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This guide was created by the staff of the GIS/Data Center at Rice University and is to be used for individual educational purposes only.

The steps outlined in this guide require access to ArcGIS Pro software and data that is available both online and at Fondren Library.

The following text styles are used throughout the guide:

Explanatory text appears in a regular font.

  1. Instruction text is numbered.
  2. Required actions are underlined.
  3. Objects of the actions are in bold.

Folder and file names are in italics.

Names of Programs, Windows, Panes, Views, or Buttons are Capitalized.

'Names of windows or entry fields are in single quotation marks.'

"Text to be typed appears in double quotation marks."

The following step-by-step instructions and screenshots are based on the Windows 7 operating system with the Windows Classic desktop theme and ArcGIS Pro 2.1.3 software. If your personal system configuration varies, you may experience minor differences from the instructions and screenshots.

Obtaining the Tutorial Data

Before beginning the tutorial, you will copy all of the required tutorial data onto your Desktop. Option 1 is best if you are completing this tutorial in one of our short courses or from the GIS/Data Center and Option 2 is best if you are completing the tutorial from your own computer.

OPTION 1: Accessing tutorial data from Fondren Library using the gistrain profile

If you are completing this tutorial from a public computer in Fondren Library and are logged on using the gistrain profile, follow the instructions below:

  1. On the Desktopdouble-click the Computer icon > gisdata (\\ (R:) > Short_Courses > Analyzing_Spatial_Patterns.
  2. To create a personal copy of the tutorial data, drag the Patterns folder onto the Desktop.
  3. Close all windows.

OPTION 2: Accessing tutorial data online using a personal computer

If you are completing this tutorial from a personal computer, you will need to download the tutorial data online by following the instructions below:

Tutorial Data Download

  • The dataset is too large to host. Please email for other options.
  1. Click above to download the tutorial data.
  2. Open the Downloads folder.
  3. Right-click and select Extract All....
  4. In the 'Extract Compressed (Zipped) Folders' window, accept the default location into the Downloads folder and click Extract.
  5. Drag the unzipped Patterns folder onto your Desktop.
  6. Close all windows.

Spatial Statistics in ArcGIS Pro

Opening an Existing Project

  1. On the Desktopdouble-click the Patterns folder.

  2. Double-click the Patterns.aprx project file to open the project in ArcGIS Pro.

  3. In the Catalog pane on the right, expand the Databases folder.
  4. Expand the Patterns.gdb geodatabase.
  5. Right-click the CensusTracts_MTTW_2014 feature class and select Add To New Map.

This layer provides boundaries for all of the census tract boundaries in Harris County. For more information on census tracts, review the Introduction to Census Geographies course.

  1. In the Contents pane on the left, right-click the CensusTracts_MTTW_2014 layer and select Attribute Table.

The attribute table provides data on the percentage of workers 16 and older who commuted by driving alone, carpooling, or taking public transportation.

  1. On the ribbon, click the Analysis tab.
  2. On the Analysis tab, within the first Geoprocessing group, click the Tools button.

Notice that the Geoprocessing pane has opened on the right as a new tab on top of the Catalog pane. Typically, you would use the 'Find Tools' search box at the top of the Geoprocessing pane to search for the name of the tool you'd like to use, but, at times, especially when learning the software, it can be helpful to view the full hierarchy of all the tools available, because you will often discover related and helpful tools that you didn't know existed and wouldn't know to search for. You might also completely forget the name of a tool, but be able to locate it based on the hierarchy. For these reasons, we will be manually navigating the toolboxes throughout this tutorial. The more typical workflow of searching directly for a specific tool is covered at the end of the Introduction to Geoprocessing tutorial.

Spatial Autocorrelation (Moran's I)

  1. At the top of the Geoproccessing pane, click the Toolboxes tab.
  2. Click the Spatial Statistics Tools toolbox > Analyzing Patterns toolset > Spatial Autocorrelation (Global Moran's I) tool.
  3. In the upper right corner of the ‘Merge’ tool, hover over the Help ? button.
  4. (Help)

The Spatial Autocorrelation tool evaluates whether data is clustered, dispersed, or randomly distributed based on both feature locations and feature values simultaneously.

Percent Commuting Alone By Car

  1. For 'Input Feature Class', use the drop-down menu to select the CensusTracts_MTTW_2014 layer.
  2. For 'Input Field', use the drop-down menu to select the Percent_CarTruckOrVan_droveAlone field.
  3. Check Generate Report.
  4. Click Run.

Once the tool has finished running, you will see a message at the bottom of the Geoprocessing pane, indicating that the tool has completed with warnings.

  1. Click the arrow to the left of the tool name to expand the messages.
  2. (Pic ToolMessages)

Percent Commuting By Carpool

As the Geoprocessing pane doesn’t reset after a tool has finished running, it is easy to rerun tools with slightly modified settings. In future versions of ArcGIS Pro, batch processing is also supported, which facilitates multiple runs of the same tool within a single interface.


