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Reference Sources and Quick Links

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The department's own homepage contains resources accessible on-line. The LCNA, OCLC'™s Bibliographic Formats and Standards, US MARC code lists, and the CONSER Editing Guide and CONSER Cataloging Manual are but a few of the useful references available through our homepage.


AACR2 is the former source of rules for descriptive cataloging.  œ"The rules cover the description of, and the provision of access points for ... library materials" (p. 1)  It details when to use and how to determine the correct form of names and uniform titles. The definitive glossary and rules governing capitalization, abbreviations, and use of numerals in catalog records are found in the appendices.


Cataloger's Reference Shelf

Past and present publications of the Library of Congress, such as manuals, instructions and guidelines.

Cataloging Service Bulletin. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress.

This quarterly publication of the Library of Congress incorporates revisions in both descriptive cataloging practice and subject cataloging usage. Each issue contains an index to all the current Library of Congress Rule Interpretations, the new interpretations, and revisions to the LC subject headings. Publication ceased with no. 128, Fall 2010

Cataloging Policy and Support Office, Library of Congress. Free-floating Subdivisions: An Alphabetical Index, 19th ed. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 2007. (Online version can be found in Cataloger's Desktop and in Classification Web.)

This list is an index to the free-floating subdivisions in the Subject Cataloging Manual, including a listing for each subdivision of the free-floating lists where it appears. It also contains citations for subdivisions with specific instruction sheets in the Subject Cataloging Manual.

Cataloging Policy and Support Office, Library of Congress. Index to the Library of Congress Cataloging Service Bulletin. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress.

This supplies a subject index to the CSB through Fall of 1996.

Dick, Gerald K.  LC Author Numbers. Castle Rock, Co.: Hi Willow, 1992.

In this guide to numbers assigned by LC to literary authors entries include indication of literary tables for prolific authors.

Cataloging Policy and Support Office, Library of Congress. LC Period Subdivisions under Names of Places, 5th ed. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 1994.

Compiled from the online subject authority database at LC, this list contains only those time period subdivisions for materials which are in LC and "is, therefore, a list which is continually being revised." The preface contains a useful general discussion of period subdivision.

Cataloging Policy and Support Office, Library of Congress. Library of Congress Classification Schedules. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress. (Main classes of the Library of Congress Classification Schedule can be found here)

In these schedules the classification scheme of LC is set forth.  The P schedule is accompanied by a separate volume of tables, Language and Literature Tables, with its own Additions and Changes.  Many of the other schedules contain tables to be applied to their class numbers.

Cataloging Policy and Support Office, Library of Congress. Library of Congress Rule Interpretations (LCRI), 2nd ed. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 1989. (Please refer to Cataloger's Desktop for up-to-date information.)

LCRI are interpretations of AACR2 for Library of Congress descriptive catalogers.  A cumulative index to current interpretations is published in each issue of Cataloging Service Bulletin. Publication ceased with update 3 in 2010.

Cataloging Policy and Support Office, Library of Congress. Library of Congress Subject Headings, 30th ed. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 2007.

LCSH lists the subject headings used at the Library of Congress. The introduction to volume I contains a discussion of subject headings, references, subdivisions, and pattern headings.  The quarterly CSB (see above) updates the annual edition with revisions to the LCSH and lists of subject headings of current interest.  The most current listing is LCSH Online, which we access via Cataloger'™s Desktop.

œMARC Standards.   Library of Congress.

Provides technical documentation for the MARC standard, including MARC Code Lists for countries, geographic areas, languages, organization, relators, and sources.

Cataloging Policy and Support Office, Library of Congress. National Union Catalog. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress.

Beginning with the Pre-1956 Imprints (known as Mansell for its publisher) and continuing through 1982, "the National Union Catalog represents the works cataloged by the Library of Congress and by the libraries contributing to its cooperative cataloging program during the period of its coverage."  Use as a possible source for cataloging of older works when they are not to be found in OCLC, but keep in mind the cataloging may not conform to current rules.

Cataloging Policy and Support Office, Library of Congress. Subject Cataloging Manual: Shelflisting, 2nd ed.  Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 1995.

œA set of guidelines for shelflisting library materials in the ... Library of Congress - this offers guidance on creating call numbers.

Cataloging Policy and Support Office, Library of Congress. Subject Cataloging Manual: Subject Headings, 5th ed. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 1996.
