book may also have a call number of other problem associated with it. Make any necessary corrections. The Home location will need to be change to LSC and the books will need to be charged out to LSC-INPROC.

6. Art Books with Stacks location

A report runs the first of each month listing Art books with type Book and location Stacks. Pull it up from Finished Reports and print it out. Look for volumes with barcodes – most of the other items can be ignored, i.e. (View for Holdings), National Geographic, Personal books, items without real barcodes. Check Stacks to see if books are there. The call numbers classified in the N schedule or PN1993.4-1999 (unless location is Reserve), selected TR (artistic photography), TH, TS, RA967, SB466-472, Z679, as well as any materials designated for ART should be cataloged to the Art location If found in Stacks, take the volumes to correct the location and label, if necessary. Change Location to Art and Type to Art-Book. Add Art to call number on title-page. Have the book re-marked if necessary.

7. Replacement Books

Circulation or a CD staff member will bring books that have been lost and have been replaced. If the replacement book is identical to the lost book, withdraw the lost book and add the replacement book as a call number. Note- there may still be a Circ hold on the lost book. Go to “Remove item hold” and remove it, then change location to Withdrawn. Catalog the replacement copy as usual: i.e. put call number and order number on title page of the replacement volume as usual, barcode and link to record. Place it on the cart that is going to the Marking Table.

In the bibliographic record, put a note in Staff notes for the withdrawn copy: “Lost and withdrawn. Replaced (date)” In the replacement copy, say “Replacement for lost book (date)” If a replacement copy hasn’t been received, say “Lost and withdrawn (date) To be replaced per xx”
If the replacement copy is a different edition, find a record for it in OCLC, transfer, and catalog as usual. Place a note in Staff note section: “Replacement for …. (date or edition being replaced).”

8. Work on "|z" problems

SIRSI does not supply |z before a date in a call number, and this is a problem with serials or monographic sets that go to the LSC. If the |z is not in the record, patrons can't access the volumes through the public recall process. These are fixed when they are found by Kerry or by Reference staff when the problem is identified through a patron request. Usually the CD staff member e-mails the details to DBM. Sometimes Mang can perform a global change, but often, if some have the |z in the correct place and others do not, they must be fixed one at a time.

9. Items Not in the Catalog

Circulation or other staff may find books that are not in the catalog and bring them to DBM. First check by all search methods to make sure there is not a call number problem. If the item is not in SIRSI, go to OCLC, find the appropriate record, export it, run the report, and catalog it as usual. Some books may have been off the shelf for years and may not have a barcode, so add one and link it to the record.

There are some books with no record in OCLC. These will be given to a cataloger for original cataloging.

10. Leisure Books

Jane Segal will bring a truck of Leisure Books a few times a year to be returned to vendor. The records are deleted from the catalog (not just withdrawn) and the books go to Mike Vessels to be shipped back to vendor. Do not count in the Withdrawn statistics.

11. Delete leading articles in titles

Usually series titles or added titles, or 740 – "The, A, An, Die, Der, Das, El, Los, La, Le," etc. Very low priority.

12. Correct misspellings and typos

When brought to my attention by CD staff, or when I have time to work on words that are often misspelled.

13. Special Projects

Please refer to the Special Projects section to reference this information.