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Section V, Chapter H

Leisure Reading Collection


The Leisure Reading Collection was created in response to a campus-wide survey of library users and is designed to meet the needs of users wanting some alternative, non-academic, and lighter reading.

Leisure Reading Collection consists of a small collection of popular fiction and nonfiction.  The perpetual size of the collection is intended to be at a little over 300 titles, although the contents themselves will fluctuate as new titles are added and older and less popular titles are removed and returned to the vendor.


2.1  Frequency

Approximately 10-15 new titles are received every 6-8 weeks, and are delivered to the Senior Copy Cataloger responsible for their processing.

The records for these titles are made available through the FTP (file transfer protocol) procedure.

2.2  Appearance

The books arrive with a clear plastic cover over the dust jacket, both of which are kept on the book throughout its stay in the library.  Each book also arrives with a green call number spine-label and a circulation check-out slip already affixed to the inside back cover.  The spine label does not include the publication date in its call number.  Each shipment also arrives with a packing slip listing author/title, but without individual vendor slips.


The Senior Copy Cataloger will first match the items in-hand and the packing slip against the titles in the FTP report.  After verification the report is then loaded into Sirsi using bibload report “leisurebooks.”


4.1  Cataloging

Leisure Books are not ‘cataloged’.  Subject headings (if any) and genre terms, along with all other information appearing in the bibliographic record, is left as is.

4.2  Marking

The barcode is attached over the plastic cover.

On the circulation check-out slip the publication date in the call number is blacked out with a marker.

4.3  Volume and copy

If title is new to Fondren’s collection:

            a) go to Vol/Copy screen

            b) delete publication date in call number well

            c) scan barcode

            d) click on ‘okay’

If title is a duplicate to a permanent item in Fondren’s collection:

            a) add as Call Number (deleting the publication date in call number well)

            b) continue with steps c-d, as above

If title is a duplicate to a previously received Leisure Book:

            a) add as Copy 2    

The ‘leisurebooks’ bibload report automatically supplies the ‘type’ and ‘location’ information (see below, section 5.3).

4.4  Post-processing disposition

Once processed, books are delivered directly to the Scatter Room (bypassing the Marking Table) and placed on the ‘Leisure Books Shelf’ located there.


5.1  Control screen

Title control # begins with a small letter ‘l’, followed by the LCCN

‘Date cataloged’ remains ‘NEVER’

5.2  Bib screen

Local holdings (049 field) appears as:

          049 __ |hFON-RENTAL

Along with ‘|vFiction’ subject headings and Genre index terms, there will typically be 2 521 fields, as follows:

    Interest age level: 521 1_ Adult.

    Interest grade level: 521 2_ Adult.

Again, the bib screen for Leisure Books requires no editing.

5.3  Vol/Copy screen

Call number: (no publication date should appear)

Example: call number: PS3553 .O51165 E35

Location and Type information appears as:

                   type: RENTAL                

          home location: LEISUREBKS

              item cat1: RENTAL

              item cat2: [blank]

       current location: LEISUREBKS


On a periodic basis a Reference Librarian will select those items which are older or less popular and these will be removed from the Leisure Reading Collection.  They are delivered to the Database Management Associate for record/item deletion.  They are then returned to the vendor via the Acquisitions Department.

Prepared by: Robert Estep

Last updated: July 17, 2007

Index Terms: Leisure Books, leisurebooks bibload, ftp

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