Fall Technology Dual Delivery Updates

This site is dedicated to keeping everyone updated on the technology and the rooms that are being outfitted with technology for the dual delivery teaching in Fall 2020.

Learning Spaces

The dual teaching classrooms use the following equipment (pictures available here):

  • Webcam/camera – there are a number of different types of cameras, but the committee was able to settle on two types
    • A large camera that will be mounted near the back of the room that captures the front and can zoom in on the whiteboard as well as the instructor. This camera will be used in medium to large size classrooms.
    • A web camera that will be mounted at or near the podium to pick up the faculty teaching or the students in class will be used in smaller discussion type rooms.
  • Microphones in the classroom to pick up the students speaking in class
    • In most classrooms, microphones will be mounted in the ceiling to pick up the students in class as well as the faculty speaking. Faculty not having to share a lavalier microphone was very important to faculty.
  • A large monitor on a rolling cart so that the instructor and/or students can see and interact with remote students. The faculty member will be able to adjust the monitor as they wish.

The first set of rooms has been identified for Phase 1 and 2. These are some of the larger classrooms that will be utilized for fall. These classrooms are currently being upgraded.  Each room being used will be assessed on which type of camera, monitor, and microphones will be in the room as each classroom configuration may differ based on size and existing set up. We welcome faculty feedback; let us know if you want to test the set up.  The registrar classrooms list can be found here. The departmental spaces that are being upgraded can be found here.

Teaching studios will be setup in a number of smaller Registrar spaces for faculty that wish to teach from them for remote teaching. These can be requested by emailing registrar@rice.edu. Pictures of these teaching studios can be found here

If you would like to test the equipment, please email teaching@rice.edu to schedule a time to test.

Teaching and Scholarly Learning

Teaching and Scholarly Learning has expertise in Canvas LMS administration, classroom software, course design, support, and accessibility. Our services include researching and vetting online tools, training, educational systems development, Canvas support, and course delivery. We deliver workshops on a variety of topics and tools. 

Training (including workshops, one-on-one sign ups, and recorded training) for Canvas, and other educational technology tools, can be found on Canvas Training Calendar. These workshops include:

  • Introduction to Canvas

  • Assignments and Quizzes

  • Media (Kaltura and Zoom)

  • Collaboration Tools

  • Accessibility

  • and more

For more information or resources you can contact us directly by emailing teaching@rice.edu, or calling 713-348-4989 (select option 2). For ideas about, and help with, the most common technological tools for teaching at Rice, please visit our 2020 Course Delivery Training site.


Faculty Input


Phase I & II rooms

Teaching Studio Rooms

Departmental Spaces

Installation Photos

Teaching Studios

Dual Delivery FAQ and Training Resources


Learning Environments resources for teaching

Rice Online Learning resources for teaching

Center for Teaching Excellence resources for teaching

Revised Fall 2020 Academic Calendar

Office of the Registrar Preparing for Fall 2020 guide




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