  1. For 'Input Field', use the drop-down menu to select the Percent_CarTruckOrVan_carpooled field.
  2. Check Generate Report.
  3. Click Run.

Percent Commuting By Public Transportation


  1. For 'Input Field', use the drop-down menu to select the Percent_PublicTransportation field.
  2. Check Generate Report.
  3. Click Run.

Incremental Spatial Autocorrelation

Percent Commuting Alone By Car


Check Report

Percent Commuting By Carpool


Check report

Percent Commuting By Public Transportation


Check report

High/Low Clustering (Getis_Ord General G)

Check all "Generate Report" options for all following

Percent Commuting Alone By Car


Geoprocessing, results, current session, open report file

Pay attention to the “General G Summary” table, which shows this is a “low-clusters” scenario.

Percent Commuting By Carpool


Check report

Pay attention to the “General G Summary” table, which shows this is a “high-clusters” scenario.

Percent Commuting By Public Transportation


Check report

Pay attention to the “General G Summary” table, which shows this is a “high-clusters” scenario.

Hot Spot Analysis (Getis-Ord Gi*)









Using Race_CensusTracts Dataset

  • First is to find the Distance Band or Threshold Distance by using “Incremental Spatial Autocorrelation”.

Geoprocessing -> ArcToolbox -> Spatial Statistics Tools -> Analyzing Patterns -> Incremental Spatial Autocorrelation.

Check the  report and threshold distance is 24962.

  • Hot Spot Analysis

Geoprocessing -> ArcToolbox -> Spatial Statistics Tools -> Mapping Clusters -> Hot Spot Analysis (Getis-Ord Gi*)


  • Result:


2)    Point_CrimeRate

Using Freeways and total_crimes Datasets

  • Aggregate crime data prior to analysis

Since the crimes are coincident points, we use Integrate with the Collect Events tool to aggregate the data.

But before aggregating, it is very important to make a copy of the original input data before proceeding, because the Integrate tool modifies the input dataset by changing the locations of the input features.

Step 1 Copy Features

  • Geoprocessing -> ArcToolbox -> Data Management Tools -> Features -> Copy Features
  • Fill the dialog in as follows:
  • Click OK
  • Data symbology for the copied features:

Step 2 Integrate

  • Geoprocessing -> ArcToolbox -> Data Management Tools -> Feature Class -> Integrate
  • Fill the dialog in as follows:

A good rule of thumb for the XY tolerance is to consider the accuracy of your data. In this case, all crimes were reported by blocks and were geocoded at centers of blocks. Multiple points can be stacked in the same location. Therefore, we will set XY tolerance to 0 for the aggregation.


Step 3 Run Collect Events

  • Geoprocessing -> ArcToolbox -> Spatial Statistics Tools -> Utilities -> Collect Events
  • Fill the dialog in as follows:
  • Click OK (Notice that the output from Collect Events is rendered with graduated circles reflecting the number of incidents at each point)
  • Geoprocessing -> ArcToolbox -> Spatial Statistics Tools -> Mapping Clusters -> Hot Spot Analysis (Getis-Ord Gi*)
  • Result:

Note that hot spot doesn’t mean high value. A has a feature with low value, but surrounding neighbors all have high value, which will cause a significantly high mean value than the global mean for this spot. It depends on the scale of the analysis.

Optimized Hot Spot Analysis

1)    Polygon_Race_Percent_of_White

Using Race_CensusTracts Dataset

  • Geoprocessing -> ArcToolbox -> Spatial Statistics Tools -> Mapping Clusters -> Optimized Hot Spot Analysis
  • Result

2)    Point_CrimeRate

Using Census Block Groups and total_crimes Datasets

Version 10.3 and 10.4 have “optimized hot spot analysis tool”, which automatically aggregates data first and does hot spot analysis for points data. For this tool, we will aggregate data by census block groups.

  • Geoprocessing -> ArcToolbox -> Spatial Statistics Tools -> Mapping Clusters -> Optimized Hot Spot Analysis
  • Result:

Cluster and Outlier Analysis (Anselin Local Morans I)

1)    Polygon_Race_Percent_of_White

             Using Race_CensusTracts Dataset

  • Geoprocessing -> ArcToolbox -> Spatial Statistics Tools -> Mapping Clusters -> Cluster and Outlier Analysis (Anselin Local Morans I)
  • Result:

2)    Point_CrimeRate

Using “AggregatedTotalCrimes” dataset, which was generated during the Hot Spot Analysis.

  • Geoprocessing -> ArcToolbox -> Spatial Statistics Tools -> Mapping Clusters -> Cluster and Outlier Analysis (Anselin Local Morans I)
  • Result:
  • No labels